D-Lib Magazine
The Magazine of Digital Library Research

T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S
J U L Y/ A U G U S T   2 0 1 0
Volume 16, Number 7/8

ISSN: 1082-9873


Continuing publication of D-Lib Magazine is made possible by the D-Lib Alliance.




Three Topics
by Laurence Lannom, Corporation for National Research Initiatives



nature.com OpenSearch: A Case Study in OpenSearch and SRU Integration
Article by Tony Hammond, Nature Publishing Group

Abstract: This paper provides a case study of OpenSearch and SRU integration on the nature.com science publisher platform. These two complementary search methodologies are implemented on top of a common base service and provide alternate interfaces into the underlying search engine. Specific points addressed include query strings, response formats, and service control and discovery. Current applications and future work directions are also discussed.

Document Management in the Open University of Catalunya (UOC) Classrooms
Article by Albert Cervera, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Abstract: Through its document management services in Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia, UOC) classrooms, the UOC Library acts as a true learning and teaching facilitator and plays a central role in the university's learning model. Moreover, it serves as a role model for other university libraries in terms of what is expected of them under the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA) framework and the increasing need for them to operate as learning resource centers. Contributing to the library's success is the Virtual Campus, UOC's learning and teaching model that creates a virtual and asynchronous learning environment for students, and allows the UOC's library to be present in all of its classrooms.

The Benefits of Integrating an Information Literacy Skills Game into Academic Coursework: A Preliminary Evaluation
Article by Karen Markey, Fritz Swanson, Chris Leeder, Brian J. Jennings, Beth St. Jean, Victor Rosenberg, Soo Young Rieh, Robert L. Frost, Loyd Mbabu, and Andrew Calvetti, University of Michigan; Gregory R. Peters, Jr., Cyber Data Solutions LLC, and Geoffrey V. Carter and Averill Packard, Saginaw Valley State University

Abstract: This article describes a new tool for teaching information literacy skills to college undergraduates. BiblioBouts is a game built on premises of educational gaming that came out of research published in the October 2008 issue of D-Lib Magazine. BiblioBouts seeks to satisfy student requests for a gaming experience directly integrated into their current coursework. Alpha testing of the game focuses on answering three main questions: Is BiblioBouts an effective approach for teaching undergraduate students information literacy skills? Do students want to play this game? What improvements does BiblioBouts need? Student response has been encouraging on all fronts. Contact information is provided so that interested parties can learn more.

Semantically Enhancing Collections of Library and Non-Library Content
Article by James E. Powell, Linn Marks Collins and Mark L. B. Martinez, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Abstract: Many digital libraries have not made the transition to semantic digital libraries, and often with good reason. Librarians and information technologists may not yet grasp the value of semantic mappings of bibliographic metadata, they may not have the resources to make the transition and, even if they do, semantic web tools and standards have varied in terms of maturity and performance. Selecting appropriate or reasonable classes and properties from ontologies, linking and augmenting bibliographic metadata as it is mapped to triples, data fusion and re-use, and considerations about what it means to represent this data as a graph, are all challenges librarians and information technologists face as they transition their various collections to the semantic web. This paper presents some lessons we have learned building small, focused semantic digital library collections that combine bibliographic and non-bibliographic data, based on specific topics. The tools map and augment the metadata to produce a collection of triples. We have also developed some prototype tools atop these collections which allow users to explore the content in ways that were either not possible or not easy to do with other library systems.



No-Fault Peer Review Charges: The Price of Selectivity Need Not Be Access Denied or Delayed
Opinion by Stevan Harnad, Université du Québec à Montréal & University of Southampton

Abstract: Plans by universities and research funders to pay the costs of Open Access Publishing ("Gold OA") are premature. Funds are short; 80% of journals (including virtually all the top journals) are still subscription-based, tying up the potential funds to pay for Gold OA; the asking price for Gold OA is still high; and there is concern that paying to publish may inflate acceptance rates and lower quality standards. What is needed now is for universities and funders to mandate OA self-archiving (of authors' final peer-reviewed drafts, immediately upon acceptance for publication) ("Green OA"). That will provide immediate OA; and if and when universal Green OA should go on to make subscriptions unsustainable (because users are satisfied with just the Green OA versions) that will in turn induce journals to cut costs (print edition, online edition, access-provision, archiving), downsize to just providing the service of peer review, and convert to the Gold OA cost-recovery model; meanwhile, the subscription cancellations will have released the funds to pay these residual service costs. The natural way to charge for the service of peer review then will be on a "no-fault basis," with the author's institution or funder paying for each round of refereeing, regardless of outcome (acceptance, revision/re-refereeing, or rejection). This will minimize cost while protecting against inflated acceptance rates and decline in quality standards.


C O N F E R E N C E  R E P O R T

Report on the 2009 Joint CENDI/NKOS Workshop - Knowledge Organization Systems: Managing to the Future
Conference Report by Marcia Lei Zeng, Kent State University

Abstract: A Joint CENDI/NKOS Workshop, "Knowledge Organization Systems: Managing to the Future", was held at the National Agricultural Library at Beltsville, Maryland, United States on October 22, 2009. The themes include: toward a shared development environment, toward interoperability, and toward ontologies and the Semantic Web. Ten invited speakers represented government, academic, and commercial organizations from a variety of disciplines.


N E W S   &   E V E N T S


In Brief: Short Items of Current Awareness

In the News: Recent Press Releases and Announcements

Clips & Pointers: Documents, Deadlines, Calls for Participation

Meetings, Conferences, Workshops: Calendar of activities associated with digital libraries research and technologies

F E A T U R E D   D I G I T A L

Illustration, Snow, Moon, Flowers: No. 30 Yamashiro, Flowers of Kinkaku-ji, Princess Yuki, 1884
[Ink on paper. Snow, Moon, Flowers: No. 30 Yamashiro, Flowers of Kinkaku-ji, Princess Yuki, 1884. Scripps College, Claremont, CA. Purchase by the Aoki Endowment for Japanese Arts and Cultures. Used with Permission.]


The Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery of Scripps College

The Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery of Scripps College houses approximately 2,000 Japanese woodblock prints, with most of the collection dating to the Edo (1615-1868) and Meiji periods (1868-1912). Primarily a teaching collection, the Japanese prints are available to faculty and students for class and research. Approximately 400 prints by the Meiji artists Yoshu Chikanobu and Tsukioka Yoshitoshi are available online through the Claremont Colleges Digital Library.

The early prints of Yoshu Chikanobu (1838-1912) document the modernization and Westernization of Japan during the years of the Meiji Restoration. In his later years, however, Chikanobu's prints reflect his growing nostalgia for the Japanese past, with subjects drawn from classical Japanese literature and traditional pastimes.

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839-1892) is well-known for his scenes of the grotesque, whether in the form of dying warriors and gristly murders in the tumultuous days of the Meiji period or the ghosts and demons of folklore. Yoshitoshi also illustrated classical subjects from Japan's corpus of historical literature and religious canon.

Various donors have contributed to the Japanese Print Collection, including Lilian Miller (in 1944), Mrs. James S. (Emiline) Johnson (from 1946), Fred and Estelle Marer (from 1993), Dr. and Mrs. William Ballard (in 1993), Mrs. Ruth LeMaster (in 2002) and the Aoki Endowment for Japanese Arts and Culture (from 1998).


D - L I B   E D I T O R I A L   S T A F F

Laurence Lannom, Editor-in-Chief
Catherine Rey, Managing Editor
Bonita Wilson, Contributing Editor


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