D-Lib Magazine
June 2004
Volume 10 Number 6
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the June 2004 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Llu�s M. Anglada is the director of CBUC (Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia). CBUC is the consortium of the Catalan public universities and the National Library of Catalonia. CBUC activities are focused on the maintenance of a union catalog with more than 2.5 million bibliographic records, an ILL program, the Digital Library of Catalonia and some other consortial projects such as training, reports, etc. Lluís studied Librarianship and Logics. As a librarian he's been a professor and also director of Library Services at the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). He has written papers on library automation, cooperation, management and digital libraries.
To return to Lluís Anglada's article, click (here).
Angel Borrego is a Lecturer in the department of Library and Information Science at the University of Barcelona, Spain. Previously he had worked as an information specialist for a private consultancy. He received his Ph.D. in Library Science from the University of Salamanca in 2001. His current research interests focus on scholarly communication and user information behavior in the electronic environment.
To return to Angel Borrego's article, click (here).
Tim Brody developed the Citebase search service, as part of the output of the Open Citation Project. He is also actively involved with EPrints software, and with the Open Archives Initiative. Tim is a doctoral student at the University of Southampton, having graduated in 2001. His interests include digital library systems, analysis of the scholarly literature, and distributed information infrastructures.
To return to Tim Brody's opinion piece, click (here).
Carme Cantos is in charge of the Library web site at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain). During her Ph.D. second year of the Faculty of Librarianship and Information Science at the Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) she focused her interests on electronic resources use, as well as usability and accessibility in the web.
To return to Carme Cantos's article, click (here).
Núria Comellas is the Project Manager at CBUC. She is involved in the development of the Digital Library of Catalonia, a core collection of electronic information (e-journals, e-books and databases) jointly subscribed by the member institutions of the CBUC which now includes more than 5,700 e-journals, 1,750 e-books and 45 databases. Núria studied Librarianship and Literature, both at Universitat de Barcelona.
To return to Núria Comellas' article, click (here).
Antonio Cosculluela is professor of the Department of Behavioral Sciences Methodology at the Psychology Faculty of the Universitat de Barcelona. He is in charge of the Applied Statistics and Bibliometrics courses at the University of Barcelona Faculty of Library and Information Science, and teacher of the Doctoral program "Information and Documentation in the Digital Era". As a member of the group xEMEI (Plataforma d'Integració d'Estudis Mètrics i Estadístics d'Informació), he is focused on the methodological issues of the metrics of use and users studies as well as of the bibliometric evaluation of information sources.
To return to Antonio Cosculluela's article, click (here).
David Dawson is the Senior ICT Adviser within the Libraries and Information Society Team (LIST) of the UK Museums, Libraries, and Archives Council. He studied Archaelogy at Durham University. He completed the Museum Studies Course at Leicester in 1985, later becoming an Associate of the Museums Association in 1988. He managed the DCMS/MLA IT Challenge Fund, and is currently working on a range of other projects and strategic developments and represents MLA on many different Groups and initiatives (see http://www.peoplesnetwork.gov.uk/about/daviddawson.asp).
To return to David Dawson's conference report, click (here).
Norbert Fuhr received a Ph.D. (Dr.) in Computer Science from the
Technical University of Darmstadt in 1986. He became
Associate Professor in the computer science department of the
University of Dortmund in 1991 and was appointed Full Professor for
computer science at the University of Duisburg-Essen in 2002. His
current research interests are retrieval models, networked digital
library architectures, user-oriented retrieval methods and the
evaluation of digital libraries.
To return to Norbert Fuhr's article, click (here).
Kati Geber manages Web Applications Interface Design at the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). She led the design of the award-winning Virtual Museum of Canada as well as other acclaimed sites. She specializes in information architecture, access, usability and evaluation. In addition to presenting at conferences and writing about Web Applications Design, Kati conducts research on the ways on-line cultural and heritage information spaces shape and affect learning, communication, participation and engagement of audiences in a multilingual, distributed environment. She explores interoperability, integration and aggregation of content in cultural sectors. Kati has worked in almost every aspects of informatics: from systems analysis, design and programming, to content management and high-level strategy; from project management to collaborative international initiatives, in both educational and cultural sectors.
To return to Kati Geber's conference report, click (here).
Stevan Harnad (http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/harnad)
did his undergraduate work at McGill University and his graduate work
at Princeton University and is currently Canada Research Chair in
Cognitive Science at University of Québec/Montréal. His research is on categorisation, communication and cognition. Founder and
Editor of Behavioral and Brain Sciences
(a paper journal published by Cambridge University Press), Psycoloquy
(an electronic journal sponsored by the
American Psychological Association) and the CogPrints Electronic Preprint
Archive in the Cognitive Sciences,
he is Past President of the Society for Philosopy and Psychology, and
author and contributor to over 100 publications, including Origins and
Evolution of Language and Speech (NY Acad Sci 1976), Lateralization in
the Nervous System (Acad Pr 1977), Peer Commentary on Peer Review: A Case
Study in Scientific Quality Control (CUP 1982), Categorical Perception:
The Groundwork of Cognition (CUP 1987), The Selection of Behavior: The
Operant Behaviorism of BF Skinner: Comments and Consequences (CUP 1988)
and Icon, Category, Symbol: Essays on the Foundations and Fringes of
Cognition (in prep).
To return to Stevan Harnad's opinion piece, click (here).
Donald King retired from King Research in the mid-1990s at which time he began spending full-time (uncompensated) performing science communication research, and writing with colleagues Carol Tenopir, Carol Hansen Montgomery, Peter Boyce and others. From the early 1960s through the 1980s, he conducted a number of studies of Federal clearinghouses and a dozen studies for the National Science Foundation on science communication including electronic publishing. During the 1980s and early 1990s, he and José-Marie Griffiths conducted over thirty readership surveys and cost studies in government agencies (e.g., National Institute of Health), National Laboratories (e.g., Oak Ridge National Lab, universities (e.g., California State Universities) and industry (e.g., AT&T Bell Labs). In recognition of this work, he has received many awards including: Pioneer in Science Information, Chemical Heritage Foundation; Fellow, American Statistical Association; Research Award and Award of Merit, American Society for Information Science & Technology; among others.
To return to Donald King's opinion piece, click (here).
Claus-Peter Klas received his Computer Science diploma at the
University of Dortmund in 1998. Since then he worked as research
assistant within the Information Retrieval group of Prof. Fuhr, now at
the University of Duisburg-Essen. In 1999 he started to work as the principal person
responsible for the Daffodil project. His research focuses on his Ph.D.
thesis, evaluation of digital libraries, and exploration of new
challenging services for Daffodil.
To return to Claus-Peter Klas' article, click (here).
Sascha Kriewel is a research assistant and Ph.D. student at the
University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, where he is part of the
information systems workgroup. He is currently working in the area of
digital libraries, where his interests lie in information search
strategies and information visualization. Sascha received his diploma
in Computer Science from the University of Dortmund in 2002.
To return to Sascha Kriewel's article, click (here).
Jan Lavelle is the Systems Librarian for Service Tasmania Online at the State
Library of Tasmania. She has worked in a variety of areas in the State
Library of Tasmania since 1975, including cataloguing, bookmobile,
reference, heritage and library systems. Jan has worked in the area of
systems development since 1999, and was involved in the design and
implementation of Service Tasmania Online (http://www.service.tas.gov.au), the
unified cross-jurisdictional government services portal for Tasmania.
She has also been involved in designing several other web-based services
within the State Library including images and sheet music web sites, and
re-engineering Our Digital Island (http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/odi), a
web site repository and preservation service.
To return to Jan Lavelle's article, click (here).
Dr. Norbert Lossau is the University Librarian at Bielefeld, Germany, where he moved in 2002 from his post as first Head of the Oxford Digital Library, University of Oxford, UK. Previous to Oxford, he was the Head and founding Director of the Digitisation Centre at Göttingen State and University Library, Germany (1997-2001), one of two national supply centres funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Dr. Lossau has been the main organiser of the International Bielefeld Conference since 2004, having taken overall responsibility for this biannual strategic forum for academic librarians in Europe. He is co-author of a paper on the "Implementation of New Directions in German HE Information and Publishing Systems", the official Statement from the Library Working Group of the German State Ministries in response to the respective "Recommendations" of the German University Presidents and member of a new "eScience" group of experts at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. He represents Bielefeld University Library for the national "Distributed Document Server" project within the German Digital Library "Vascoda", and has initiated strategic partnerships and collaboration with international libraries and enterprises (such as Oxford University Library Services, UK; Sheridan Libraries at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S. and FAST Search & Transfer ASA, Norway).
To return to Norbert Lossau's article, click (here).
John Perkins is the former Executive Director of the Consortium for the Interchange of Museum Information (http://www.cimi.org). For over a decade CIMI was an international group of museums, technology companies, and libraries working to advance museum digital intelligence through standards, research, testbeds, training and international collaboration. CIMI ceased operations in November 2003. John now operates Mus*Info, an international consulting company for information and communications technology management in museums and cultural heritage memory organizations with interests in the area of digital information object management and interchange for museums, metadata harvesting, and distributed searching, mobile computing, digital cultural heritage online, and content architecture for Semantic Web applications.
To return to John Perkin's conference report, click (here).
André Schaefer received a diploma for Computer Science from the
University of Koblenz-Landau in 1997. He was part of the Research and
Development department of the Social Science Information Centre in
Bonn, Germany, until 2002. Since 2002 he has been member of the Information
Systems Group of Prof. Fuhr at the University of Duisburg-Essen. His
research and development interests are mainly in the area of
user-oriented interface design for information systems and digital
To return to André Schaefer's article, click (here).
Lloyd Sokvitne is Manager (Information Systems Development) at the State Library
of Tasmania. While at the State Library, Lloyd has worked in
cataloguing, collection development, and library systems. Since 1995
Lloyd has overseen the development of Tasmania Online (http://www.tas.gov.au),
a comprehensive Tasmanian web indexing service which became the
Tasmanian State Government web portal in 1997, Service Tasmania Online
(http://www.service.tas.gov.au), the unified cross-jurisdictional government
services portal for Tasmania, and Our Digital Island
(http://www.statelibrary.tas.gov.au/odi), a web site repository and
preservation service. Lloyd's professional interests centre on
information discovery on the web, government information services
delivery, metadata, and web content preservation.
To return to Lloyd Sokvitne's article, click (here).
Cristóbal Urbano is Professor of Information Sources and Services at the Universitat de Barcelona Faculty of Library and Information Science; Head of the research group xEMEI (Plataforma d'Integració d'Estudis Métrics i Estad�stics d'Informació), now devoted to studies of use and users of electronic sources and services, as well as to bibliometric evaluation of information sources. He received is B.A. degree in Library and Information Science in 1991, and his Ph.D. in Education in 2000 from Universitat de Barcelona. He had worked previously for several years in Public and University Libraries in the Barcelona area.
To return to Cristóbal Urbano's article, click (here).
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