D-Lib Magazine
March 1999Volume 5 Number 3
ISSN 1082-9873Clips & Pointers
Workshop Held on Reference Linking
Contributed by:
Pat Harris
National Information Standards OrganizationOn February 11, 1999, the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), the Digital Library Federation (DLF), the National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services (NFAIS), and the Society of Scholarly Publishers (SSP) sponsored an invitational workshop on issues surrounding the problem of linking from citations to electronic journal literature. Sixty persons representing content providers and publishers, libraries, A&I services, aggregators, and consortia participated in the day-long event.
The Workshop scope statement described the problem: A citation can appear in any number of places -- an online catalog, an online index, or among the references in an online text. In the simplest case, a user can link by clicking on the citation and connect to a document located on a web page identified by a URL. Increasingly, this simple case does not apply. An identifier embedded in a citation may be old. The cited object may be behind a firewall or available only through an online service which uses proprietary identifiers. Or, the identifier may be an indirect reference, such as a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), requiring a resolver service. Adding to the complexity, the cited object may exist in a variety of versions, forcing the user to discover which ones he or she is authorized to use.
The workshop began with presentations describing the problem of reference linking as seen from various perspectives. It then moved on to presentations describing emerging approaches. The workshop concluded with an open discussion to identify what has already been solved, which components of the problem remain to be addressed, and what next steps might be productive in building a framework for emerging solutions.
Speakers provided four end-user perspectives: the scholar/researcher, the librarian, the abstracting and indexing service, and the scholarly/technical/scientific publisher. An overview of current linking solutions was provided by presentations on the DOI, UMI (SiteBuilder), Dawson/Information Quest, SlinkS, and work ongoing at the National Library of Medicine. During lively discussion, some consensus emerged that the problem of reference linking can be broken down into three separate but related components: identifiers, metadata and lookup systems, and systems of resolution.
A summary of the Workshop discussions, including the Workshop presentations, a list of participants and planners, and the report on next steps are on the Linking Workshop website at: < http://www.niso.org/linkge.html >.
Enabling Access in Digital Libraries
A Report on a Workshop on Access Management Held in Washington, D.C. on April 6, 1998
Contributed by:
Donald J. Waters
Digital Library FederationThe Digital Library Federation has released its first publication, Enabling Access in Digital Libraries: A Report on a Workshop on Access Management, edited by Caroline Arms with Judith Klavans and Donald Waters. The report tackles a complex and critical issue for research libraries today: how to manage access to digital information that is sensitive, proprietary, or protected by copyright.
Addressing this issue requires the attention of four groups of participants:
- Policy makers concerned with questions of privacy and protection of data
- Legal experts who draft contracts and licenses, the terms of which must be implemented through automated systems for authenticating users and authorizing access
- Technologists who design software for controlling electronic use and misuse
- Publishers and librarians, who, as major providers of information, play a central role in striking a balance between protecting copyright and enabling access to the record of knowledge
Under the auspices of the Digital Library Federation and the Center for Research on Information Access at Columbia University, and with the support of the National Science Foundation, such experts and practitioners gathered at the workshop held in Washington, D.C. on April 6, 1998. They explored a variety of pressing questions, including:
- How do members of a university that has subscribed to an electronic journal prove that they are authorized to access an article?
- How finely can information providers discriminate among potential users when making their materials available?
- What options do public libraries have in authorizing the use of licensed materials to the general citizenry that they serve?
- What means do custodians have to ensure that the cultural record is accessible but that the proprietary rights of authors and creators are protected against widespread copying and redistribution?
- Should digital data be fitted with a digital lock that can only be opened by users with matching keys?
"The report tackles a complex and critical issue for research libraries today: how to manage access to digital information that is sensitive, proprietary, or protected by copyright."Such questions and the discussions they stimulated led workshop participants to identify five properties for the design of access management systems that will be important for their adoption by research libraries and the communities they serve.
- Simplicity. The less complex a system of access management, the more readily it can be adopted technologically and organizationally, and the more acceptable it is to all involved in its implementation.
- Privacy. Systems that manage access to the cultural record must protect the privacy of users from detailed tracking and disclosure of use. User privacy must not be compromised.
- Good faith. Agreements on access to scholarly information rely on trust among the parties involved. In an access management system that implements these agreements, users and providers would each prefer to depend on reasonable barriers against abuse, rather than on complex restrictions that inhibit use.
- Trusted intermediaries. Intermediaries play an essential role in providing access to the cultural record as parties trusted by both users and providers and as efficient aggregators of distribution and usage. System design must take the role of intermediaries into account.
- Reasonable terms. Access management systems and license agreements must recognize the distinction between access and use. Overly tight control of access to a resource may impose inappropriate constraints on its use, especially in teaching and research contexts. The most useful system will not limit access to specific user groups known in advance to be interested in a resource but will be reasonably open to serving unlikely users whose curiosity and research interests may lead them in directions not predicted by those responsible for making the agreements or designing the systems.
Workshop participants also called for research and project evaluation in two key areas: system usability and economic models. First, an effort must be made to understand the ways in which users interact with systems, their needs in relation to new information types, and the functionality of these types in the emerging digital environment. Second, new standards of measure must be found to assess the usage of digital resources and thereby to develop alternative pricing schemes and payment mechanisms.
Although the conclusions reached at this workshop relate specifically to the problems of managing access to the cultural record in digital form for research and teaching purposes, they apply to other realms as well, including business, medicine, insurance, credit card transactions. and logfiles from Web browsers, all of which involve more sensitive information.
Enabling Access is also available in print from the Council on Library and Information Resources.
NEDCC Offers its Preservation Manual On-line
Contributed by:
Gay Tracy
Northeast Document Conservation CenterThe Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) has announced the on-line availability of the third edition of its publication, Preservation of Library & Archival Materials: A Manual, edited by Sherelyn Ogden. The updated and expanded version of the manual became available March 1, 1999, on NEDCC's Web site at http://www.nedcc.org. A desire to make current information readily available at no cost prompted NEDCC to update the manual, adding important topics, and to make it available on the Web. In addition, if a user prefers the convenience of a book, a bound version will be available through NEDCC later this year.
The manual is approximately 350 pages in length and consists of a series of 51 technical leaflets. The third edition contains eight new leaflets, including "Digital Technology Made Simpler;" "The Relevance of Preservation in a Digital World;" "Preservation Assessment and Planning;" "An Introduction to Fire Detection, Alarm, and Automatic Fire Sprinklers;" "Collections Security: Planning and Prevention for Libraries and Archives;" and more. In addition, every leaflet from the first two editions has been updated to reflect new information and changing opinions. The manual is one of few preservation publications written in layman's language that is an authoritative reference source for up-to-date scientific research. Sections include planning and prioritizing, the environment, emergency management, storage and handling, reformatting, and conservation procedures. Professional illustrations make the "how-to" leaflets easy to understand and use.
The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), a Federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership and a lifetime of learning, supported the project to convert NEDCC's preservation manual to electronic format for Internet access. In addition, NEDCC receives major funding for its field service program from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
The Northeast Document Conservation Center is a nonprofit regional conservation center specializing in the conservation of paper-based materials including books, documents, photographs, architectural drawings, maps, posters, wallpaper, and works of art on paper. It performs paper conservation, book binding, preservation microfilming, and duplication of photographic negatives. Its purpose is to provide the highest quality conservation services and to serve as a source of consultation and training for institutions that hold paper-based collections.
For information about ordering the printed version, contact Gay Tracy at Northeast Document Conservation Center, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810; phone (978) 470-1010 ext. 217; fax (978) 475-6021; or email [email protected].
Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS)
Contributed by
Richard Hill
American Society for Information Science
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
[email protected]VOLUME 50, NUMBER 4 (April 1999)
To see the Table of Contents, click here.
The ASIS home page <http://www.asis.org> contains the Table of Contents and brief abstracts from January 1993 (Volume 44) to date.
The John Wiley Interscience site http://www.interscience.wiley.com includes issues from 1986 (Volume 37) to date. Guests have access only to tables of contents and abstracts. Registered users of the Interscience site have access to the full text of these issues and to preprints. We are still working on restoring access for ASIS members as "registered users."
American Society for Information Science
8720 Georgia Avenue, Suite 501
Silver Spring, MD 20910
(301) 495-0900 FAX (301) 495-0810
In Print
- Encoded Archival Description: Context, Theory and Case Studies.
Recently published by the Society of American Archivists, this book makes available in a single volume the twelve articles that were published in the summer and fall 1997 issues of the American Archivist, volume 60, nos. 3&4. The authors of the six context and theory papers were members of the original EAD development team. The six case studies were written by archivists at Harvard University, the Library of Congress, the Minnesota Historical Society, the University of Vermont, the University of Virginia, and Yale University. It was edited by Jackie Dooley. The cost of the book is $40. ($30. for SAA members) plus shipping and handling. For ordering information, contact Troy Sturdivant, Society of American Archivists, email: [email protected].
- Museums and the Web 99: Selected Papers
Selected papers from an international conference.
Edited by David Bearman and Jennifer Trant
ISBN 1-885626-17-7
(available March 1999)
Approx 200 pages, with CD-ROM of additional material.
$50.00This edited, paperback volume presents selected papers from Museums and the Web 1999 together with a CD-ROM containing the full text of all other papers and demonstrations given at the conference March 11-14, 1999 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The print volume serves as a record of the formal papers which in the judgement of the editors will have a long life as contributions to the field. The CD-ROM includes many additional texts of conference papers and links to the sites featured which allow it to better reflect the interactive experience of the presentations and some technical features being described. For ordering information please see the Archives & Museum Informatics Publishing web site at < http://www.archimuse.com/publishing/new.html >.
- INFO2000 Conference: Interactive Multimedia beyond the Year 2000, Proceedings, Vienna, Technical Museum, Maria Hilfer StraBe 212, 29 November 1998.
The INFO2000 conference proceedings are available in PDF format at < ftp://ftp.echo.lu/pub/info2000/vienna98/proceedings.pdf >. Below are titles of three of the papers to be found in the proceedings:
- The publisher's role and new responsibilities vis a vis the new media by Albino Bertoleti
- Competing in a multilingual market by Hugh Morgan Williams
- Equal opportunities for all in the information society by Paul Rubig
Point to Point
- UK Interoperability Focus.
The UK Office for Library and Information Networking (UKOLN) hosts Interoperability Focus, jointly funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the UK's Higher Education Funding Councils and the British Library's Research & Innovation Centre (BLRIC). Interoperability Focus is described as a post "for exploring, publicising and mobilising the benefits and practice of effective interoperability across diverse information sectors, including libraries and the cultural heritage and archival communities. A key aspect of this work is the identification and exploitation of synergies with existing UKOLN and external projects, with a view to maximising returns on the ongoing work of projects such as MODELS and other initiatives."
The key set of interoperability issues that UK Interoperability Focus plans to address are: technical, semantic, political/human, intercommunity, and international. The web site will be frequently updated to inform site visitors of work being done in the UK and beyond, and to provide pointers to examples of Interoperability in action.
For further information on Interoperability Focus, see the web site at < http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/interop-focus/ >, or contact:
Paul Miller
UK Interoperability Focus
c/o Academic Services: Libraries
University of Hull
Kingston upon Hull HU6 7RX
United Kingdom
Email: [email protected]- Colorado Digitization Project -- Online Digital Toolbox
The Colorado Digitization Project was recently funded by a IMLS Library and Services Technology Act Grant. As one of the early features of the project, an online Digital Toolbox was created to be a resource for administrators of digitization projects. The Toolbox was designed to guide the administrators to sites and resources on the following topics:
- Questions to ask
Initial questions to consider while you are planning a digitization project- General Resources
Links to general resources, bibliographies, initiatives, and clearinghouses on digital information
- Administrative
Links to resources on selection, scanning, and other project management tools
- Technical
Links to resources on file formats, scanning, quality control, and other technical issues
- Metadata
Links to resources on metadata standards, TEI, EAD, markup languages such as SGML and XML, and vocabularies
- Intellectual property
Links to resources on copyright and intellectual property rights in a digital context
- Funding sources
Links to federal, public and private funding sources
- Digital imaging vendors
Links to digital imaging services in Colorado and nationwide
- Glossary
What does it mean? Look it up in the glossary of digital imaging termsThe Digital Toolbox is located at < http://coloradodigital.coalliance.org/toolbox.html >.
- Digitisation Forum Online.
This site was created for those working in Australian museums, libraries, art galleries and archives involved in digitisation projects. It is supported by Australia's Cultural Network and Arts SA and may be used to:
- locate institutions in Australia involved in digitisation projects
- keep up to date with the latest developments in digitisation
- link to other digitisation web sites
- find links to papers on various digitisation topics
- discuss issues and share expertise, problems and solutions with colleagues.
- find out about conferences in Australia and around the world
The site also provides the means to search for information on specific, relevant topics.
Treasures from Europe's National Libraries. The Conference of European National Librarians has presented a new virtual exhibition with treasures from all over Europe, going back as far as the 8th century. The national libraries have selected some of the most stunning artefacts in their collections, like rare and precious books, illuminated manuscripts, bookbindings, drawings, prints and decorated papers. Together, these treasures are a small but impressive representation of European cultural heritage throughout the centuries.
The exhibition has been designed in such a way, that the treasures can be browsed in various ways. It is possible to look at the treasures from a particular country, but they can also be found according to their format or their content, independent of their present locations. Short descriptions have been added to provide essential information about the treasures and their provenance. The exhibition, which is incorporated in Gabriel, Gateway to Europe's National Libraries, is open-ended. Currently on view is the first version of Treasures from Europe's National Libraries. It includes about a hundred treasures from 24 out of 39 participating National Libraries. Treasures from the other libraries (all member states of the Council of Europe) will be added soon. This first version, which was created by Richelle van den Dungen Gronovius at the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, the national library of the Netherlands, was launched in February 1999.
Deadline Reminders
- Using Metadata for Knowledge Management, Sponsored by The National Library of Canada and the Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries, 12 - 14 April 1999, Hull, Quebec, Canada. Deadline for registration 16 March 1999. See below for details and for additional locations and dates for this workshop.
- 10th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA'99, 30 August - 3 September 1999, University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Call for papers deadline has been extended to 20 March 1999. See the additional workshop websites listed below for details and other deadlines.
This conference is made up of several workshops, each with a particular focus. Papers are solicited for the workshops, but as the submission deadline varies from workshop to workshop, please see the individual workshop descriptions for details:
- International Workshop on Internet Data Management (IDM�99), Deadline 30 March 1999.
- International Workshop on Legal Information Systems and Applications (LISA'99). Deadline 27 March 1999.
- International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Databases : innovative applications and new architectures (PaDD'99). Deadline 19 March 1999.
- International Workshop on Similarity Search (IWOSS'99). Deadline 23 March 1999.
- International Workshop on Web-Based Information Visualization (WebVis'99). Deadline 30 March 1999.
- International Workshop on Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems (MDDS'99). Deadline 20 March 1999.
- The First International Workshop on the Requirements Engineering Process (REP'99). Deadline 15 March 1999.
- International Federation of Television Archives FIAT/IFTA World Conference: Audiovisual Archives of the New World -- A New World of Audiovisual Archiving. Call for papers. Submission deadline 22 March 1999. See below for details.
- Eighth International World Wide Web Conference, 11 - 14 May 1999, Toronto, Canada. Deadline for earlybird registration and payment is 5 April 1999. Please see registration form at < http://www8.org/registration.html >.
- ACRL Racing Toward Tomorrow: 9th National Conference, 8 - 11 April 1999, Detroit, Michigan, USA. See the conference web site at < http://www.ala.org/acrl/prendex.html > for details.
- 3rd British Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies, 12 - 14 April 1999, Bor�s, Sweden. Deadline for online registration is 25 March 1999. See below for more information.
- Twenty-Seventh Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, 25 - 27 September 1999, Alexandria, VA, USA. Call for papers. Deadline for abstract submission is 26 March 1999.
- Canadian Online Information Summit 1999, 29 - 30 March 1999, Toronto, Canada. Please see conference web site at < http://www.flexnet.com/~infohiwy/cois.htm > for details.
- Internet Librarian & Libtech International '99, 29 - 31 March 1999, London, UK. See conference site at < http://www.infotoday.com/ili99/overview.htm > for details.
- NIT '99: The 11th International Conference on New Information Technology, 18 - 20 August 1999, Taipei, Taiwan. Deadline for abstracts 30 March 1999> Send via email to Dr. Ching-chih Chen, [email protected] (with a copy to Dr. Diane Tebbetts, [email protected]); or to Dr. Margaret C. Fung, [email protected].
- ECDL99, Third European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries 22 - 24 September 1999, Paris, France. Call for papers. Deadline for submission: 1 April 1999.
- A Canadian Traveling Roadshow: Metadata for Internet Resources, 13 April 1999, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada; 14 April 1999, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 20 April 1999, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Deadline for registration: 1 April 1999. (See description below.)
- Blazing the Trail: Electronic Serials From Acquisition To Access Institute, 16 - 17 April 1999, Portland, Oregon, USA. Deadline for registration: 2 April 1999.
- 10th ASIS SIG/CR, Classification Research Workshop, 31 October 1999, Washington, DC, USA. Call for Participation. Abstract deadline: 5 April 1999.
- Ninth DELOS Workshop on Digital Libraries for Distance Learning, 15 - 17 April 1999, Brno, Czech Republic. Call for papers. Deadline for abstracts is 5 April 1999. For more information please contact:
Pavel Zezula [email protected]
or Pasquale Savino [email protected].- Solaris: Information et Communication, Number 6, (a French electronic serial). Call for papers. Deadline: 15 April 1999.
- Preservation Options in a Digital World: To Film or to Scan, A Workshop on Preservation Microfilming and Digital Imaging of Paper-Based Materials (presented by the Northeast Document Conservation Center), 11 - 13 May 1999, Denver, CO, USA. Limited enrollment. Early registration recommended.
Goings On
- 3rd British Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies: New fields for research in the 21st century, 12 - 14 April 1999, Bor�s, Sweden.
This conference is organised by the Swedish School of Library and Information Studies, University College of Bor�s, and G�teborg University
Topics to be discussed at the conference include:
- LIS discipline: approaches to development
Chair Joan Day
- Dr. Peter Enser and Kate Wood, University of Brighton, New approaches to the professional accreditation of library and information science education
- Staffan L��f Dean, Swedish School of Library and Information Studies, Library education in Sweden from vocational training to library and information studies
- Niels Windfeld-Lund, University of Troms�, Documentation Studies is close to LIS, but not quite the same! On the scientific and educational approaches in the Troms� Curriculum for Librarianship
- Knowledge management
Chair Linda Ashcroft
- Mirja Ivonen, University of Oulu Finland, Trust as a Basis of Knowledge Management
- Brendan Loughridge, University of Sheffield, Knowledge management: its relevance and implications for the education of information professionals
- The LIS workforce
Chair Niels Ole Pors
- Dr. Anne Goulding, Beth Bromahm, Dr. Stuart Hannabus and Dr. Duncan Cramer, Loughborough University, Likely to succeed: attitudes and aptitudes of the new information professionals
- Dr. Pat Gannon-Leary, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, NVQs in the Library and Information Sector: Vocational education for librarianship in the 21st century
- Bronwen Jones, Mel Sprague, Clare Nankivell and Karin Richter, Centre for Information Research and Training (University of Central England), Training the future
- The electronic environment
Chair Staffan L��f
- Linda Ashcroft, Liverpool John Moores University, Electronic Journals in Higher Education Libraries
- Mats Dahlstr�m and Mikael Gunnarsson, Swedish School of Library and Information Studies, On document architecture and its relation to LIS education and research
- Dr. Claire Warwick, University of Sheffield, The lowest canonical denominator: Electronic literary texts, and their publication, collection and preservation
- Impact and Consequences
Chair Ian M. Johnson
- Gunnel Hessler, Swedish School of Library and Information Studies, The university library Change and Identity
- Joan Day, Catherine Edwards and Graham Walton, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, Monitoring organisational and cultural change: the impact on people of electronic libraries in UK higher education
- Arja M�ntykangas, doctoral student, Swedish School of Library and Information Studies, What is a Library? Confronting the future
Workshops on "Current issues in teaching and learning" include:
- Workshop 1 Assessment
- Workshop 2 Flexible and distance learning
- Workshop 3 Ethical issues of Internet use
Final presentations include:
Please see the web site at < http://www.hb.se/bnc/program.htm > for more detailed descriptions and for information about registration.
- The information environment: three case studies
Chair Linda Ashcroft
- Dr. Judith Preston and Tim Hayward, University of Wales Aberystwyth, Strategic information management and the balanced scorecard
- Prof. Lars H�glund, Swedish School of Library and Information Studies, A case study of information culture and organizational climates
- Rebecca Linley and Dave Muddiman, Leeds Metropolitan University, Towards new models of education for information? The training and education of information workers in U.K. voluntary organisations
- New approaches for the millenium
Chair Maj Klasson
- Paul Sturges, Loughborough University, Some thoughts on the distinctiveness of the LIS curriculum
- Susan Hornby, Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, Pandas, predators, players and other wildlife: Library and information education in a changing world
- Using Metadata for Knowledge Management. Limited enrollment. This seminar will be held on various dates and at the following locations:
- April 12 - 14, 1999, Hull, Quebec, Canada. Sponsored by The National Library of Canada and the Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries.
- April 26 - 27, 1999, (1 and 3/4-day event), Washington, DC, USA. Sponsored by FEDLINK.
To register for this event contact FEDLINK.
- May 24 - 26, 1999, Buffalo, New York, USA. Sponsored by SUNY/OCLC.
- June 14-16, 1999, Dallas, Texas, USA. Sponsored by AMIGOS.
This seminar consists of lectures, structured lab exercises, and group discussions. Participants will receive an overview of Web-based resource description systems and detailed instruction in the Dublin Core metadata. Then, as a member of a small project team, participants will design and implement a MARC- or webserver-based resource description system using metadata records for a real-world collection. Finally, participants will evaluate the resource description system in terms of design and functionality, including data input, storage, retrieval, and display.
Enrollment is limited for each session. Online registration is available, but because of various deadlines for registration, as well as early bird registration discounts still available for the later sessions, please see the OCLC web site at < http://www.oclc.org/institute/metadata2a.htm > for details about each of the workshop sessions and its particular registration instructions.
- A Canadian Traveling Roadshow: Metadata for Internet Resources, 13 April 1999, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada; 14 April 1999, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 20 April 1999, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Deadline for registration: 1 April 1999.
The presenters for this workshop are Carl Lagoze, Digital Library Scientist, Cornell University and Stuart Weibel, Research Scientist at the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC). The workshop is directed toward:
- Librarians who want to know about indexing possibilities for the Web
- Web managers
- Administrators who want to better manage their web resources
- Systems staff
Metadata is 'structured information about resources' that enables users and organizations to not only describe the resources (documents, images, databases) that they publish on the Internet, but also to effectively manage and organize these electronic resources and the services that provide them. The aim of this tutorial is to provide organizations and individuals the background information, practical examples, and information on future developments relevant to the use of metadata for publishing networked information. While the material of the tutorial draws heavily on the experience of the Dublin Core Workshop Series, the information is applicable to other metadata efforts.
This workshop is an introductory workshop to metadata for Internet resources. Concepts such as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and qualifiers, terms frequently associated with discussions about metadata, will be introduced and explained and set within a larger metadata context. The workshop does not presuppose any prior knowledge about metadata or about particular metadata schemes. It really is meant to be an introduction. Some basic familiarity with the Web will be helpful.
Registration may be completed online at < http://www.hil.unb.ca/Texts/CourseReg/index.html >. See the web site at < http://www.hil.unb.ca/Texts/burk/metadata/ > for registration fees and other details.
- Creating Knowledge: Information Literacy and the Library as a Learning Resource Centre -- Consequences for User Education, Design and Library Professions, 15 - 16 April 1999, Malmo University, Sweden.
Today, the notion of Information Literacy -- the ability to search, critically assess and use information -- is well known and widely discussed.
This is the first of a planned series of international conferences. Arranged by the Malmo University Library in co-operation with BIVIL, the department of library and information science of Lund University, this conference will focus on higher education and information literacy. The conference programme is broad and varied with presentations, workshops and discussions on a whole range of information literacy aspects. The conference is primarily targeted at librarians, researchers, information officers, IT-strategists and engineers, architects, education and library planners, and students.
Please see the conference web site at < http://www.bibl.mah.se/konferens/index2.htm > for details, including a list of lecturers.
- Search Engines and Beyond: Developing efficient knowledge management systems, 19 - 20 April 1999, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Search engines are the key to effective information use. Unless and until data of potential importance are located and isolated, further activities such as data analysis, verification, filing and presentation remain on hold. Thus the key importance of software engines that search for text and images.
The Search Engines Meetings bring together commercial search engine developers, academics and corporate professionals to learn from each other.
Speakers at the upcoming meeting in Boston will seek to answer the following questions: Are all the Internet engines much the same as has been reported by writers trying to evaluate them? Will they improve? How have the more sophisticated engines progressed commercially? Will online vendors improve their non-Boolean capabilities for end-users who have difficulty with Boolean? Will the Internet search engines cater more for the mass consumer market than for the information professional? Is there a trend towards more human indexing with the Internet engines? What engines are being used by corporations who derive text externally from the Net for their systems? And how near are we to being able routinely to search for non-text material on networks such as the World Wide Web?
The full program listing of the five sessions and speakers may be found at the conference web site at < http://www.infonortics.com/searchengines/boston99.html >.
There will be two half-day pre-conference workshops on April 18:
- Tools and Techniques: Beyond information retrieval, David Evans, Claritech
- Constructing and deconstructing information visualizations: A users� guide to their content, methods, and meaning, James Wise, Integral Visuals
Descriptions of the preconference workshops as well as information about the leaders of the workshops may be found at < http://www.infonortics.com/searchengines/workshops99.html.
- PMC: Preservation Management: Between policy and practice, 19 - 21 April 1999, The Hague, The Netherlands.
In recent years the realization has grown that in order to guarantee continued access to their collections, archives and libraries have to develop overall preservation policies that fit in with general principles of collection management. The approach has shifted from traditional conservation of single items to large-scale preventive measures and substitution programmes.
Preservation now covers a wide range of activities, from storage and handling to microfilming and digitization. The challenge for libraries and archives is to define preservation policies in which each of these methods has its place -- depending on condition of materials, users' requirements, costs, and the tasks and means of the institution -- and to develop programmes aimed at implementing these policies.
As preservation management is still in many ways a pioneering area, exchange of expertise and experience between professionals engaged in preservation activities is vital. Therefore, the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, IFLA-PAC and the ECPA are jointly organizing this 3-day conference.
Online registration is available at < http://www.konbib.nl/pmc/formulier.html and additional information about the conference may be found at the web site at < http://www.konbib.nl/pmc/announce.html >.
- Solving Collection Problems through Repository Strategies - an International Conference, 9 - 11 May 1999, Kuopio, Finland.
As part of the 10th anniversary of the Finnish National Repository Library (NRL) an international conference to discuss repository and collection development issues. The conference will focus on both print and electronic resources. Some topics include:
- Repository solutions and collection development, management and co-operation
- Repository solutions in Europe and the USA.
- Repository libraries as a part of national and/or regional library networks.
- Repository libraries in the international context
- Repositories in an electronic age
Registration for this international conference may be completed online at < http://www.nrl.fi/conference/booking.htm >. The deadline for registration is 15 April 1999.
- ICCC/IFIP Third Conference on Electronic Publishing '99 -- Redefining the Information Chain -- New Ways and Voices, 10 - 12 May 1999, Ronneby, Sweden.
The conference will be concerned with electronic publishing both for specialist audiences and for the general public. There will be two parallel tracks. The first track will include case studies, presentations of projects and presentations of implemented electronic publishing in public and scholarly libraries, publishers, museums, etc. It will also include electronic provision of local community or tourist information, government information, and the like.
The Conference is aimed at anyone involved in the production, provision or use of Electronic Publishing and/or its products, or the academic study of these activities. This includes (but is not limited to): publishers, providers of net services; providers of support services for e-publishing; information professionals; librarians; information consultants; all academics in information and publishing studies; and others with an interest in any aspect of e-publishing and the provision of public information.
Speakers from sixteen countries will present refereed papers, and the scheduled keynote speaker is David Seaman, Founding Director of the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia, USA. (The working language of the conference will be English.)
Registration forms may be downloaded from the conference web site at < http://www5.hk-r.se/elpub99.nsf > in PDF, Word or RTF formats.
- 20th IATUL Conference: The Future of Libraries in Human Communication, 17 - 21 May 1999, Chania, Greece.
Subthemes of the conference will include:
- The changing role of the library: missions and ethics
- The changing role of the library: new organisations
- Focus on users
- The librarian of the 21st century
- Total quality management: from industry to higher education and libraries
A "Print-n'-Fax" registration form is now available at the conference site.
- IASSIST - CAPDU: Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: the future of data in the global network, 17 - 21 May 1999, Toronto, Canada.
Presented by the International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) and the Canadian Association of Public Data Users (CAPDU), the conference will be held at Ryerson Polytechnic University and the downtown campus of the University of Toronto, and will address issues of computing and information services in social science research, teaching, and data management. This is IASSIST's 25th annual conference, and the ninth CAPDU conference.
There will be pre-conference workshops May 17 and 18 including:
- Government and Social Sciences Data Librarian I and II
- Using the 1996 PUMF's from the Canadian Census
- Working with Canadian Aggregate Census Files
- Introduction for Text Processing in PERL
- DDI and NESSTAR: Integrated Tools for Metadata-driven Resource Discovery I and II
- GIS - Using Canadian Census Data I and II
- Introduction to SAS Web Tools:
Please see the conference program at < http://www.yorku.ca/org/iassist/program.htm for scheduled conference topics. A sample include:
- Data and the Digital Library: Where Do We Go from Here?
- The Changing Nature of Metadata: Exploring Approaches
- Future Funding of Archives: Perspectives from Archivists and Funders
- The Role of Data Librarians and Data Archivists: Is There a Future?
- Managing Access through Web Tools
- Making Information Pay on the Internet: Setting an Agenda for Industry Collaboration, 16 -18 June 1999, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
Making Information Pay on the Internet: Setting an Agenda for Industry Collaboration is an interactive roundtable summit which represents the first phase of a $400,000 research effort being launched by the Internet Information Payments Collaborative [IIPC.NET] with assistance of the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. The IIPC is a joint project of the university's computer-science department, the Isenberg School of Management and corporate sponsors.
It is expected that traditional and multi-media publishers, software publishers, entertainment providers, banks, telcos, major ISPs, Internet infrastructure developers and other payments-technology providers will be among registrants, but the registration is open and proceedings non-confidential. Presenters are expected to fit within one of three general categories (although these are not exclusive):
- Content owners who have first-hand experience with information sales on the Internet or across pre-cursor closed networks;
- Technology vendors who have tested, deployed or are developing or planning payment-enabling or copyright-enabling products or systems; and,
- Government, institutional, academic or enterprise researchers with significant knowledge of the history of network-oriented sale of digital information objects (as opposed to hard goods).
Please see the IIPC web site at < http://www.iipc.net/conference/ > for more information.
- National Online Meeting & IOLS '99, 18 - 20 May 1999, New York, New York, USA.
For the eleventh year in a row, the Conference on Integrated Online Library Systems (IOLS) will be a conference within a conference at the National Online Meeting. IOLS 99 will take place on May 19 and 20, 1999, and will consist of plenary sessions, technical papers, and workshops. This years conference theme is Prepared for the Future. A complete list of program offerings is contained at < http://www.infotoday.com/nom99/iolsprogram.htm >. A proceedings of the papers presented at IOLS 99 will be published separately from the National Online Meeting proceedings and will be available at the conference for attendees to take home.
Plenary sessions:
- Indexing libraries: past, present, and future
- Project URL: A resource for professional librarians seeking IOLS information
IOLS Tracks:
Track A
- Improved access to periodicals
- Concatenating access to multiple indexes
- Automating data entry for online biomedical databases
- Accommodating vendor requirements
- Strategies for content integration: working with vendors
- Securing a public workstation
- Workshop: Replacing legacy library systems
- Expanding the reach of library computers
- Developing an information literacy center
- Multimode delivery of multimedia information
- Distributed processing and Windows NT: the ideal infrastructure for library consortia
- Library Web sites
- NOVA Southeastern University's library Web site
- Analyzing libraries performance in maintaining their Web sites
- Effective library Web sites
- Library Web pages: where to start, what you'll need, and how to succeed
- Effective library Web sites: how to ask your users what will work for them
- Dynamic library Web sites
- Beyond static html: creating dynamic pages for a Web site and a Webpac
Track B
- Expediting and streamlining the system procurement process
- Using Winframe/Microsoft terminal server to provide remote access to information products
- Workshop: Authentication issues in today's libraries
- Workshop: Library automation - an independent view
- Negotiation of contracts with library vendors
- Workshop: Intranets: issues and answers
- Workshop: Library automation software
Plenary sessions for the National Online Meeting include:
- The view from the other side
- Quo Vadis? the future of publishing
- Protecting and using intellectual property on the Internet: exploding a myth
NOM program tracks:
- Digital library architectures and analysis
- Viable digital library architectures for today
- Project Whistlestop: An analysis of visitations to a digital library Web site
- Digital library development and economics
- Cooperative development of a digital library
- You don't have to go to the library anymore: user expectations, user satisfaction, user behavior, and user loyalty in the millennium library
- Non-traditional libraries
- The Lindesmith Center Web site: a unique online library and catalog on the Internet
- The no-cost digital library
- New roles for information professionals
- The challenge of change: risks and opportunities for information professionals
- Modeling the reference process online
- Publishers and libraries approach electronic publishing
- What we really know about electronic scholarly journals
- Impact of electronic publishing/electronic journals on our libraries in the virtual library age
- Electronic publishing online and offline
- Publishing online: an incremental approach
- Electronic journals vs. paper journals: an evaluation framework
- XML-the wave of the future
- XML: how it will affect content, knowledge management, and information professionals
- Enhancing searching and content management with XML tags
- Working with XML
- Adding depth to your data using XML and achieving the full benefits of XML
- Building an XML and Web-based lecture note retrieval system
- Comparison of environmental databases: online, CD-ROM, and Internet
- Metadata
- Metadata: the issue of content
- Using MARC metadata standards
- Metadata for image documents
- Copyright and interfaces for legal information
- The new copyright laws: what they mean in an online environment
- Putting the user into usability: developing customer-driven interfaces for users of legal information
- Information & image rights in cyberspace
- Double exposure: managing Web access to digital images
- Copyright management in Cyberspace: new models for accessing and using electronic content
- Evaluating information and customers
- Why are they such difficult customers? Libraries and online products
- Developing and evaluating information for distribution via the World Wide Web
- Intellectual property and censorship
- Intellectual property challenges from a vendor's perspective
- Search Engine Censorship
- Y2K and Web content
- Demystifying the millennium: the information industrialized Y2K
- Breaking the mold
- Ready reference on the Web
- High quality free Web databases for ready reference
- Low-cost databases on the Web
- Most bang for the buck Web databases
- Full-text
- Full-text databases on the Web
- Multimedia
- Multimedia search engines
- New tools
- Introduction, Why new tools for information retrieval?
- The intelligent software revolution
- The Web, value-added reports, and online search and retrieval
- Intranet innovations
Innovations in access (panel session)
- External news and employee-generated information: the fuel for value-added collaboration
- Information retrieval behind the firewall: content and technology
- Agent technology: increasing the payoff from an organization's information assets
- Next-generation tools: mining content for value
- Beyond linguistics: breaking through barriers in language and time
- Intelligent software and the information retrieval food chain
- The next wave: knowledge value systems for solving real-world problems in real time
- Hybrid tools for knowledge extraction
- Solution-based software: visualization and intelligence in information systems
- Finding files on the Web
- Web directories and classified guides
- R&D for search and retrieval
- Simultaneous usage of online databases in academic and public libraries
- Cross-database searching on the Web with term mapping from multiple thesauri
- How and why do end users make relevance judgments?
- Web browsing and searching
- The role of information retrieval on the Web in journalistic research and marketing
- Web search engines
- Web browsing: current and desired capabilities
- Improving your Web searching
- Using wizards as a seamless interface for queries
- Maximizing the online research experience
- A comparative study of three search engines for Chinese information retrieval on the Internet
- Web access to content: traditional and non-traditional
- Content and context: new data retrieval methodology
- The evolving role of Web search facilities for locating traditionally published information
- Competitive intelligence - overview
- Competitive intelligence: What is it? Why do it? How to do it right and its current and future status
- Demographic and business data on the Internet: resources available, case study, and future trends
- Competitive intelligence on the Web
- Competitive intelligence on the Internet: beyond the basics and an exploration of the global electronic village
- Accuracy vs. precision and their impact on efficient data gathering and effective competitive intelligence (CI) processes
- Competitive intelligence: GIS and non-U.S. sources for on the Web
- GIS applications on competitive intelligence
- Evaluating U.S. business Web sites in eastern European emerging markets: questions of design, contents and customer-friendliness
- Knowledge management and information management in the corporate and university setting
- Achievable knowledge management
- Interfacing an online library system with a legacy accounting system
- Content & intranets
- Desktop access (1)
- Optimizing desktop access: enterprise strategies & impacts
- Desktop Access (2)
- Optimizing desktop access: front-end interfaces & new roles
- Wall Street and the law
- Supporting the Street: legal connections
- Wall Street and the future
- Business information services for the millennium
- Distance education
- Treating the techno-stressed: results of using networked learning environments for distance education in library and information science
- Distributed learning technologies: doing more with less
- Educating electronically on and off the Net
- Putting your course online: a comparison of courseware options
- The learning intranet
- Online and distance education
- Teaching online on line
- Distance education: the topclass experience
- Corporate and academic libraries in the electronic age
- Online customer care
- EXCEL97: a tool for automating grade reports, syllabi, and other documents
- Information professionals in the electronic age
- Information professionals and the Internet
- Blending internal and external information: choosing the best data and level of integration
Please see the conference web site at < http://www.infotoday.com/nom99/nom99.htm > for details and registration information.
- International Federation of Television Archives FIAT/IFTA World Conference -- Audiovisual Archives of the New World -- A New World of Audiovisual Archiving, 3 - 5 October 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Call for papers. Submission deadline 22 March 1999.
The FIAT/IFTA World Conference is open to all, FIAT/IFTA-member or not. The conference program and registration form will be mailed to members in March. Non-members who wish to receive information should contact the FIAT/IFTA office (Administrative Coordinator Katharina Robertsson Reimer, [email protected]) or check the website at < http://www.nbr.no/fiat/9900/call.html >.
Conference theme and programme: Proposals should address the main conference theme. The heading of the conference is "Audiovisual Archives of the New World - A New World of Audiovisual Archiving". The first part of the heading aims at revealing/presenting the audiovisual archives of the Latin American Region from a number of perspectives. The latter part aims at the ongoing and rocketing interest from the market in primarily the development of digitizing the audiovisual archives, but also making the archives profitable. The language of the conference is English, but with simultaneous translation to Spanish and Portuguese.
Pointers in this Column
10th ASIS SIG/CR, Classification Research Workshop, 31 October 1999, Washington, D.C., USA. Call for Participation. Abstract deadline: 5 April 1999.
10th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA'99, 30 August - 3 September 1999, University of Florence, Florence, Italy. Call for papers deadline has been extended to 20 March 1999.
20th IATUL Conference: The Future of Libraries in Human Communication, 17 - 21 May 1999, Chania, Greece.
3rd British Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies: New fields for research in the 21st century, 12 - 14 April 1999, Borås, Sweden. Deadline for online registration is 25 March 1999.
A Canadian Traveling Roadshow: Metadata for Internet Resources, 13 April 1999, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada; 14 April 1999, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; 20 April 1999, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Deadline for registration: 1 April 1999.
ACRL Racing Toward Tomorrow: 9th National Conference, 8 - 11 April 1999, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Blazing the Trail: Electronic Serials From Acquisition To Access Institute, 16 - 17 April 1999, Portland, Oregon, USA. Deadline for registration: 2 April 1999.
Canadian Online Information Summit 1999, 29 - 30 March 1999, Toronto, Canada.
Colorado Digitization Project -- Online Digital Toolbox
Creating Knowledge: Information Literacy and the Library as a Learning Resource Centre -- Consequences for User Education, Design and Library Professions, 15 - 16 April 1999, Malmo University, Sweden.
Digitisation Forum Online
Eighth International World Wide Web Conference, 11 - 14 May 1999, Toronto, Canada. Deadline for earlybird registration and payment is 5 April 1999.
Enabling Access in Digital Libraries: A Report on a Workshop on Access Management, edited by Caroline Arms with Judith Klavans and Donald Waters
Encoded Archival Description: Context, Theory and Case Studies
Order from Troy Sturdivant, Society of American Archivists: [email protected]
First International Workshop on the Requirements Engineering Process (REP'99). Deadline 15 March 1999.
IASSIST - CAPDU: Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers: the future of data in the global network, 17 - 21 May 1999, Toronto, Canada.
ICCC/IFIP Third Conference on Electronic Publishing '99 -- Redefining the Information Chain -- New Ways and Voices, 10 - 12 May 1999, Ronneby, Sweden.
INFO2000 Conference: Interactive Multimedia beyond the Year 2000, Proceeding
International Workshop on Internet Data Management (IDM�99), Deadline 30 March 1999.
International Workshop on Legal Information Systems and Applications (LISA'99). Deadline 27 March 1999.
International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Databases : innovative applications and new architectures (PaDD'99). Deadline 19 March 1999.
International Workshop on Similarity Search (IWOSS'99). Deadline 23 March 1999.
International Workshop on Mobility in Databases and Distributed Systems (MDDS'99). Deadline 20 March 1999.
International Federation of Television Archives FIAT/IFTA World Conference -- Audiovisual Archives of the New World -- A New World of Audiovisual Archiving, 3 - 5 October 1999, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Call for papers. Submission deadline 22 March 1999.
Internet Librarian & Libtech International '99, 29 - 31 March 1999, London, UK.
John Wiley Interscience
Journal of the American Society for Information Science (JASIS)
Linking Workshop
Making Information Pay on the Internet: Setting an Agenda for Industry Collaboration, 16 -18 June 1999, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA.
Museums and the Web 99: Selected Papers
National Online Meeting & IOLS '99, 18 - 20 May 1999, New York, New York, USA.
http://www.infotoday.com/nom99/iolsprogram.htmNinth DELOS Workshop on Digital Libraries for Distance Learning, 15 - 17 April 1999, Brno, Czech Republic. Call for papers. Deadline for abstracts is 5 April 1999.
Points of contact:
Pavel Zezula, [email protected]
or Pasquale Savino, [email protected]
NIT '99: The 11th International Conference on New Information Technology, 18 - 20 August 1999, Taipei, Taiwan.
PMC: Preservation Management: Between policy and practice, 19 - 21 April 1999, The Hague, The Netherlands.
http://www.konbib.nl/pmc/formulier.htmlPreservation of Library & Archival Materials: A Manual, edited by Sherelyn Ogden
Preservation Options in a Digital World: To Film or to Scan, A Workshop on Preservation Microfilming and Digital Imaging of Paper-Based Materials (presented by the Northeast Document Conservation Center), 11 - 13 May 1999, Denver, CO, USA
Search Engines and Beyond: Developing efficient knowledge management systems, 19 - 20 April 1999, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Solaris: Information et Communication, Number 6, (a French electronic serial). Call for papers. Deadline: 15 April 1999.
Solving Collection Problems through Repository Strategies - an International Conference, 9 - 11 May 1999, Kuopio, Finland.
Third European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries 22 - 24 September 1999, Paris, France. Call for papers. Deadline for submission: 1 April 1999.
Treasures from Europe's National Libraries
Twenty-Seventh Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, 25 - 27 September 1999, Alexandria, VA, USA. Call for papers. Deadline for abstract submission is 26 March 1999.
UK Interoperability Focus
Using Metadata for Knowledge Management. Limited enrollment.
Copyright (c) 1999 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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DOI: 10.1045/march99-clips