D-Lib Magazine
May 2006
Volume 12 Number 5
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the May 2006 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Ann Apps, an IT Specialist with MIMAS, a UK National Data Centre, part of Manchester Computing at The University of Manchester, UK, has long experience of research and development in electronic publishing and within the UK JISC Information Environment. She is a member of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Advisory Board, a member of several DCMI Working Groups including Collection Description and Citation, of which she is Chair, and a member of the NISO committee that developed the OpenURL Framework standard, Z39.88-2004.
To return to Ann Apps' article, click (here).
Bob Arko is a senior programmer/analyst at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, specializing in data management. He has worked on marine geoscience research projects, and field expeditions around the world, for the past fifteen years. For the past five years, he has worked as a developer for the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) Community Review System (CRS), building annotation systems for digital libraries in close collaboration with colleagues at the DLESE Program Center (DPC) in Boulder. Bob holds an M.S. in Computer Science from Columbia University.
To return to Robert Arko's article, click (here).
Ray Denenberg came to the Library of Congress in 1982 as Senior Network
Engineer to direct the development and implementation of protocols for the
Linked Systems Project. That work led directly to the Z39.50 protocol, and
Denenberg was the principal author of the Z39.50 standard. He was appointed
Director of the Z39.50 Maintenance Agency in 1992, and subsequently, the SRU
Maintenance Agency. For the past several years his work has focused on SRU,
as well as metadata standards including MODS.
To return to Ray Denenberg's workshop report, click (here).
Jon Dunn is Associate Director for Technology in the Digital Library Program at Indiana University, overseeing the development and management of software systems to support IU's digital library collections. Prior to joining the Digital Library Program, he worked in the Cook Music Library at IU from 1994-1998 as Technical Director for the Variations digital music library project. He is currently serving as Project Director for IU's IMLS-funded Variations3 digital music library and learning system development project and chairs the DLF Aquifer Technology/Architecture Working Group.
To return to Jon Dunn's project update, click (here).
Kathryn Ginger is the metadata architect for the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) Program Center. She leads metadata framework design, controlled vocabulary development and collections integration. Katy provides substantial technical support and training for collections developers. She has detailed knowledge of the current state and history of all DLESE policies related to collections accessioning and deaccessioning. Katy is also an atmospheric scientist and instructional designer. Katy also works with the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) on controlled vocabulary issues and is a member of the Dublin Core Education Application Profile Drafting Committee.
To return to Kathryn Ginger's article, click (here).
Martin Halbert is Director for Library Systems at Emory University. He is currently a principal investigator on the NSF-funded Ockham Project, on DLF's IMLS-funded work to research, design, and prototype a "second generation" OAI finding system, and on two Mellon-funded metadata harvesting initiative projects. He also serves as executive director of the MetaScholar Initiative, a consortium of thirty institutions working to aggregate metadata for scholarly portal services. Martin serves as the chair of the LOCKSS sub-committee on Institutional Access Integration, and has there studied issues of low-cost library server networks and associated integration issues. He has served as editor of several library publication projects, and currently supervises a university library division of fourteen professional staff.
To return to Martin Halbert's project update, click (here).
James Harris is a writer, editor and researcher at UC Berkeley. In 1996 he joined Berkeley's Interactive University Project to help develop tools and practices that transform information and expertise from universities, museums and libraries into resources for K-12 schools and the public. He has worked at Berkeley's Survey Research Center, and in the campus' Strategic Technology Planning group. A graduate of UC Santa Cruz, he holds advanced degrees from Berkeley and Stanford where he was a lecturer and Wallace Stegner Fellow. The recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, he has published online and in literary journals.
To return to James Harris's article, click (here).
Leslie Johnston is the Director of Digital Access Services at the University of Virginia Library, where she manages digital library program components supporting the collection, management, and dissemination of digital content. Previously, she served as the Head of Instructional Technology and Library Information Systems at the Harvard Design School, where she managed the implementation of instructional technology projects for faculty and coordinated information systems and new media projects for Design Library. Prior to that, Ms. Johnston worked as the Academic Technology Specialist for Art for the Stanford University Libraries, Systems Project Coordinator at the Historic New Orleans Collection, and as Database Specialist for the Getty Research Institute. Ms. Johnston also served for many years on the Board of Directors of the Museum Computer Network, and was founding editor of ESpectra, the MCN news portal for the cultural heritage information management community.
To return to Leslie Johnston's project update, click (here).
Kim Kastens is a Doherty Senior Research Scientist at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, the Earth and environmental research lab of Columbia University. She holds a B.A. in Geology & Geophysics from Yale University and a Ph.D. in Oceanography from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. She chaired the Collections Committee of the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) from 1999 to 2004, and served on the DLESE Management Council from 2003 until the present. She has also led the development of DLESE's Community Review System.
To return to Kim Kastens' article, click (here).
Katherine Kott is the director of the DLF Aquifer Digital Library initiative. Her professional career has included experience in academic library systems, and in technical and public services. Prior to beginning her work with the Digital Library Federation in 2005, Kott was the head of cataloging and metadata services at Stanford University, where she is based. Before coming to Stanford, she led the implementation services department at Innovative Interfaces, Inc., coordinating the installation of systems at a wide range of libraries, including consortia. Katherine has pursued a theme of leveraging resources through collaboration in most of her work.
To return to Katherine Kott's project update, click (here).
Justin Littman is an Information Technology Specialist on the Technical Development Team, Office of Strategic Initiatives, Library of Congress. He holds an M.L.I.S. from the University of Denver and a B.A. in Philosophy and Economics from Amherst College. In addition to the National Digital Newspaper Project, he works on digital repository development, with an emphasis on digital object representation. Prior to joining the Library in 2003, he held various positions at netLibrary, a division of OCLC.
To return to Justin Littman's article, click (here).
Ross MacIntyre works for MIMAS, the UK National Data Centre at The University of Manchester, where he is the Service Manager for the 'ISI Web of Knowledge Service for UK Education' and the British Library's 'Zetoc'. He is responsible for Digital Library research and development activities, including international standards, and the technical development work associated with the National Electronic Site Licence Initiative (NESLI), in collaboration with Swets. He is a member of the UK Serials Group Committee (UKSG), is the group's Education Officer and is a member of the International Advisory Board of COUNTER.
To return to Ross MacIntyre's article, click (here).
Isaac Mankita is a researcher and project manager at UC Berkeley's Information Systems and Technology. Since 2001, he has focussed on investigating evolving technology-supported scholarly practices to create frameworks and models that increase access to educational opportunities. He works in partnerships with faculty, teachers, students and staff from diverse disciplines and institutions to craft appropriate responses to common problems. Mankita has degrees in communication from UC San Diego and more than 18 years experience conducting research and working in public programs.
To return to Isaac Mankita's article, click (here).
Ellen Meltzer recently assumed the position of Information Services Manager at the California Digital Library (CDL). She has a BA and MLIS from UCLA. She is responsible for overseeing user services for products used and managed by the CDL. Prior to this position, she served as Senior Associate for Education, Usability and Outreach at the CDL. She came to the CDL from the UC Berkeley Library in 2001, where she served in a variety of positions, most recently as Head of the Teaching Library.
To return to Ellen Meltzer's article, click (here).
Liz Milewicz is currently pursuing her doctorate degree in the Institute of Liberal Arts at Emory University, where she is studying the culture of academic libraries. As a member of Woodruff Library's Digital Programs and Systems team, Liz has developed documentation for new metadata tools and curricular materials for OAI-implementation training sessions, and has surveyed Digital Library Federation institutions as part of her work for the DLF Aquifer project in an effort to determine how institutions assess the use of their digital collections and services and what they have determined about the ways scholars access and use digital resources.
To return to Liz Milewicz's project update, click (here).
Sarah Shreeves is Coordinator for the Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Her experience with the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting is grounded in both the IMLS DCC project and the Mellon-funded OAI Metadata Harvesting Project (2001-2002) at UIUC where she worked as a graduate assistant and project coordinator. Prior to coming to UIUC, Sarah worked for nine years in the MIT Libraries in Boston. She has a BA in Medieval Studies from Bryn Mawr College, an M.A. in Children's Literature from Simmons College, and an M.S. in Library and Information Science from UIUC.
To return to Sarah Shreeves's project update, click (here).
Theo van Veen is a member of the research and development department of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands. After getting his degree in physics at the Technical University Delft and working in the area of psychophysics and later in process automation, he started in 1988 his ICT/library career at the University Library in Utrecht. Since 2001 he was involved in The European Library project as leader of the work package on metadata development, and he contributed to the development of the SRU protocol in The European Library project. Currently he is participating in the renewal of the infrastructure of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek.
To return to Theo van Veen's workshop report, click (here).
John Weatherley is a lead software engineer and project manager with the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE) Program Center at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. His research interests include digital libraries, information retrieval, Web services, OAI and interoperability. He plays lead role for the DLESE Discovery System, DLESE Search Web Service and OAI software projects. His paper, "Partnership Reviewing: A Cooperative Approach for Peer Review of Complex Educational Resources" was nominated for the Vannevar Bush Best Paper Award at the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2002. Mr. Weatherley holds a M.S. in computer science from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
To return to John Weatherley's article, click (here).
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