D-Lib Magazine
September 1998ISSN 1082-9873
Clips & Pointers
Contributed by:
Report on Multimedia Education Workshop, September 12, 1998, Bristol, UK
Edward A. Fox
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia
[email protected]
Rachelle Heller
The George Washington University
Washington, DCA small group interested in multimedia, education, and digital libraries met on Saturday, September 12, 1998 just prior to the ACM Multimedia '98 Conference in Bristol England to explore issues related to the National Science Foundation (NSF) grant: Curriculum Resources in Interactive Multimedia (CRIM) (http://www.cstc.org/~crim/). This grant, awarded by NSF's Division of Undergraduate Education to Virginia Tech, with a subcontract to The George Washington University, is a two-year effort, which began early 1998. Its goal is to build a digital library of educational resources to support teachers and learners interested in multimedia and to facilitate preparation of curriculum in the multimedia field. CRIM is closely allied with another project, Computer Science Teaching Center (http://www.cstc.org/~cstc/), which is developing a digital library of resources (including lab activity descriptions, visualizations, and visualization tools) in the computing field. Both CRIM and CSTC have many aims in common with the NSF effort to build a digital library to support undergraduate Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education (SMETE) Library; see http://www.dlib.org/smete/).
Co-principal investigators Fox and Heller led the one-day workshop attended by participants from Egypt, Germany, Luxemborg, and the USA. Results of the meeting were presented at the Annual Meeting of SIGMM on Tuesday, September 15th, as part of the SIG's Education Committee report.
In addition to preparing a plan to develop, refine, and build consensus on curricula related to multimedia, the workshop recommended collecting resources for the digital library through some interesting techniques, including:
- developing a relationship between this effort and the ACM Digital Library, so that eventually the two digital libraries are closely allied;
- asking those presenting papers, posters and demonstrations at ACM Multimedia '98 to contribute to the CRIM repository;
- setting up a special part of the ACM Multimedia '99 programs of demonstrations and posters, to focus on those that have pedagogical value, soliciting submissions from educators; and
- seeking donations to give awards to those non-commercial submissions that have the greatest pedagogical value.
The digital library supporting CRIM and CSTC is being developed at Virginia Tech based on work on the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD); see http://www.ndltd.org. Metadata is tagged in accordance with the Dublin Core. OCLC is providing technical assistance.
For more information, please refer to the WWW materials on CRIM or contact Edward Fox ([email protected]).
Metadata Tools and Free Demo of WebTide Available
Contributed by:
Cheryl Croft
Tidal Zone Associates, Inc.
Landover, Maryland
[email protected]
Tidal Zone Associates, Inc. announces the availability of a free demonstration version of its WebTide metadata management system, which enables users to create, organize, and edit the information that describes their data holdings. WebTide proposes to simplify the painstaking process of complying with metadata standards by using graphical user interfaces that have built-in attribute definitions, valid values, and table structures.
The WebTide Limited Demonstration Edition is now available on the Tidal Zone web site (http://www.tidalzone.com/downloads.html) in both Macintosh and PC versions. The demo contains limited versions of WebTide's two standalone tools: "Create Tables" and "Enter Metadata". The "Create Tables" tool is used by metadata managers to customize WebTide to their enterprise needs. The WebTide demo implements the Federal Geographic Data Committee's Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata by providing data entry screens for all required information, and by allowing creation of custom data entry screens for optional information. The "Enter Metadata" tool allows users to easily build, change, import, export, and validate metadata records.
"We developed WebTide because the other metadata entry tools on the market presume a lot of knowledge on the part of the person using them," says Tidal Zone president Cheryl Croft. This made sense in the past, when there was a smaller community of people with expertise in their data model responsible for entering metadata into their organization's data systems. But that role is changing now that metadata standards are becoming more pervasive. For instance, the FGDC standard is now required by 13 government agencies, and is widely used by other organizations as well. "There are a lot of people providing the information that don't have in-depth knowledge of the metadata model or the standard, but they do have expertise on the data," says Croft. "We put in a lot of help features and guidance so these occasional users could become experts readily."
WebTide features not included in the Limited Demonstration Edition include the 'Map Schema' tool, used for migrating legacy metadata into new management systems. The full WebTide solution, available later this year, can be obtained in both standalone and client-server modes. WebTide is also fully configurable, and can be customized to implement any data model or standard, and to work with any database management system.
FGDC Tables Publicly Available
In addition, Tidal Zone Associates has developed a set of HTML tables that contain FGDC definitions, attributes, and terms that make navigation of this information easier for metadata managers who use the FGDC standard. Tidal Zone is sharing these tables with the FGDC community and is making them publicly available through their web site.
The FGDC definitions were extracted from the original documentation and organized into three HTML tables. One table provides the definitions for the compound elements, or "groups" of metadata attributes. The second table contains the definitions of each attribute, along with the metadata values that are valid for the attribute. The third table contains a glossary of terms used in the group or attribute definitions. Hyperlinks have been created between these three tables so that a user can more readily locate the descriptions and context of the individual terms employed in the FGDC metadata standard.
For more information about Tidal Zone's metadata tools, see (http://www.tidalzone.com).
Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS), Special Topic Issue: Social Informatics in Information Science
Richard Hill
American Society for Information Science
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
[email protected]Volume 49, Number 12 (October 1998)
Guest Editors: Rob Kling, Howard Rosenbaum, and Carol Hert
- Social Informatics in Information Science: An Introduction
Rob Kling, Howard Rosenbaum, and Carol Hert- Information Technology, Employment, and the Information Sector: Trends in Information Employment 1970-1995
Stana B. Martin- Collaborative Information Retrieval: Toward a Social Informatics View of IR Interaction
Murat Karamuftuoglu- IT and Changing Professional Identity: Micro-Studies and Macro-Theory
Geoff Walsham- Collaboration and Conflict in the Development of a Computerized Dispatch Facility
Andrew Clement and Chris Halonen- Work, Friendship, and Media Use for Information Exchange in a Networked Organization
Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman- The Impact of Gender, Occupation, and Presence of Children on Telecommuting Motivations and Constraints
Patricia L. Mokhtarian, Michael N. Bagley, and Ilan Salomon- Contexts of Uninhibited Online Behavior: Flaming in Social Newsgroups on Usenet
Joseph M. KayanyThe ASIS home page <http://www.asis.org> contains the Table of Contents and abstracts (if available) from January 1992 (Volume 43) to date.
The full text of JASIS is available at <http://www.interscience.wiley.com> from 1986 (Volume 37) forward. One must register, but there presently is no charge.
This site includes the full text of JASIS and other Wiley journals. You may also set up a personal home page which allows you to:
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To view the JASIS articles full text, one must click on the "view articles" button at the top of the Title/Abstract page.
The complete sequence, after logging on and going to the JASIS page is:
- select issue to view;
- select title of article;
- select the "view article" button at the top of the page above the abstract.
The article will then appear in Adobe Acrobat.
In Print
Guidelines for Cataloging VIVA Electronic Collections The Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) released the latest version of its cataloging guidelines in July. These have been officially endorsed by the VIVA Steering Committee. Topics addressed by the document include: Background, Criteria for Cataloging, Standards and Options, Serials Examples, Monographic Examples, Ongoing Publications, Collection Management Issues, Bibliography, and an appendix on MARC fields.
RDF Model and Syntax Draft Specification Two revisions to these specifications were released this summer, one in July and the second in August. The July version is a substantive improvement over a previous draft and considered a significant milestone toward the completion of the final specification. Revisions contained in the August document are more modest. Both documents are available at the site.
Library Services for Distance Education The NODE Learning Technology Network [http://node.on.ca] is a not-for-profit electronic network facilitating information and resource-sharing, collaboration and research in the field of learning technologies for post-secondary education. The site provides current, comprehensive information for learners and practitioners engaged in technologically-mediated teaching and learning. The page devoted to remote education contains:
- A collection of guidelines developed by library associations
- Practical examples of ways in which public libraries, academic libraries and other institutions are implementing library services for distance education
- An annotated bibliography of articles which discuss this issue
- A selection of electronic mailing lists dedicated to various aspects of library service for distance education
- Descriptions and links to relevant Special Interest Groups.
Digital Formats for Content Reproductions, Carl Fleischhauer, Technical Coordinator, National Digital Library Program, Library of Congress This document is one of several background, technical studies that cover the development of the Library of Congress' digital conversion activities during the years 1996 through 1998. The ideas and approaches herein described represent the collection-digitization effort of the American Memory pilot program (1990-1994) and the operational National Digital Library Program (1995-1998), which has followed the pilot. It is part of an ongoing effort that is expected to continue to evolve. Among the topics covered are formats for pictorial materials, textual materials, maps, sound recordings, and moving-image materials.
Australian Government Locator Service (AGLS) and Manual for Users AGLIS is a metadata standard for Australian government agencies and departments. The manual defines the semantics of each of the 17 AGLS descriptive elements and provides advice on how AGLS metadata can be created and deployed. First made available in August 1998, it is expected that the document will be revised in late 1998 and 1999 pursuant to user feedback. The manual is currently available in two formats: PDF and HTML.
Middle English Compendium Hosted by the University of Michigan with funding from the U.S. National Endowment for the Humanities, the Middle English Compendium has been designed to offer access to and interconnectivity among three major Middle English electronic resources: an electronic version of the Middle English Dictionary, a HyperBibliography of Middle English prose and verse, based on the MED bibliographies, and an associated network of resources. The MED and the Corpus are encoded in SGML using the Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines. The first installment (currently online) includes 1,073 HyperBibliography entries covering 1,526 copies of Middle English texts, 15,940 MED entries covering M-U (more than one-third of the projected complete print MED), and 42 searchable texts in the Corpus. The Compendium is currently available for free during this testing period (until December 31, 1998); after this time, it will be available by institutional site license only through the University of Michigan Press.
Economic and Social Impacts of Computing and Communications
Contributed by:
Eileen Collins
Senior Assessment Studies Coordinator and Manager
Division of Science Resources Studies
National Science Foundation
Arlington, Virginia, USA
[email protected]In 1996, the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Science Resources Studies (SRS) and the Computation and Social Systems Program in the Foundation's Division of Information and Intelligent Systems asked the National Academy of Sciences to explore existing evidence about the social and economic outcomes of computing and communications and to establish a baseline for possible further study. The project report, "Fostering Research on the Economic and Social Impacts of Information Technology," has now been completed and is available on the National Research Council web site at (http://www2.nas.edu/cstbweb). The report includes findings from the workshop convened for the project, background papers prepared for the workshop, and an extensive bibliography.
The SRS effort is summarized in "Impacts of Information Technologies" which has been up-dated and placed on the SRS web site (http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/stats.htm). Click on "Data Briefs and Reports" and then look under "Special Reports and Papers." An earlier SRS paper, "Charting the Impacts of Information Technology," is also posted under "Special Reports and Papers" on the SRS site. It provides a preliminary overview of the analytical challenge inherent in assessing the impacts of information technologies and an informal summary of the kinds of impacts that have been identified in prior work.
The Nordic Metadata Project; Final Report The Nordic Council for Scientific Information, NORDINFO (http://www.nordinfo.helsinki.fi) has supported the Nordic metadata project (http://linnea.helsinki.fi/meta), the first international project to build Dublin Core-based tools. This report describes the project. Expert organisations from all Nordic countries co-operated in order to solve a set of common problems and provide new kinds of services suitable for all of them (and also for users outside Scandinavia). The applications developed in the project are being actively used in Scandinavian countries in national or regional metadata initiatives. In June, NORDINFO, which funded 50% of the Nordic metadata project, decided to support also a follow-up project, Nordic metadata II. This two-year project will start in the autumn.
Dublin Core Metadata for Resource Discovery The Dublin Core is a 15-element set of descriptors that has emerged from the Dublin Core Metadata Workshop Series, an effort in interdisciplinary and international consensus building. This is the first of a set of Informational RFCs describing the Dublin Core. Its purpose is to introduce the Dublin Core and to describe the consensus reached on the semantics of each of the 15 elements. The document provides information for the Internet community. It does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.
EC DECOMATE II project: End of specification phase Contributed by:
José Luis Copete
Secció de Projectes
Servei de Biblioteques
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Bellaterra, Spain
[email protected]The Telematics for Libraries-funded project DECOMATE II: Developing the European digital library for economics, finished its specification phase in August 1998. The goal of DECOMATE II is to develop an end-user service which provides access to heterogeneous information resources distributed over different libraries in Europe using a uniform interface, leading to a working demonstrator of the European Digital Library for Economics.
The following reports are available to the public in electronic form (both HTML and PDF formats) at the project's web address: http://www.bib.uab.es/decomate2
- Analysis of digital resources. This report outlines the digital resources available at the local sites of the project participants, including an analysis of these digital resources and their suitability to the development of the project.
- Scope of Decomate II contents. The report identifies the type of materials and resources to be included in the service, and includes a short study on its main characteristics in view of potential problem areas that can be encountered.
- User study design. The report outlines the methodology to be used to gather both qualitative and quantitative feedback, and outlines a preliminary timetable for the user study.
- User requirements, system architecture and conceptual design. This report describes the user requirements and contains the description of the system environment and conceptual design of the system.
Project manager:
Mr Joost Dijkstra
Tilburg University Library
Tilburg, The Netherlands
[email protected]Dissemination contact:
Mrs. Núria Gallart
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Servei de Biblioteques
Bellaterra, Spain
[email protected]
Digitisation Forum Online Supported by Australia's Cultural Network and Arts SA, this site serves primarily those working in Australian cultural institutions, engaged in digitisation projects. Among the material on the site are background and technical papers, links to other institutions in Australia involved in these activities, a calendar of events, and access to relevant discussion lists. Among the topics covered are: technical standards, cataloguing, indexing and metadata, preservation and archiving, migration and storage, access, navigation and finding aids, copyright, intellectual property, authenticity, hardware and software, and budgeting.
The New Athenaeum, a global depository for Internet Resource Guides This is a self-organizing central registry of Internet guides on a wide variety of topics from children's literature to professional papers. The purposes of the site include:
- establishing a metaguide, a guide of Internet guides
- highlighting the endeavors of libraries and librarians
- pooling intellectual resources via hyperlinkage
- reducing reliance on search engines by presenting reviewed information in a concise, accessible format
- encouraging the sharing and comparing of Internet resource management techniques
- providing Internet user wide arrays of authoritative sources selected solely for content
- creating a universal research tool while promoting a diversity of cultivated materials and preserving the right by information professionals and accessors to uniquely present and retrieve those materials
Sites included in the New Athenaeum are arranged by the Dewey Decimal System.
Goings On
The Second European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries will be meeting in Crete on September 19-23, 1998. The plenary sessions and selected parallel sessions will be broadcasted live. To view, users will need to have RealPlayer installed. Detailed information, including the broadcast programme, will soon be available from the conference web pages, http://www.ics.forth.gr/2EuroDL.
This conference is the second of a series of European conferences on research and technology for digital libraries funded by the European Commission's TMR Programme. It is organized by the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), by the Institute of Computer Science of the Greek Foundation for Research and Technology -- Hellas (FORTH) and by the University of Crete. The Conference will convene until the afternoon of Wednesday 23 September.
A digital library constitutes a quantum quality leap over a simple electronic collection of books and journals. It is an active super-entity composed of active or passive information objects that live scattered around the world and are accessible through the Worldwide Web. Examples of such information objects are: documents in digital form together with their readers' annotations and the responses of their creators; sounds and pictures -- moving or still -- with their descriptions and their annotations; programs with their animation graphics and sample inputs for experimentation; collaboration environments for research (e.g., teleguidance of a roaming underwater autonomous vehicle off the Mediterranean coast and collection of its measurements to feed a mathematical model for the prediction of coastal pollution) or entertainment (e.g., virtual reality games on the Internet).
The Alexandrian "daughter library" was established about 235 BC by Ptolemy III in the Temple of Sarapis, with the ideal of an international library -- incorporating not only all Greek literature but also translations into Greek from the other languages of the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and India. The scholars of Alexandria had immediate access to an enormous collection of works by the standards of their time. In theory, all these works were accessible by the scholars even without the library -- provided they found a copy of the work they were searching somewhere in the world, something practically impossible most of the time.
In a similar way, an abundance of information objects lives, evolves, grows and dies in the ocean of the Worldwide Web. In theory, humans can seek them through Internet's "search engines". And if they are lucky enough find them, interact with them. However, in reality, this has become increasingly difficult, as the number of objects and the size of Internet grow geometrically with time.
A digital library acts as an agent for both humans and information objects in cyberspace. The creators of the information objects can entrust their creations to the digital library, which safeguards their authenticity, protects them from plagiarism, and ensures their promotion and evolution as conceptual artifacts that interact with others in the world. The digital library informs all entities, human or otherwise, about the information objects that it supports. It negotiates and enters into contractual agreements with other digital libraries for the exchange of access rights to objects.
This drastically new understanding of libraries is expected to have a dramatic social and economic impact worldwide. Creators' intellectual property rights, publishers' commercial rights, the very nature of publishing, citizens' access rights, the nature of the public library and the museum are some of the areas that are being reexamined and redefined. The enforcement of the access rights of the citizens of the emerging Information Society becomes paramount, through access techniques tailored to the individual needs, capabilities, dexterities and requirements of the users.
Our Conference aims to become an international Forum -- not simply European -- where these important issues can be discussed among researchers from multiple disciplines whose science relates to the development of digital libraries; to provide an opportunity for these scientists to form a research community in Europe specific to digital library development; to enable review and discussion of research under way in Europe, the USA, Japan and other countries on digital libraries; to establish a forum for discussion of issues specific to Europe such as interoperability, multilinguality, intellectual property policy, and electronic commerce.
Participation has tripled since last year and there are 450 participants coming from 45 different countries. Out of 107 submitted papers, 35 were accepted after rigorous evaluation by an international Program Committee.
Some of the important presentations and demonstrations at the Conference are the following:
- Acquarelle, a digital library for cultural material that was built by a large European consortium with the participation of ERCIM, museums and publishers.
- ERCIM's multilingual digital library for the Computer Science Technical Reports.
- The second generation of Digital Library architectures, based on Java and Corba technologies, such as the Aurora architecture proposed by the "Pleiades" research group of FORTH and the University of Crete, or the FEDORA system proposed by a research group at Cornell University, USA.
- White papers on the research agenda for Digital Libraries, prepared by the joint efforts of European and American working groups with support from ESPRIT in Europe and NSF in the US.
Information about the Conference and the program are available at http://www.ics.forth.gr/2EuroDL. The plenary sessions and other selected parallel sessions will be webcasted from http://www.ics.forth.gr/2EuroDL/live.html/
Christos Nikolaou
Program Chair, ECDL98Electronic Publishing of Datasets on the World Wide Web, October 12 - 14, 1998, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA Collections of machine-readable numeric data are becoming increasingly important in academic and research libraries, a point underlined by the federal government's emphasis on electronic distribution of information. This workshop will examine models and methods for distributing social science data on the World Wide Web (WWW) in ways that are meaningful, convenient to the user, and efficient for the organization. This workshop will cover the following areas:
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
- Data and Data Structures
- The Common Gateway Interface (CGI)
- PERL (a programming language)
Further information, including background materials and links to relevant resources, is available at the web site.
1999 Information Resources Management Association International Conference; May 16 - 19 , 1999; Hersey, Pennsylvania, USA. Call for papers closes October 16, 1998 The theme of the conference is "Managing Information Technology Resources in Organizations in the Next Millennium". Full-length papers, research-in-progress proposals (abstracts or summaries), and panel, workshop, tutorial or symposium proposals are invited in the following tracks:
- Accounting Information Systems
- The Human Side of Information Technology
- Global IT Management
- IT Management in Developing Countries
- Emerging Technologies Management
- IT in Asia-Pacific Countries
- Strategic IT Management
- Telecommunications and Networking Technologies
- Information Technology Management in Healthcare
- Database Management Technologies
- End-User Computing
- Decision Support Technologies
- Information Technology in Libraries
- Computer-Aided Software Engineering Tools
- Multimedia Computing
- Object Oriented Technology
- Information Technologies Education
- Distance Learning Technologies
- Information Technology Innovation and Diffusion
- Software Process Improvement
- Internet & Intranets
- Project Management
- Information Modeling Methods and Methodologies
- Web-based Learning/Teaching
- MIS Reengineering Management
- Information Security and Ethics
- IRM in Government
- Electronic Commerce
Third IEEE Meta-Data Conference April 6 - 7, 1999; National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Call for papers closes October 15, 1998. The goal of this conference is to encourage discussion of metadata-related issues. Topics of interest include the following:
- Metadata Management
- Application-specific issues of metadata
- Emerging applications in Global Information Infrastructure
- Standards
- Working Systems demonstrating any aspects related to metadata
Electronic submission is required. Further detail on content and submission procedures are available via the web site.
ASIS 1998 Annual Meeting: Information Access in the Global Information Economy; October 24-30, 1998; Pittsburgh Hilton, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
In addition to plenary sessions by Herbert A. Simon and Hal Varian, topics of sessions and papers at this conference include (but are not limited to):
- The Ethics of Access: Global Perspectives
- Knowledge Discovery in Databases - Tools & Techniques to Assist in Collaboration
- Globalization, Information Technologies and Evolving Partnerships Between Large Companies, and Small and Medium Size Enterprises
- Taxonomies and Automatic Classification
- Political and Social Implications of Information Access
- Genre and Description
- UNICODE: Present Standards, Implementation Issues and Future Directions
- Children and Educational Information Usage
- Electronic Scholarship
- Global Economies and Electronic Commerce
- Research On the New Interfaces for Information Visualization Moved from Monday
- Accessing Full-text: Integrating Electronic Resources
- Advances in the Social and Organizational Informatics: Implications for Information Science
- Improved Internet Access: Guidance from Research on Indexing and Classification
- Theories of Information Science
- Using the Web for Global Business Intelligence
- Designing Discipline-Oriented Information Systems Two Models: Agriculture Center (AgNIC) and the Center for Electronic Resources in African Studies (CERAS)
- Globalization, Information Technologies and Evolving Partnerships Between Large Companies, and Small and Medium Size Enterprises
- Does User Modeling Research Impact IR Systems Design?
- Information Retrieval Technology
- International Trends and Issues in Classification and Subject Analysis Research
- Information Usage and Bibliometrics
- User Information Interaction
- Classificatory Structures and the Construction of Reality: Applications and Integration into LIS Schemes
- Intellectual Property Hearings
- Digital Libraries in the K-12 Evironment
- Information Retrieval of Non-Text Documents and IR Visualization
- Accumulation Economies: Issues in the Economics of Web Link Collections
- Theory and Practice in the Organization of Image and Other VisuoSpatial Data for Retrieval to Metadata
- Cross Language Applications and Large Scale Vocabularies
- Evaluating Services
More information on registration, abstracts of papers, and related issues can be found at the web site.
Gay S. Tracy
School for Scanning - New Orleans: Issues of Preservation and Access for Paper-Based Collections
Public Relations Coordinator
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Andover, Massachusetts, USA
<[email protected]>
December 7-9, 1998
Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre
616 St. Peter Street
New Orleans, Lousianna, USAThe conference is funded in part by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities. It is co-sponsored by The Getty Information Institute, the Historic New Orleans Collection, the National Park Service, and SOLINET.
This conference offers participants training in:
- The Basics of Digital Technology;
- Deciphering Digital Jargon;
- Content Selection for Digitization;
- Legal Issues of Digital Technology;
- Text and Image Scanning;
- Quality Control and Costs;
- The Essentials of Metadata;
- Digital Preservation: Theory or Reality;
- World Wide Web Publications;
- Multi-versioning.
Audience: Librarians, archivists, curators, interpreters, historic preservation specialists, registrars, or other cultural or natural resource managers. No prior knowledge of digital media is required.
Faculty: Steve Dalton, NEDCC; Howard Besser, University of California at Berkeley; Steve Chapman, Harvard University; Paul Conway, Yale University Library; Walt Crawford, Research Libraries Group; Franziska Frey, Image Permanence Institute; Anne Gilliland-Swetland, UCLA; Melissa Smith Levine, Library of Congress; Wendy Lougee, University of Michigan; Jan Merrill-Oldham, Harvard University; Marc Pachter, Smithsonian Institution; Chuck Patch, Historic New Orleans Collection; John Price-Wilkin, University of Michigan; Steve Puglia, National Archives and Records Administration; Roy Tennant, University of California at Berkeley and Diane Vogt-O'Connor, National Park Service.
Cost: The cost of the conference is $255 for early bird registration, post marked by October 15, 1998, and $325 for late registration, deadline November 18, 1998. All participants will also be responsible for all their travel and lodging costs. The number of participants is limited and registration applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. The conference carries 18.5 contract hours of ICRM Certification Maintenance Credits Hours.
Pointers in this Column
1999 Information Resources Management Association International Conference
May 16 - 19 , 1999
Hersey, Pennsylvania, USAAmerican Society for Information Science (ASIS)
ASIS 1998 Annual Meeting: Information Access in the Global Information Economy
October 24-30, 1998
Pittsburgh Hilton, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USAAustralian Government Locator Service (AGLS) and Manual for Users
http://www.ogit.gov.au/pubagls/manual.PDF (PDF)
http://www.naa.gov.au/govserv/agls/user_manual.htm (HTML)Computer Science Teaching Center
Curriculum Resources in Interactive Multimedia (CRIM)
Digital Formats for Content Reproductions
Carl Fleischhauer
Technical Coordinator
National Digital Library Program
Library of CongressDigitisation Forum Online
Dublin Core Metadata for Resource Discovery
Economic and Social Impacts of Computing and Communications
Electronic Publishing of Datasets on the World Wide Web
October 12 - 14, 1998
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, Virginia, USAGuidelines for Cataloging VIVA Electronic Collections
Impacts of Information Technologies
Library Services for Distance Education
Middle English Compendium
Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
(NDLTD)NODE Learning Technology Network
Nordic Council for Scientific Information
(NORDINFO)Nordic metadata project
Northeast Document Conservation Center
Resource Description Framework (RDF) Model and Syntax Draft Specification
Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology Education
(SMETE)Second European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries
September 19 - 23, 1998
Heraklion, Crete, GreeceThe New Athenaeum, a global depository for Internet Resource Guides
The Nordic Metadata Project
Final ReportThird IEEE Meta-Data Conference
April 6 - 7, 1999
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USATidal Zone, Inc.
WebTide Limited Demonstration Edition
Wiley InterScience
Copyright (c) 1998 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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