D-Lib Magazine
July/August 1999Volume 5 Number 7/8
ISSN 1082-9873To the Editor
D-Lib Magazine welcomes letters related to digital library research and electronic publishing issues. Also welcome are letters with questions or comments about the magazine in general, or about stories appearing in the magazine. Please do not send those that are primarily commercial, promotional, or advertising in nature.
Letters concerning stories will be forwarded to the authors, and the authors' responses will be published with the letters whenever possible. If you prefer, you may request that your letter not be published.
Please send your letters to the editor to [email protected].
Initially, D-Lib, used the program, HyperNews, to facilitate reader response to the magazine. Messages and responses received by D-Lib from October 1995 through January 1999 are maintained in an Archive.
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DOI: 10.1045/letters