D-Lib Magazine
February 1999Volume 5 Number 2
ISSN 1082-9873Clips & Pointers
California Digital Library Web Site Opens
Contributed by:
John Ober
California Digital LibraryThe California Digital Library (CDL) announced the release of its integrated Web site on January 20, 1999. Many activities of the CDL -- establishing shared collections principles and structures, licensing new resources for the UC system, opening the Environmental Information Project website, enhancing the Web version of the Melvyl® Union Catalog of the University of California's library holdings, and planning for new digital discovery and retrieval services to name a few -- preceded the establishment of this website which serves as the "digital doors" of the CDL.
Led by University Librarian Richard Lucier, the CDL not only operates in close collaboration with the UC campuses and their libraries -- it is often described as a "co-library" -- but also collaborates with other California universities and organizations to create and extend access to digital material to UC partners and to the public at large.
The Melvyl Union Catalog, the California Periodicals database which lists 863,000 unique titles held in more than 555 libraries, and the Online Archive Of California are freely available to any visitor to the CDL.
The CDL web contains background and descriptive information about the CDL. More importantly, it provides access to a browseable and searchable Directory of Collections and Services that provides a gateway to the digital shared collections of the UC system and its partners. It provides unified access to electronic journals, databases, and to finding aids and digitized primary sources in the Online Archive of California. It complements the well-known Melvyl Catalog, as well as local campus library catalogs, the California Periodicals database, and many CDL-hosted abstracting and indexing databases by directing people to those resources or directly to electronic journals and other resources. The Directory is being designed to be collaboratively maintained and to allow a "campus view" of available digital resources at the user's choice. Specific views, including subject-based views, can also be created for a particular library or individual's "entrance" to the CDL.
Debuting with the CDL website are "Request" and a web version of "Update." Request is a new service for UC faculty, graduate students, and staff to easily request a book that is located anywhere in the nine-campus university system. Authorized users will be able to request materials with a simple click of a web "Request" button while viewing search results from Melvyl.
Update is a current awareness or selective dissemination of information (SDI) service used to create and retrieve automatic weekly updates of searches in the Melvyl Catalog and, for authorized users, in most CDL-hosted databases. The results contain records that have been added to the target databases in the previous week.
CDL strategic plans include the identification and prioritization of innovative technologies for new tools and services. While Request and Update represent an important beginning, rapid progress is expected through the development of a strategic innovations agenda and in partnership with research activities such as several of those proposed for the NSF's second phase of the Digital Library Initiative.
The opening of the CDL web reflects the work and collaboration of individuals and organizations throughout the University as well as of CDL friends and partners. The many milestones leading to this point are also products of a "co-library" vision and the co-investment of energy and resources by all of the UC campuses and partners that vision entails. As a member of several national organizations devoted to digital library work, including the Digital Library Federation (DLF), the International Consortium of Library Consortia (ICOLC), and the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), the CDL also represents a new partner in the exploration of issues and technologies of interest to D-Lib readers and the digital library community broadly defined.
For more information consult the CDL web or contact assistant director for education and communication, John Ober.
New Digital Preservation Report Available
Contributed by: Robin Dale
Research Libraries GroupThe Research Libraries Group (RLG) has announced the release of a new report, Digital Preservation Needs and Requirements in RLG Member Institutions, available at < http://www.rlg.org/preserv/digpres.html >. The report, based on a 1998 study, is one of several steps RLG and its members have taken in following up on the 1996 study, Preserving Digital Information: Report of the Task Force on Archiving of Digital Information <http://www.rlg.org/ArchTF/>, which RLG jointly sponsored with the Commission on Preservation and Access (now a part of the Council on Library and Information Resources).
The Research Libraries Group is an international consortium of universities and colleges, national libraries, archives, historical societies, museums, independent research collections, and public libraries. In early 1998, RLG funded a study of the status of digital archiving in its member institutions. Conducted by Margaret Hedstrom, Associate Professor at the School of Information, University of Michigan, and Sheon Montgomery, Graduate Research Assistant, the study is based on an extensive written survey -- to which 54 members responded -- plus phone interviews with over a dozen collection administrators. Its primary purpose was to assess members needs in maintaining and managing digital resources in all formats. The result is an up-to-date, carefully interpreted picture of the current state of digital preservation and the key concerns and expectations from an international cross-section of the RLG membership. This will assist RLG in developing the kinds of resource-sharing mechanisms, training, and services that best serve members' needs.
This report examined one component of an evolving infrastructure for long-term preservation of digital information: the responsibilities of archives, libraries, museums, and other repositories for preserving and providing access to valuable digital resources. The survey and report reflect information from RLG member institutions, though the findings may be more broadly applicable because of the nature of RLG's diverse international membership. Some sample findings:
- Two-thirds of respondents already assume responsibility for preserving material in digital form; by 2001, 98% expected to be preserving both acquired or "born-digital" items and materials they have converted to digital form.
- Only half of the institutions with digital preservation responsibilities have policies that govern acquisition, conversion, storage, refreshing, and/or migration of digital materials; all anticipate developing new policies within the next three years.
- Less than half of the institutions with digital holdings refresh them by copying to new media or migrating these materials to current formats; and most carry out these activities ad hoc or in conjunction with system upgrades, rather than as an integral part of a digital preservation program.
- A majority also lack the capacity to mount, read, or access files on some of the storage media they hold.
- The need for digital preservation expertise is high: asked to rate staff as expert, intermediate, or novice, only eight respondents considered their staff at the expert level.
- There is consensus that coordinated strategies and shared resources are essential to achieving broad solutions and enhancing local efforts.
The report includes a concise set of recommendations for RLG and for individual institutions, as well as service providers. Already moving forward on the report recommendations, RLG will be working with its members to assist in developing institutional digital preservation policies by disseminating existing and sample policies.
For more information about the new report or RLG's digital preservation initiatives, please contact Robin Dale by email: [email protected] or phone (650) 691-2238.
The Librarians' Resource Centre: An Information Source for the Profession
Contributed by:
Margaret Gross
Librarian and Information Officer
EMS Technologies Canada, Ltd.The Librarians' Resource Centre (LRC), which includes global links, is itself exemplary of the global village in which we live. It was developed in Montreal under the auspices of the SLA Toronto Chapter. The web pages are hosted on SLA's computer in Washington, and the searchable database resides in Vancouver (thanks to the generosity of Andornot Consulting). Below is an introduction to the LRC and a description of how it was developed.
Raison d'�tre
There were two main factors behind the development of the LRC. The first one was personal, the result of my own difficulties in managing bookmarks. I use multiple computers, and on those computers, I use two browsers, Netscape and Internet Explorer, each with its own complement of bookmarks. It was a challenge to find the right bookmark in a hurry when I needed it. The second reason for the development of the Librarians' Resource Centre was the need for a meta site resource developed primarily with the special librarian in mind. In a nutshell, organizing my personal links, and contributing to effective Net retrieval for hurried colleagues coincided, ergo the genesis of the LRC.Organization
How to organize the Librarians Resource Centre? Thought was given to the library profession in general, and, specifically, to how librarianship is practiced. The framework of the library profession is structured along three major divisions:These three divisions became the basis for organizing the links for the LRC. The scope of the project was to be quite broad. It could include any site that was of interest to librarians, whether a meta site, how-to site, reference information, etc.
- Firstly, librarians search, gather, organize, filter and disseminate information;
- Secondly, they commit themselves to lifelong learning, both to remain current in their field and to continuously enhance their services;
- Thirdly, librarians provide technical services including cataloguing, acquisitions and vendor sourcing, web page development, scripting, etc.
The first step was to get my plethora of bookmarks into a manageable database. I gathered all the bookmark.htm files, concatenated them, and stripped out all extraneous browser verbiage, such as date visited, etc., using a text based HTML editor. The new file was then opened in MS Word, where through a few simple search and replace algorithms, it was formatted into a database-ready import state. The database used is Inmagic dbTextworks.The database was created with four initial fields: Name, URL, Subject, and Description. Later a fifth field, Type, was added to allow for multiple subjects within one type such as: Dictionaries. After all this was done, the database contained about 200 entries with no subject definition, nor description. The next step was laborious. Each site on the Internet had to be visited to ensure that the URL was active. A subject heading was assigned, along with a short description. While a framework did begin to take shape at this time, with only about 200 URLs it could not yet be considered a Librarians' Resource Centre.
Where to start looking for sites to add? In order to find material that fit into the scope of the project, the primary web resources for conducting research were consulted. These included the Argus Clearinghouse, BUBL, Librarians' Index to the Internet and the Internet Library for Librarians. (It can be stated proudly that these sites, amongst others, now include our Librarians' Resource Centre in their searchable catalogues.)
What was discovered in doing the research confirmed my original hypothesis. While these sites are huge and excellent, they are limited in their inclusion of Canadian resources. There was no site that combined all the elements that touch our profession: search engines, gateways to libraries, web development tools, and topics of current interest such as knowledge management and competitor intelligence. Our site, while much smaller, was created to combine all these elements.
Contents of Librarians' Resource Centre
The main page of the Librarians' Resource Centre offers a short mission statement and a list of categories that link to corresponding topics on subsequent pages. In addition to browsing the categories, the visitor may search the database for specific topics. There are presently over 1000 links, and as the Internet evolves, so will the LRC.Keeping Current
A site of Internet links, once developed, cannot remain static. Given that new sites are added daily and that old ones change addresses, a mechanism ensuring that updates are performed easily and quickly has to be in place. Otherwise the value of the site erodes rapidly. Updating of the database is done regularly -- that is, as soon as a new site is discovered. The web pages are updated in a modular fashion. As there are several new entries under a specific topic, that particular section is replaced with an updated one. The Librarians' Resource Centre is permanently a work in progress. Recently we added a listing of New Resources, which is updated monthly.Future Enhancements Some features we hope to include in the LRC are:
- a mailing list so that the New Resources List can be distributed
- a mail-in form for contributions and recommendations from our users
- a formalized and published list of our selection criteria
The Librarians' Resource Centre was created to serve librarians and information specialists, be they in one-person libraries, university libraries, or independent consultants. We encourage and welcome feedback. Please contribute ideas and sites that are of interest to you. We will do our best to incorporate them as quickly as possible.
For more information about the Librarians' Resource Centre, please contact Margaret Gross by email: [email protected].
A Digital Library for Education
The Clinton Adminstration has announced a $30 million initiative to begin the development of a national library of text, images, sound recordings, and other materials which will be available to every school-child and every American with access to the Internet.
Though not all of the details of the initiative are yet available, it is to include the following elements:
- America's Treasures Online ($5 million each, the Smithsonian and the National Park Service). Funds to be used to digitize, index and make available on the Internet: pictures, documents, music, oral history, 3-dimensional objects, and virtual tours of cultural sites.
- Digitizing the classics and putting museums online ($10 million, the Institute for Museum and Library Science). Funds to support the digitization of hundreds of thousands of images, paintings, sculptures and other works of art from museums around the country.
- Digital Library for Math and Science Education ($10 million, the National Science Foundation). Funds to be used for math and science education including: tools to find high-quality resources, using specialized search engines and "peer review" mechanisms; and hands-on interactive content, including simulation and multimedia.
The Administration will seek to leverage the above funding through partnerships with corporations, libraries, museums, archives, foundations, and other organizations.
Diane Frankel, Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (a federal grant-making agency) said, "Libraries are on the forefront of using new technology to get people the information they want and need. For museums, this is the first federal program specifically designed to make their collections accessible online."
For more information about this Initiative for the Digital Library for Education, as well as other programs and grants of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), see the IMLS website at < http://www.imls.fed.us >.
Council on Library and Information Resources Fellowship Available
Information below about the fellowship is abstracted from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) announcement at their web site.
The Council on Library and Information Resources has established a fellowship to honor A. R. Zipf, a pioneer in information management systems. The fellowship will be awarded annually to a student currently enrolled in graduate school, in the early stages of study, who shows exceptional promise for leadership and technical achievement in information management. The amount of the award in 1999 will be $5,000.Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Applications for the fellowship may be requested by phone (202.939.4750), fax (202.939.4765), e-mail ([email protected]), or by writing to the following:
A.R. Zipf Fellowship
Council on Library and Information Resources
1755 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036A PDF version of the application package is also available. The package is 6 pages long (1 page of instructions, a 3-page application, and a 2-page reference form). Completed applications must be mailed to the Council and be postmarked no later than April 1, 1999. The winner will be notified by June 1, 1999. See the CLIR web site for additional information about the fellowship.
In Print
- The Cost of Digital Image Distribution: The Social and Economic Implications of the Production, Distribution and Usage of Image Data, by Howard Besser and Robert Yamashita, University of California, Berkeley, Final report, July 1998.
This report, a result of a study financed by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and performed by the University of California, Berkeley, should be of interest to those planning for the digitization or distribution of digital images.
Findings include:
- It will take a long time for repositories to reach the critical mass of images needed for instruction and research. Analog slide libraries and digital image libraries will co-exist for many more years.
- The higher education community is enthusiastic about providing access to digital images, but there remain many impendiments, including lack of comprehensive content and absence of necessary tools to facilitate use, as well as inadequate recognition and support for faculty who adopt new technologies in their teaching.
- The anticipated shift from analog slide libraries to licensed digital images represents a shift from ownership to access through ongoing subscription. Universities are concerned with controlling costs, and museum image distribution consortia are concerned with ensuring consistent revenue stream. Both must come to see that their common goals outweigh their individual concerns.
The report is available in paper format from Howard Besser, School of Information Management & Systems, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-4600. It is also available online in HTML and PDF formats at < http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Imaging/Databases/1998mellon >.
- A Strategic Policy Framework for Creating and Preserving Digital Collections, by Neil Beagrie and Daniel Greenstein, Arts and Humanities Data Service Executive.
"The Electronic Libraries programme (eLib) publication of the digital preservation study undertaken by the AHDS Executive on behalf of the Digital Archiving Working Party of the UK's Joint Information Systems Committee, British Library, and National Preservation Office is now available. The study outlines a strategic policy framework for creating and preserving digital collections and recommends good practice to those involved in the creation, management, or long-term preservation of digital information which will form our cultural and intellectual heritage in the "digital age". Included in the report are six case studies based on a series of fifteen interviews with organisations and individuals involved in major data creation projects and digital preservation worldwide. The study is also available electronically in html form from the AHDS website."
"The eLib Supporting studies are published by LITC. Each study is priced �20.00 plus postage and packaging and sales are handled by TBC Distribution." [Contributed by: Neil Beagrie.]
- Perspectives Online: the electronic newsletter of the American Historical Association.
This month's Perspectives is dedicated to "new technlogies and the practice of history." There are short essays and reports on various aspects of interactive teaching; using the World Wide Web; H-Net: Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine; opportunities provided by the new media for electronic publication of research; etc.
Point to Point
- Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography,Version 23, 2/1/99, by Charles W. Bailey Jr., Assistant Dean for Systems, University Libraries, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
- Open Source Systems for Libraries
The stated mission of this new web site is "To cultivate the collaborative power of open source software engineering to build better and free systems for use in libraries." At the site, users are encouraged to submit projects or to join a listserv for ongoing discussion and communication on the topic of open source library systems.
Projects already listed with links include: Dubmed, a visual search and retrieve GUI written in java, currently running as a front-end to Medline; Electronic Document Delivery (EDD), an ILL tool written in VB5 for managing the automated conversion of ARIEL files to web-accessible PDF files; and Ovid Statistics Log Report Generator, a perl script that produces reports from Ovid's statistics logs.
Please see the draft document at <http://info.med.yale.edu/library/oss4lib/docs/oss4libarticle.html> for background and explanation of the site, as well as disclaimers and copyright statements. For further information, contact Daniel Chudnov, Cushing/Whitney Medical Library, Yale University, email: [email protected].
Deadline Reminders
- The Challenge of Information Retrieval, CIR 99 -- Second UK Conference on Image Retrieval, 25 - 26 February 1999, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Final date to register is 19 February 1999.
- ACM Hypertext '99, 10th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, 21 - 25 February, Darmstadt, Germany. For online registration, see the conference web site.
- EDUCAUSE '99, Celebrating New Beginnings 26 - 29 October 1999, Long Beach, CA, USA. Call for proposals. Deadlines for submission: 26 February 1999 (for preconference seminars) and 15 March 1999 (for general conference presentations). See below for details.
- Workshop on Intelligent Information Integration, IJCAI-99, 31 July 1999, Stockholm, Sweden. Call for papers. Deadline for submission: 1 March 1999. Please see the conference web site for information.
- KDD-99, ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining. Call for papers. Abstracts deadline: 1 March 1999. See description of conference below.
- 1st IEEE Conference on Standardisation and Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT '99, 15 - 17 September 1999, Aachen, Germany. Call for papers. Deadline is 5 March 1999. Please see the conference web site for information.
- Computers in Libraries '99, 7 - 11 March 1999, Arlington, VA, USA. Complete information about the conference including registration information is available at the conference web site.
- AMIA'99 Annual Symposium. Paper, poster, and demonstration submission deadline is 9 March 1999. See description of symposium below.
- IEEE Meta-Data'99, The Third IEEE Meta-Data Conference, 6 - 7 April , 1999, Bethesda, MD, USA. Late registration fees apply after 16 March 1999. Online registration is available at < https://secure.computer.org/conf/meta/register.htm >.
Goings On
- EDUCAUSE '99, Celebrating New Beginnings, 26 - 29 October 1999, Long Beach, CA, USA. Deadline for proposals for preconference seminars is 26 February 1999. Deadline for proposals for general conference is 15 March 1999..
This first EDUCAUSE annual conference will identify the opportunities, address the issues and celebrate the potential for transforming education through information technology. EDUCAUSE '99 will bring together information resource professionals to participate in a diverse, comprehensive carefully focused program with many opportunities for interactive and one-on-one communication.
Proposals for the preconference seminars are sought which relate to the following topics:
- Using the Web in Teaching and Learning
- Policy, Legal, and Ethical Network Issues
- Improving Services through Intranet Applications
- Advanced Networking
- Ownership of Electronic Course Materials in Higher Education
- Supporting a Distributed Computing Services Environment
- Enterprise-Wide Management of Information Resources
- Retaining, Retraining, Recruiting, and Reclassifying IT Staff
- Funding Technology Infrastructure with Constrained Resources
- Integration of Technology in Teaching and Learning: Faculty and Curriculum Issues
- Role of IT in Supporting Distributed Learning
- Improving Productivity through IT
- The Digital Library
- Measuring the Payoff of the Investment in IT
- Creative Outsourcing and Shared Services
- Tracking and Leveraging the New Technologies
- IT Support: Meeting Insatiable Demands
- First Amendment Applications in Cyberspace
- Campus Network Access
- Middleware
- Network Security
Proposals for the full conference are sought relating to five tracks described below. (Please see the conference web site for full descriptions of track topics from which descriptions below were abstracted.)
- Building the New Information Technology Foundation and Infrastructure
This track seeks proposals that address today's basic IT services and support, including the management and organizational strategies that make it all work. Proposals should appeal to administrators who manage the service and/or to technologists who create and maintain the service.
- Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning
This track solicits proposals concerning instructional and multi-media design processes that take advantage of technology to enhance content and pedagogy, including best practices, lessons learned, and underlying theories that impact the design process. In addition, of interest are: effective faculty development and student training strategies, the role of designers, how faculty find time for developing new digital learning environments, and how new teaching/learning centers and instructional design labs provide faculty support.
How do issues such as electronic classrooms, digital libraries, intellectual property rights, commercial publishing, distance learning, and faculty policies and politics challenge faculty and service providers and facilitate the formation of new partnerships? What research questions and methodology are faculty and institutions asking and using to evaluate how we design and support these new technology-enhanced teaching and learning strategies?
Proposals may address issues such as cost/benefit ratios for course development or teaching/learning centers, the impact of technology on learning outcomes, and specific research questions and methodologies faculty and institutions are asking and developing.
- Renewing Administrative Services
Administrative computing has always been important, but it has taken on greater strategic importance as institutions struggle to remove the limitations of space and time in delivering instruction to a wider, more diverse audience.
Sought are proposals on topics of administrative services such as e-commerce, workflow/imaging, and direct web-based delivery of services; access and security issues; automating specialty functions such as grants management, the physical plant, and auxiliary enterprises; distributed support strategies; and how administrative computing can help enable the transformation of higher education and support the strategic directions of higher education institutions in the new millennium.
- Outreach, Public Service, and New Communities
This track provides a forum for participants to exchange knowledge, insights, and experiences related to outreach initiatives. Proposals might explore issues such as: building community networks (access); providing training to develop technology and information literacy (training and tools); developing and scaling exemplary applications in such areas as K-12 education; access to unique library collections; job and community development (applications); and evaluating the efficacy of such projects (research).
Colleagues are invited to discuss their projects, the lessons learned, the policy issues raised by such projects, and the best ways technology should be used in the future to extend communities, enrich collaboration, and link together research, teaching, and public service. Encouraged are joint presentations proposals by higher education participants and their key community partners.
- Advancing the Leading Edge
This track will consider the range of developments to improve the accessibility and usability of knowledge using new technologies, including areas such as universal access, human language technology, knowledge modeling, data mining, database access technology, human-computer interaction, embedded intelligent systems, as well as wireless, wearable and mobile computing technology. Innovative applications for a high-performance distributed computing infrastructure, such as scientific collaboratories and digital libraries are of interest. Also of interest are information on standards, and technology profiles for interoperable services that will enable greater adoption and new applications.
Guidelines and instructions for EDUCAUSE '99 proposal submission and an online submission form may be found at the conference web site at < http://www.educause.edu/conference/e99/ >.
- KDD-99, ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, 15 - 18 August 1999, San Diego, CA, USA. Call for papers. Abstracts due 1 March 1999.
Explosive growth of online information has created an urgent need for improved knowledge extraction techniques and more efficient database access. This ACM interest group is newly formed, and plans to conduct annual conferences on the topics of knowledge discovery and data mining.
This year, topics of interest for papers, panels, tutorials, demonstrations, and exhibits include, but are not limited to:
KDD Techniques:
- New KDD algorithms
- Mining the Web
- Text/multimedia
- Data cleaning/noisy data
- Incremental algorithms
- High-dimensional data
- Background knowledge
Mining Enterprise Databases:
- Scalable algorithms
- Unification of mining with querying
- Database architectures for KDD
- Database primitives for KDD
- Integration: mining/warehousing/OLAP
Implementation and Applications:
- Implementation & use of KDD systems
- Vertical applications
- Case studies: success/failure
- Benchmarks
Human Interaction and the KDD Process:
- Data and knowledge visualization
- Evaluating knowledge and potential discoveries
- Interactive exploration
- Visualizing large, high-dimensional data
Complete information about the conference and the call for papers may be found at <http://research.microsoft.com/datamine/kdd99/>.
- The Legal and Policy Framework for Global Electronic Commerce: A Progress Report, 5 - 6 March 1999, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA.
Online business is a reality that presents new risks and new opportunities to businesses from all sectors of the economy. Almost two years ago the Clinton Administration issued "A Framework for Global Electronic Commerce" also known as the "Magaziner Report". Now that electronic commerce has emerged, it is time to review the Magaziner Report to see if the recommendations have been implemented and if they have been sucessful and adequate. While the technical infrastructure and new business models have been created for the information economy, will the legal and policy frameworks promote or hinder this unprecedented potential? This conference seeks to answer that question.
The conference is sponsored by:
- The School of Information Management & Systems,
University of California at Berkeley,- The Haas School of Business,
University of California at Berkeley,- BRIE (Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy),
- The IBM Institute for Advanced Commerce,
- Cisco Systems, Inc.,
- The Fisher Center for Management & Information Technology, and
- The American Bar Association, Science & Technology Section.
Speakers drawn from business and industry, academia, the legal profession and the government will focus on subjects such as:
- Privacy Protection in Electronic Commerce: Government or Private Responsibility?
- Security and the Infrastructure of Electronic Commerce
- Setting Government and Private Policies for Electronic Payment Systems
- Global Rules for Commercial Law and Intellectual Property
- Liberalizing the Telecommunications Infrastructure
- Setting (and Choosing) Global Technical Standards
- What�s Next? What�s Missing in the Magaziner Report?
For a full list of topics and information regarding registration, see the conference web site at <http://www.sims.berkeley.edu/BCLT/ecom/>.
- AMIA'99 Annual Symposium, Cornerstones for a New Information Management Paradigm, 6 - 10 November 1999, Washington, DC, USA. Call for papers. Deadline for submission is 9 March 1999.
Changes in medical information gathering, management, and dissemination continue to accelerate rapidly, making critical the development of a new information management paradigm. The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) has issued a call for papers for the 1999 AMIA Annual Symposium to be held in Washington, DC in November of this year. Papers, posters, and theater-style demonstrations are sought on four major topics, or cornerstones, that will form the base for the new paradigm that is needed. Below are descriptions of the cornerstones abstracted from the AMIA Symposium web site. Please see the site for more detailed descriptions.
Cornerstone 1: Representing Knowledge. Free flow of data and creation of longitudinal medical records are goals in medical informatics. Attaining these goals requires structured data representation and effective creation and use of vocabularies. Progress made in knowledge representation would include linking data from disparate health care systems with decision support modules and information resources.
Cornerstone 2: Acquiring and Presenting Data. Effective use of health care information requires efficient capture of data and presentation that enhances decision making in clinical care. Envisioned is the elimination of human-machine interface barriers and establishment of mechanisms to capture data at the source and present it in styles sensitive to clinical needs.
Cornerstone 3: Managing Change. Introducing major information systems into complex health care organizations requires an effective blend of good technical and organizational skills. Implementation of the best system may be resisted by people who have low psychological ownership in that system. Management leaders can overcome resistance to change as well as achieve more rapid and productive introduction of information technology. Effective medical informatics change strategies can convert technology-centered tension into opportunities that will improve all phases of the health care process.
Cornerstone 4: Integrating Information. Medical informatics views information use and management as an enterprise-wide asset. This perspective is key for building solutions and creating systems that provide seamless integration between the various clinical and administrative units within an enterprise.
Final papers will be published in the conference proceedings and AMIA will retain copyright of those that are published. Cash awards will be presented for Best Theoretical Paper, Best Application Paper, and Best Poster. In addition, there will be four student cash awards ranging from $200 to $1000 and, for the eight student finalists, symposium registration fees will be waived and up to $1000 of transportation, lodging, and meal expenses will be paid.
Full details regarding the conference and instructions for submission of papers, etc., may be found at < http://www.amia.org/meetings/f99/call/cover.htm >.
- Twenty-Seventh Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, 25 - 27 September 1999. Alexandria, VA, USA. Call for papers. Deadline for abstract submission is 26 March 1999.
The Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC) is an annual forum for dialogue among scholars and decision-makers from the public and private sectors engaged in communication and information policy. The purpose of the conference is to acquaint policymakers with the best of recent research and to familiarize researchers with the knowledge needs of policymakers and industry. The TPRC program is assembled from submitted abstracts, invited papers and proposals for complete sessions.
TPRC is now soliciting proposals for papers or session proposals for presentation at its 1999 conference. Proposals should be based on current theoretical and/or empirical research relevant to the making of communication and information policy, and may be from any disciplinary perspective. TPRC welcomes national, international, or comparative studies. Subject areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to the following:
- International Trade and Telecom Services
- Statistical Analysis of the Telecom Industry
- Regulation of Online Activities
- User Studies
- Evolution of Industry Structure
- Infrastructure Protection
- Interconnection and Settlements
- Policy Impacts on Investment Decisions
- States
- Local Access Competition
- Privacy
- Online Intermediaries
- Electronic Political Participation
- E-Commerce and Taxation
- E-Commerce Applications (Finance, Publishing, Digital Music)
- Broadband and Competition
- Intellectual Property (Software Patent, Digital Copyright)
- Internet and Mass Media
- Spectrum Management
- IP Telephony
- Integrated vs. Open Networks
- Trust, Reputation and Social Protocols
- Regulatory Experience in Developing Nations
- US & EU Regulatory Reviews
- Changes in Manufacturing Equipment Markets
- Regulatory Experience in Developed Countries
- Strategies of Incumbents and Entrants
- Fixed-Mobile Convergence
- Pricing Structures in New and Old Services
- Antitrust Concerns
- Economic and Social Perspective of Universal Service
- Pinch Points on the Value Chain
- Software Competition
- Institutional Design for Internet Governance
- Policy & Standards
See the conference web site at < http://www.si.umich.edu/~prie/tprc/call99.html > for details about each topic and for submission guidelines.
New Challenges for Scholarly Communication in the Digital Era: Changing Roles and Expectations in the Academic Community, 26 - 27 March 1999, Washington, DC, USA. This conference is sponsored by orgainzations representing faculty, publishers, librarians, and learned societies which have been greatly affected by the changes brought about by the digital era. Below are descriptions from the conference web site of planned panel discussions scheduled for the two day conference.
Panel Topics:
- Getting Ahead in the Digital World - Faculty are being encouraged to employ digital technology in the classroom, develop digitally-based distance learning courses, submit manuscripts to electronic journals, and mentor graduate students and junior faculty during this time of incredible transition. This panel will address how these pressures and some current initiatives in the digital arena, such as electronic dissertations, the decoupling of peer review from publication, electronic only publication, and how classroom use of technology and distance learning affect faculty careers and their opportunities for advancement.
- Distance Education - Many universities are moving into distance education, some with enthusiasm and some feeling driven by necessity. This panel will address the issues and challenges that are presented by distance learning, including the expectations for faculty, ownership of the courses developed, quality of the learning experience, academic freedom, library support of distance learners, and potential roles for societies and presses.
- What Does it Mean to Publish? - The ability of authors to post their own work on their own websites and the introduction of electronic dissertations have created intense discussions of what it means to "publish" in the digital era. Do online preprints and electronic dissertations constitute prior publication? If so, what are the implications for tenure and promotion? How do faculty balance the desire to get their ideas out with the need for review for tenure?
- Economics of Scholarly Communication - There is a disjunction between the sociology and economics of scholarly publishing, primarily in the sciences, that has affected the access to scholarship in all disciplines. Can the new technology provide better and more cost-effective solutions for scholarly communication? How do solutions vary by discipline? What roles do the various members of the academic community play in contributing to the solutions?
- Preservation and Access - The new technology brings great opportunity for expanded access to a wide array of electronic resources which can be searched with powerful search engines across distributed systems. But technology also creates such challenges as version control, document integrity, persistent naming, authentication, and preservation.
Please see the conference web site at <http://www.arl.org/scomm/conf.html> for a list of speakers, hotel information, fees, and complete registration information.
NIT '99: The 11th International Conference on New Information Technology, 18 - 20 August 1999, Taipei, Taiwan. The audience for NIT '99 is Library and Information Professionals and Educational Media Specialists and Technologists.
Libraries and information centers can make available to their users a previously unknown level of service, featuring powerful global information access, retrieval and delivery capabilities. Developments in telecommunication networks, electronic publishing, interactive multimedia technologies, integrated information systems, and digital libraries, together with the explosive use of the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW), enable librarians and information specialists to offer unprecedented capabilities for more effective and efficient information management and services, as well as incredible opportunities for global information access and sharing of resources. The coming of the Next Generation Internet will offer hundreds times more capabilities for faster and better digital commutations.
Such developments that are well known in the U.S.A. and other developed countries, are not always true for librarians and information specialists elsewhere. It has been very difficult for them to keep up with the dynamic changes which are affecting their profession.
This conference in Taipei, Taiwan is intended to provide maximum opportunities for formal and informal discussions among participants from both developed and developing countries.
NIT '99 will cover the full-range of NIT related topics with heavier emphasis on digital libraries, since these will likely be among the most important and influential institutions of the 21st Century.
- New Information Technology Related Topics:
- Development of global and national information infrastructure
- Development of national information policies
- Next Generation Internet and GII/NII
- The role and functions of libraries in the electronic culture
- The Use of Internet and World Wide Web
- Electronic publishing and publishing on the Web
- Library networks and integrated library/information systems
- Database creation, structure and searching
- Consortia of electronic resources
- Networks - national, local area, and global
- End-users and intermediary aspects
- Web-based education and distance learning
- Use of new information technologies in preservation/conservation
- Digital Libraries Topics:
- Digital libraries, virtual library and global information access
- Digital libraries development and projects
- Digital libraries technologies - scaleability, sustainability, interoperability
- Metadata problems and issues
- Digital libraries indexing and retrieval
- Digital libraries user experience and user support
- Requirement for digital libraries
- Economics of digital libraries
- Collaborative digital libraries research - national and international
- Digital libraries - competing paradigms
- Digital libraries - integration vs fragmentation
- Digital libraries - team building and team workers
- Digital libraries - copyright and other legal issues, privacy, security etc...
- Digital libraries - development and challenges
- Digital libraries - social impact
- Multi-lingual problems and issues
- Digital image data handling and organization
- Availability of information sources and national values, such as library holdings, museum collections, press, archives, etc.
Potential presenters outside Taiwan should send proposed topics together with abstracts of no more than 500 words to Dr. Ching-chih Chen before March 30, 1999 via email or fax. Paper proposals from Taiwan should be sent to the Library Association of China at 20 Chung-shan South Road, Taipei before March 30, 1999. Notification of acceptance will be made by April 15, 1999, and the final paper will be due no later than May 31, 1999. Registration fees will be waived for paper presenters. Other international participants will have to pay a nominal registration fee of US $100.
Contact information for the organizers:
Dr. Ching-chih Chen
Chief Conference Organizer & Program Chair
Professor, GSLIS, Simmons College
300 The Fenway
Boston, MA 02115, USA
Phone: 617-521-2804
FAX: 617-527-3431
E-Mail: [email protected]Dr. Margaret C. Fung
Local Conference Chair
President, Library Association of China
20 Chung-shan South Road
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC 100-01
Phone: (02) 2331 2475
Fax: (02) 2370 0899
E-Mail: [email protected]Please also send a copy of your email to Dr. Chen to: Dr. Diane Tebbetts, E-Mail: [email protected].
10th ASIS SIG/CR, Classification Research Workshop, 31 October 1999, Washington, DC, USA. Call for Participation. Abstract deadline: 5 April 1999. The American Society for Information Science Special Interest Group on Classification Research (ASIS SIG/CR) has issued a call for papers for a one day workshop held in conjunction with the 62nd Annual Meeting of ASIS.
Topics suitable for presentation papers include, but are not limited to:
- Analysis and explication of classification scheme(s)
- Application in information retrieval and expert systems
- Automated document classification
- Automated scheme generation
- Bibliographic classifications in new environments
- Classification algorithms
- Classification structures
- Cognitive representations
- Comparison of classification schemes
- Compatibility across classification schemes
- Concept acquisition
- Data structures for classification schemes
- Image classification
- Interfaces for display of classification schemes
- Knowledge management
- Knowledge representation schemes
- Inheritance and subsumption
- Mathematical techniques for developing semantic classes
- Natural language understanding
- Procedural knowledge in classification schemes
- Programming languages for classification schemes
- Reasoning with classification schemes
- Relations and their properties
- Semantic classes
- Social aspects of classification
- Software for management of classification schemes
- Subject analysis
- Terminology
- Thesaurus construction
- User-based classification strategies
- Warrant for concepts in classification schemes
- Web organization/indexing/metadata
Abstracts will be refereed for acceptance; accepted papers will be published in the preliminary workshop proceedings; and final papers may be published in Advances in Classification Research Vol. 10: Proceedings of the 10th ASIS SIG/CR Classficiation Research Workshop. Please contact the program chair, Hanne Albrechtsen, Royal School of Library and Information Science, Birketinget 6, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark, [email protected] for submission instructions.
Ninth DELOS Workshop on Digital Libraries for Distance Learning, 15 - 17 April 1999, Brno, Czech Republic. Call for papers. Deadline for abstracts is 5 April 1999. The Ninth Workshop of the DELOS Working Group will focus on issues related to Digital Libraries for Distance Learning. It is organized in cooperation with the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities.
Papers are sought that elaborate on both technological and educational issues related to the application of digital library technologies in Distance Learning. Specific case studies and application experiences are especially welcome. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Digital libraries technologies for Distance Learning
- Impact of technology advances on Distance Learning
- Multimedia and networking issues
- Development environments and multimedia authoring tools
- Educational software
- Web training
- Managing educational material: structuring, searching and reuse
- Educational needs and information technology for Distance Learning
- New methods and paradigms in learning and teaching on the net
- Issues in training the trainers
- Different training types in Distance Learning: professional, continuing, etc.
- Distance Learning applications and case studies
Extended abstracts (2 pages) outlining the work or ideas to be presented should be submitted. Descriptions of ongoing work with possible demonstrations are particularly encouraged.
Send abstracts to:
Paul Zezula
[email protected]
Format : plain text or HTML
Before : March 15, 1999Each presentation should provide a publishable project note of not more than five or six pages by April 5, 1999 to be published in the workshop proceedings. The final program with workshop project notes should be completed and available by April 10, 1999. Notification of acceptance will be e-mailed within one week.
The workshop will provide published proceedings as an ERCIM Technical Report.
DELOS will be able to reimburse the costs of one or two researchers per ERCIM institution and a few invited speakers. Participants from outside the DELOS Working Group are invited, but must cover their own expenses (travel and subsistence). There will be no registration fee.
For more information please contact:
Pavel Zezula [email protected]
or Pasquale Savino [email protected].International Graduate Summer School, iGSS 99, Management Session: 19 June - 3 July 1999; Collection Management Session: 1 July - 15 July 1999, Aberystwyth, Wales. iGSS 99 is the 27th International Graduate Summer School in Librarianship and Information Science to be held in Aberystwyth. Its continuing success is due not only to the reputation of the Department of Information and Library Studies and its internationally famous library which together host the School, but to the cooperation and support of the other Schools of Librarianship and Information Science involved in the event:
- Department of Information and Library Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
- School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh
- the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies at McGill University in Montreal
- The School of Librarianship, University of Cape Town
The Electronic Library is the theme of the 1999 school. In addition to the two courses on management and collection management, there are lectures, workshops, and case studies on such topics as copyright, business information resources, resource evaluation, and project management. A three day study tour is also planned.
Please see the full programme which is available at < http://www.dil.aber.ac.uk/IGSS/ >.
Solaris: Information et Communication, Number 6, (a French electronic serial). Call for papers. Deadline: 15 April 1999. Solaris is an annual electronic serial published in France. A call for papers has been issued for the upcoming issue, to be entitled "Norms and Digital Documents: Which Changes?". Manuscripts must be in English or French. Problems that will be explored in the issue include:
- the history of actors involved in the production of norms related to documents (digital or not);
- the political economy of norms, especially the increasing influence of the market;
- the professional practices: rupture or (and) convergence in the digital document processing;
- the communities of users, norms and self-organization;
- the application of new norms and standards:
- "Dublin Core" (DC)
- "Text Encoding Initiative" (TEI)
- "Enconded Archival Description"(EAD)
- "Resource Description Framework" (RDF)
- "Digital Object Identifier" (DOI)
Submission address:
URFIST de Paris/ Ecole des Chartes
17 rue des Bernardins
75005 Paris, FRANCE
Fax: 33 1 56 24 97 33
E-mail: [email protected].Preservation Options in a Digital World: To Film or to Scan, A Workshop on Preservation Microfilming and Digital Imaging of Paper-Based Materials (presented by the Northeast Document Conservation Center), 11 - 13 May 1999, Denver, CO, USA. Limited enrollment. Early registration recommended.. The workshop, which is funded in part by the National Endowment for Humanities and is hosted by the Denver Public Library, will explore two reformatting technologies: preservation microfilming and digital imaging. The similarities and marked differences of the technologies will be compared and evaluated. The faculty will discuss lessons learned from preservation microfilming projects that can be applied to digital imaging projects.
The workshop is designed to train project administrators in institutions to plan, implement, and manage reformatting projects. Instruction will focus on decision making skills. Compliance with national standards and RLG guidelines for preservation microfilming will be emphasized and the "best practice" for digital projects will be discussed. It is not a technician training program. The program teaches skills for:
- planning reformatting projects
- selecting and preparing materials
- microfilm technology
- introductory digital imaging technology
- inspection and quality control
- evaluating digital imaging for preservation
The cost of the workshop is $250. Attendance is limited to 18 participants. For registration information, and information about other workshops, visit NEDCC�s web site at < http://www.nedcc.org. >.
E-lucidate, The Career Development Group National Conference 1999, 14 - 16 May 1999, Leeds, UK. "Rapidly evolving and converging information and communication technologies, combined with national and international policy initiatives, are creating new opportunities for information services across all sectors. For information professionals, working effectively within the networked environment -- by responding flexibly to change, taking the initiative to create new services and products alongside traditional ones, and using technology to forge new relationships with user communities -- means developing new roles, skills and methods, and new partnerships within and between organisations.
"This year's Career Development Group conference brings together a wide range of speakers, all experts in their field, who will put the spotlight on key issues, techniques and initiatives for the electronic library in the academic, public and private sectors as we move into the new century. With a mixture of presentations and workshops, the format of the conference aims to enable delegates to consider current developments from a range of perspectives and to explore those questions and ideas which are of particular relevance to their own professional roles and contexts..."(Philippa Levy, Director of Studies, Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield).
Scheduled speakers for the conference include:
- Friday, May 14
Lorcan Dempsey: A shared network space: some implications for libraries
- Chris Yapp: Librarianship in the new millennium
- Saturday May 15
- Margaret Haines: Building the New Library Network
- Derek Law: Reflecting on eLib: past, present, future
- Sandra Parker: People issues in the electronic library
- Charles Merullo: New service models for digital image provision
- Sunday May 16
- Richard McCracken: The librarian as broadcaster - copyright issues in digital libraries
- Veronica Fraser: Information for health: developing the National Electronic Library for Health
- Rosalind Johnson: An information society for all? European programmes for the digital library
- Chris Batt: New millenium, new library
- Summary and close: Phil Levy
On May 15, delegates may choose two workshops from those below:
- Stephen Pinfield: The hybrid librarian: the impact of the hybrid library on library and information services staff
- Simon Hume: Overview of recent Web developments
- David Miller: Community information networks: what should libraries be doing?
- Eileen Breen: Working together to shape the future of information services provision
- Verity Brack: Catalogues for the future: resource sharing and discovery
- Kelly Russell: Long-term preservation and access issues for digital resources
Please see the conference web site at < http://www.la-hq.org.uk/groups/cdg/conference.html > for more information.
Glasgow Digitisation Summer School 1999, 4 - 9 July 1999, Glasgow, UK. Earlybird registration discount if received by 30 April 1999. Contributed by:
Maria Economou
Humanities Advanced Technology & Information Institute (HATII)
University of GlasgowFollowing the great success of the 1998 Glasgow Digitisation Summer School, The Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII) at the University of Glasgow is pleased to announce the second annual international Digitisation Summer School, 4 - 9 July 1999.
Full information and course details can be found on the HATII web pages at: < http://www.hatii.arts.gla.ac.uk/DigiSS99/ >.
The availability of high-quality digital content is central to improved public access, teaching, and research about heritage information. Archivists, librarians, and museum professionals are among the many groups that are increasingly involved in creating digital resources to improve access and understanding of their collections. Skills in understanding the principles and best practice in the digitisation of primary textual and image resources have broad value. Participants in the course will examine the advantages of developing digital collections of heritage materials, as well as investigate issues involved in creating, curating, and managing access to such collections. The lectures will be supplemented by seminars and practical exercises. In these, participants will apply the practical skills they acquire to the digitisation of an analogue collection which they have selected (print, image, e.g., photographic or slide, music manuscripts, or map). The focus will be on working with primary source material not otherwise available in digital form.
The one-week intensive course will consist of lectures, seminars, lab-based practicals (offering both guided tuition, as well as an opportunity for individual skill development), and visits to the Glasgow University Library and Archive collections. (A full programme can be found at our website.)
Places are limited for the course, so please register early to confirm a place.
Costs, Registration, and Deadlines
Course Fees (including study materials, mid-morning coffee, lunch, and afternoon tea breaks, not including accommodation):
- Advanced booking discounted price before 30 April 1999: �550 sterling.
- Normal price: �600 sterling (applies after 1 May 1999)
- Student price: �400 sterling
Please use the web page to register online at: < http://www.hatii.arts.gla.ac.uk/DigiSS99/ >.
Or contact: Mrs. Ann Law, Email: [email protected].
Fourth International Conference on Information Technology and Journalism, 26 - 29 May 1999, Dubrovnik, Croatia. (This conference will take place immediately after the < Third International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS 3) >, making it convenient for attendence at both conferences should participants who wish to do so). Topics will include:
- Changes in the preparation and production of printed publications
- Consequences of these trends on the education of future journalists
- Web journalism: what should be taken over from �old� journalism
- The most important new skills and know-how
- Information technology and audio visual media
- Review of Web technologies (multimedia, browsers, search engines, protocols, languages, etc.) for preparing interactive journals
- Internet and communication: from mass communication to individual and customized information
- Dynamic documents: how to collect and organize them
- Distance learning -- new ways of education and specialization for journalists
- Changes in curriculum at journalism schools in the world
- Content of new journals
- Structure and organization of new journals
- Layout and creativity in new journals
- How to write and prepare an electronic (interactive, Web) journal
- Education for new journalism
- E-zine editors� meeting
- New jobs (and how to get them) in interactive publishing
Fifteen lecturers from all over the world are expected, as well as forty participants (one half from Croatia, and the rest from the Central European countries and the USA).
For additional information, contact Nenad Prelog, Director, [email protected]; or Coordinators: Jasenka Zajec, [email protected] or Domagoj Bebiae, [email protected].
IV'99, International Conference on Information Visualisation, 14 - 16 July 1999, London, England. There is a growing demand for establishing processes through which data and information can be best captured, archived, shared and explored. Visualisation of data, information and knowledge is at the forefront of these activities and that has led to a convergence in the use of computing among various disciplines. The diversity and complexity of information and its applications has consequently created a domain of erosion of boundaries between information users and information originators. This revolution has in turn created new contexts, needs, and potential for interaction between users and information. Now the core question is, how will humankind tame this boundless potential?
Theme. The theme chosen for this conference is "A Progress from Theory to Practice". Information Visualisation'99 (IV�99) conference aims to focus on the interdisciplinary methods and affiliated research done among various science disciplines, medicine, engineering, media and commerce. This three day event will focus on research and development to meet the demand of today�s "Information Transfer" through the medium of computing, accentuating the linkage that shapes academia and industry with the goal of stimulating views, and providing a forum where researchers and practitioners can discuss the latest developments linked to Information Visualisation.
Scope. The conference will feature application, research and review, poster papers, workshops, keynote lectures, plenary sessions, tutorials, computer animation and digital art shows, reviewing the future state of the art and discussing future directions within the context of Information Visualisation.
Planned symposia include:
- Information Visualisation: Information Visualisation - Knowledge Visualisation - Collaborative Visualisation - Exploratory Visualisation - Human factors.
- Visualisation: Data Visualisation - Scientific Visualisation.
- Fundamentals of Visualisation Techniques: Standards - Graphics Systems - Geometry-based Visualisation - Image-based Visualisation - Volume & Surface Visualisation - Vector & Tensor Topology Interactive Distributed Media - Virtual Environments - Animation techniques - Image Processing - CAGD.
- Visualision Applications: Biomedical Visualisation - Business Visualisation - Visualisation in Engineering & Science - Visualisation in Construction & Architecture - Visualisation in Social Sciences.
- Art & Humanities: Digital Typography - Digital Photography - Computer Animation & Special Effects- Modelling.
- Visualisation Education: Visualisation & Graphics Curriculum - Visual Literacy - Teaching & Learning from Visual Representation - Visualisation Philosophy - Visualisation History - Visualisation in Art & Humanities - Design Application & Visual Thinking.
For more information, please see the conference web site at < http://www.it-link.demon.co.uk/IV99/index.htm >.
INTERACT '99, Seventh IFIP Conference on Human-computer Interaction (Incorporating HCI '99), 30 August - 3 September 1999, Riccarton, Edinburgh, Scotland. This is a major international conference presenting leading-edge research and development in all aspects of interactive computer systems and technology. It will bring together researchers and practitioners in all the fields and disciplines which contribute to Human Computer Interaction, and as the last major HCI conference of the millenium, it will review more than thirty years of the work which shaped the discipline. Although the deadline for papers, tutorials and doctorial consortium submissions has passed, submission of proposals or contributions for panels, workshops, videos, interactive experience, laboratory and organisational overviews, and professional practice and experience will be accepted until May 10, 1999. Please see the conference web site at <http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/i99/> for details about submissions and for registration information.
Pointers in this Column
10th ASIS SIG/CR, Classification Research Workshop, 31 October 1999, Washington, DC, USA. Call for Participation. Abstract deadline: 5 April 1999.
Contact for ASIS SIG/CR
Hanne Albrechtsenmailto:[email protected] 1st IEEE Conference on Standardisation and Innovation in Information Technology, SIIT '99, 15 - 17 September 1999, Aachen, Germany. Call for papers. Deadline is 5 March 1999.
A Framework for Global Electronic Commerce, also known as the "Magaziner Report".
A Strategic Policy Framework for Creating and Preserving Digital Collections, by Neil Beagrie and Daniel Greenstein, Arts and Humanities Data Service Executive.
ACM Hypertext '99, 10th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, 21 - 25 February, Darmstadt, Germany.
AMIA'99 Annual Symposium, Cornerstones for a New Information Management Paradigm, 6 - 10 November 1999, Washington, DC, USA. Call for papers. Deadline for submission is 9 March 1999.
Argus Clearinghouse
California Digital Library (CDL)
Directory of Collections and Services
Computers in Libraries '99, 7 - 11 March 1999, Arlington, VA, USA.
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR)
Digital Preservation Needs and Requirements in RLG Member Institutions
EDUCAUSE '99, Celebrating New Beginnings
http://www.educause.edu/conference/e99/cfp99/tracks.htmlE-lucidate, The Career Development Group National Conference 1999, 14 - 16 May 1999, Leeds, UK.
Environmental Information Project
Fourth International Conference on Information Technology and Journalism, 26 - 29 May 1999, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Contact for Fourth International Conference on Information Technology and Journalism:
Nenad PrelogGlasgow Digitisation Summer School 1999, 4 - 9 July 1999, Glasgow, UK. Earlybird registration discount if received by 30 April 1999.
IEEE Meta-Data'99, The Third IEEE Meta-Data Conference, 6 - 7 April , 1999, Bethesda, MD, USA. Late registration fees apply after 16 March 1999.
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS)
INTERACT '99, Seventh IFIP Conference on Human-computer Interaction (Incorporating HCI '99), 30 August - 3 September 1999, Riccarton, Edinburgh, Scotland.
International Graduate Summer School, iGSS 99, Management Session: 19 June - 3 July 1999; Collection Management Session: 1 July - 15 July 1999, Aberystwyth, Wales.
Internet Library for Librarians
IV'99, International Conference on Information Visualisation, 14 - 16 July 1999, London, England.
KDD-99, ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, 15 - 18 August 1999, San Diego, CA, USA. Call for papers. Abstracts due 1 March 1999.
Librarians Index to the Internet
Librarians' Resource Centre
New Challenges for Scholarly Communication in the Digital Era: Changing Roles and Expectations in the Academic Community, 26 - 27 March 1999, Washington, DC, USA.
Ninth DELOS Workshop on Digital Libraries for Distance Learning, 15 - 17 April 1999, Brno, Czech Republic. Call for papers. Deadline for abstracts is 5 April 1999.
Contact for Ninth DELOS Workshop
Pavel ZezulaNIT '99: The 11th International Conference on New Information Technology, 18 - 20 August 1999, Taipei, Taiwan.
NIT '99 Contacts:
Dr. Ching-chih Chen
and Dr. Margaret C. FungNortheast Document Conservation Center
Open Source Library Systems: Getting Started by Daniel Chudnov, 1999.
[email protected]Open Source Systems for Libraries
Perspectives Online: the electronic newsletter of the American Historical Association.
Preservation Options in a Digital World: To Film or to Scan, A Workshop on Preservation Microfilming and Digital Imaging of Paper-Based Materials, 11 - 13 May 1999, Denver, CO, USA. Limited enrollment. Early registration recommended.
Preserving Digital Information: Final Report and Recommendations
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography,Version 23, 2/1/99, by Charles W. Bailey Jr., Assistant Dean for Systems, University Libraries, University of Houston, Houston, TX.
Solaris: Information et Communication, Number 6, (a French electronic serial), Call for papers. Deadline: 15 April 1999.
The A. R. Zipf Fellowship in Information Management
The Cost of Digital Image Distribution: The Social and Economic Implications of the Production, Distribution and Usage of Image Data, by Howard Besser and Robert Yamashita, University of California, Berkeley, Final report
The Legal and Policy Framework for Global Electronic Commerce: A Progress Report, 5 - 6 March 1999, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA.
Twenty-Seventh Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference, 25 - 27 September 1999. Alexandria, VA, USA. Call for papers. Deadline for abstract submission is 26 March 1999.
Workshop on Intelligent Information Integration, IJCAI-99, 31 July 1999, Stockholm, Sweden. Call for papers. Deadline for submission: 1 March 1999.
Copyright (c) 1999 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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DOI: 10.1045/february99-clips