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D-Lib Magazine
Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access Northeast Document Conservation Center, December 2000, available at no cost online and for purchase in paper format for $38.00. (The online version was funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services.)
The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) announces the on-line availability of its latest publication Handbook for Digital Projects: A Management Tool for Preservation and Access. The new Web resource was funded by a Library Leadership Grant from The Institute for Museum and Library Services. NEDCC receives major funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Handbook was published to meet the needs of libraries and museums, and other collections holding institutions for basic information about planning and managing digital projects. In an effort to make this timely information available at no cost to anyone at anytime, NEDCC has posted the text on its Web site at www.nedcc.org.
For the past five years, NEDCC has explored the complex issues surrounding digital conversion of collections through its nationally successful School for Scanning conferences. Many of the School for Scanning faculty members have contributed to this compilation of experts' experiences and advice. The Handbook covers in detail, such topics as:
The Handbook is also available in hard copy, and ordering information is on the Web site. Also available online and in book form from NEDCC is the third edition of its highly successful Preservation of Library and Archival Materials: A Manual, published in 1999. An updated and expanded version, this book was sponsored by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).
More than 400 pages in length, the manual consists of a series of 51 technical leaflets, divided into six categories:
Impacts of the Internet on Public Library Use: An Analysis of the Current Consumer Market for Library and Internet Services Eleanor Jo Roger, et al., October 2000, a research study by the Urban Libraries Council, funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). 63 pp.
This research study resulted from data obtained during a national random telephone survey of 3,097 adults conducted in the spring of 2000. Available in PDF format at the Urban Libraries Council web site, the study documents how people use the public library and the Internet. The IMLS newsletter, Primary Source, in announcing the availability of the study stated, "The object of the study is to identify how the Internet complements, and competes with, public library use....The research found that 75 percent of Internet users also use public libraries because they feel that each information provider best serves a particular niche."
In the Introduction to the study, the authors write, "The future of the public library will, to a considerable extent, be determined by the consumer market." There are three possible future outcomes for public libraries: 1) the public library may continue to exist but vastly changed; 2) the public library and the Internet may provide complementary services and "peacefully co-exist for the foreseeable future," or 3) the Internet will replace the public library, which will go into a period of decline.
The PDF version of the full report is located at: <http://urbanlibraries.org/pdfs/finalulc.pdf>.
Information Technologies and Social Transformation, National Academy of Engineering; Bruce R. Guile, editor, 184 pages, 6 x 9, 1985. ISBN POD443, $39.00.
From the National Academy Press description:
"This collection of papers by scholars of technology and society, based on a National Academy of Engineering symposium, explores the process of mutual adjustment between information technologies and social institutions. The topics addressed include recent developments and likely futures in information technology, comparison of information technology to historical developments in other technologies, and the interaction of information technology with businesses, homes, property rights in information, and various hierarchies of social organization."
A list of related books may be found at <http://books.nap.edu/books/0309035295/html/related.html>.
Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large Copyright © Walter Crawford.
Walter Crawford, an information architect at the Research Libraries Group (RLG) and, until recently, a columnist for Library Hi Tech has announced the availability of a new, open access experimental digitally-distributed "newsletter" on libraries, technology, media, and "stuff" that he will write and produce. (Please note that the opinions expressed in this new publication do not necessarily reflect those of RLG.)
Crawford describes the newsletter below:
"It's like Crawford's Corner, only fresher (2-3 day lag between final copy and "publication"), bigger (the first edition is 24 print pages, but future editions should be around 12-16 pages), even broader-ranging, and -- unfortunately -- not as well edited. Did I mention that it's free?"
"The December 2000 issue includes an introduction, 6 quick takes on current trends, 3 months of PC Values, 8 "cites" (articles worth reading), 8 articles used as springboards for commentary, 11 snarky discussions of specific products, "the convergence chronicles," and a review watch summarizing 27 review articles in 13 categories...."
"...You will need Acrobat Reader 4, which is freely downloadable (there's a pointer on the cical page); the newsletter is designed for printing."
Cites & Insights: Crawford at Large is available at <http://cical.home.att.net>.
Version 34, Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography, by Charles W. Bailey, Jr., December 1, 2000.
Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Systems, University Libraries, University of Houston, has announced the availability of Version 34 of his periodical bibliography. The selective bibliography presents over 1250 articles, books, electronic documents, and other sources and is focused on scholarly electronic publishing efforts on the Internet and other networks. In the bibliography, Bailey provides links to sources listed, where available. The bibliography is located at: < http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html >. It is available in HTML, PDF, and Word 97 formats.
eSpectra an online news portal for the cultural heritage information management community produced by the Museum Computer Network.
The following is from a December 5, 2000 news release. Point of contact: Michelle Carvin, Museum Computer Network, <[email protected]>.
The Museum Computer Network, the association of museum, library and archive Information Management professionals, is spotlighting, eSpectra, MCN's innovative, online news portal for the cultural heritage information management community. eSpectra can be accessed on MCN's website, <http://www.mcn.edu> or directly at <http://www.mcn.edu/espectra>. The site offers links to pertinent news items and digital resources, resource reviews and links to MCN resources such as the directory of museums and museum-related sites, an events calendar, an archive of past news stories and events, and job postings.
MCN and eSpectra are looking to create a vibrant dialog amongst museum, library and archive professionals with reader's contributions of materials and ideas encouraged. Submission of listings and features is open to all members of the extended information management community, and is not limited to MCN members.
The Museum Computer Network was established in 1972 to help museums worldwide integrate computer technology into their operations and for the betterment of their current and future audiences.
UK Online Citizen Portal December 2000.
UK Online is a new United Kingdom government portal that was created with the aims of "enabling everyone in the UK to gain access to the Internet by 2005 and to make the UK one of the world's leading knowledge economies." It represents a partnership between government, industry, the voluntary sector, trades unions and consumer groups, and has been planned as a key part of the UK online initiative. It is currently in the testing stage and the site's creators seek feedback from those who visit and use the site.
UK Online is located at <http://www.ukonline.gov.uk>.
Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information, December 1, 2000, edition, by Marian Dworaczek, Head, Acquisitions Department, and Head, Technical Services Division, University of Saskatchewan Libraries.
The Introduction to this resource describes it as follows:
"The Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information" and the accompanying "Electronic Sources of Information: A Bibliography" deal with all aspects of electronic publishing and include print and non-print materials, periodical articles, monographs and individual chapters in collected works. Over 1,329 items were identified and indexed in great detail for this project. Thousands of URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) were added to various entries. Both the Index and the Bibliography are continuously updated."
"The Subject Index to Literature on Electronic Sources of Information" is located at <http://library.usask.ca/~dworacze/SUB_INT.HTM">.
Deadline Reminders
IFLA International Conference, Section on Education and Training, 16 - 25 August 2001, Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Call for papers. The deadline for submission is 31 December 2000. For more information, please see <http://www.ifla.org/VII/rt7/conf/call01.htm>.
EDUCAUSE 2001: An EDU Odyssey, 28 - 31 October 2001, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Call for preconference seminar proposals. The deadline for submission is 31 December 2000. For more information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/conference/e2001/csp.html>.
Annual Conference of the Mid-America American Studies Association, 20 - 21 April 2001, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Call for papers. The deadline for submission is 3 January 2001. Please send inquiries about this Call for Papers to Wayne A. Wiegand: <[email protected]>.
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-34), 3 - 6 January 2001, Outrigger Wailea Resort Maui, Hawaii, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.hicss.hawaii.edu>.
8th International Conference on Database Theory: ICDT 2001, 4 - 6 January 2001, London, United Kingdom. For more information, please see <http://www.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/icdt2001>.
XML Europe 2001, 21 - 25 May 2001, Berlin, Germany. Call for participation. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 5 January 2001. For more information, please see <http://www.xmleurope.com/>.
SAINT-2001: The 2001 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 8 - 12 January 2001, San Diego, California, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/%7emliu/saint>.
Equal Access to Software and Information (EASI) Workshop: Barrier-Free Web Design, 8 - 29 January 2001, a distance-learning course offered online. For more information, please see <http://www.rit.edu/~easi/workshop.htm>.
The First ACM+IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 24 - 28 June 2001, Roanoke, Virginia, USA. Call for papers. The deadline for submission is 9 January 2001. For more information, please see <http://www.jcdl.org>.
Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) 2001 Conference: Reconsidering Library and Information Science Education, 9 - 12 January 2001, Washington, D.C., USA. For more information, please see <http://www.alise.org/nondiscuss/conference_main.html>.
3rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), 7 - 10 July 2001, Setúbal, Portugal. Call for participation. Proposals for tutorials, workshops and exhibitions are due 31 December 2000. The deadline for proposals for papers is 25 January 2001. For more information, please see <http://www.iceis.org/call_for_papers.htm>.
The First International Workshop on New Developments in Digital Libraries , 6 - 7 July 2001, Setúbal, Portugal. Call for papers. The deadline for submission of papers for this workshop is 10 January 2001. For more information, please see <http://www.iceis.org/workshops/nddl/nddl-cfp.htm>.
Measuring Public Library Network Services: Practical Techniques Workshop, 14 January 2001, Rosslyn, Virginia, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.ii.fsu.edu/workshop.html>.
ETD 2001, the Fourth International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations 22 - 24 March 2001, Pasadena, California, USA. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 15 January 2001. For more information, please see <http://library.caltech.edu/etd/CallforPapers.htm>.
The Joint International Conference of the Association for Computers and the Humanities and the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, 13 - 17 June 2001, New York, New York, USA. Call for papers. The deadline for posters and demonstrations, only, is 15 January 2001. The deadline for paper proposals has passed. For more information, please see <http://www.nyu.edu/its/humanities/ach_allc2001/main.html>.
CAIS 2001 - 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science - Beyond the Web: Technologies, Knowledge and People, 27 - 29 May 2001, Quebec, Canada. Call for papers. The deadline for submission is 15 January 2001. For more information, please see <http://www.fims.uwo.ca/cais/caiscfpe.htm>.
Information Online 2001 - Digital Dancing: New Steps, New Partners, 16 - 18 January 2001, Sydney, Australia. For more information, please see <http://www.csu.edu.au/special/online2001>.
Open Meeting of the Open Archives Initiative 23 January 2001, Washington, D.C., USA. See below for more information.
Online Northwest 2001 - Eighteenth Annual Conference: Promoting Innovation and Technology in Libraries, 26 January 2001, Portland, Oregon, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.ous.edu/onlinenw>.
National Learning Infrastructure Initiative (NLII) Annual Meeting, 28 - 30 January 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. For more information, please see <http://www.educause.edu/nlii/meetings/orleans2001>.
SIGIR 2001 - The 24th Annual International Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 7 - 12 September 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. Call for papers. The deadline for paper submissions is 29 January 2001. For more information, please see <http://www2.sis.pitt.edu/~sigir01/index.html>.
Open 2001: BOBCATSSS Symposium, 29 - 31 January 2001, Vilnius, Lithuania. For more information, please see <http://www.stud.hio.no/~bobcats/index.html>.
Calls for Participation
27th International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST) Conference: IASSIST/IFDO 2001 14 - 19 May 2001 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Call for proposals. The deadline for submission is 22 January 2001.
IASSIST/IFDO conferences bring together data professionals, data producers, providers, and users from all around the world, who are engaged in the creation, acquisition, processing, maintenance, distribution, preservation, and use of numeric social science data for research and instruction. This year's conference emphasizes the need for cooperation on technical and organizational matters and, of course, on contents.
The conference themes address specific topics on collaboration and shared experiences. Proposals in the following areas are sought:
For more information, please see the IASSIST conference web site at: <http://www.niwi.knaw.nl/us/ia2001/home.htm>.
10th Pacific Science Inter-Congress 1 - 6 June 2001, Tumon, Guam. Call for papers. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 1 February 2001.
The theme of this scientific conference is integration of the natural and social sciences in the new Pacific millennium. Presentations are sought under 17 broad topics that reflect the cross disciplinary nature of this conference:
For more information, please see the conference web site at <http://www.10psicguam.org/>.
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Leadership Grants for Libraries Call for participation. The deadline for grant application is 1 February 2001.
The Institute of Museum and Library Services will be accepting grant applications in the following categories:
Applications should be for grant periods of two years, with some three-year grants possible if the application has strong justification for the third year. Grant amounts may be between $15,000. - $500,000.
Please see the IMLS web site for more information about these grant opportunities. <http://www.imls.gov/grants/library/lib_nlgl.asp>.
Computing Arts: Digital Resources for Research in the Humanities 2001 26 - 28 September 2001, Sydney, Australia. Call for papers. The deadline for submission is 16 February 2001.
Computing Arts 2001 intends to attract the reporting of relevant work in a broad range of fields, including archaeology, art history, history, languages and linguistics, literary studies, music, and performing arts, as well as work detailing techniques and issues associated with the creation and use of digital texts, databases, images, sound, video and digital mapping.
Suggested topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
For complete information, please see the DRRH web site at <http://setis.library.usyd.edu.au/drrh2001/>.
Hypertext 2001 - The 12th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia: Transforming Information, Entertainment, and Culture 14 - 18 August 2001, Arhus, Denmark. Call for participation. The submission deadline is 16 February 2001.
International Hypertext conferences bring together scholars, researchers, and practitioners from a diverse array of disciplines -- including computing, literature, law, art, medicine, business, journalism, philosophy, psychology, and engineering -- to consider the form, role, and impact of hypertext and hypermedia. Hypertext 2001 will continue to provide a forum where attendees can exchange and discuss ideas on hypermedia, as well as its design and use in a variety of domains, while also considering the transformative power of hypermedia and its ability to potentially alter the way we read, write, argue, work, exchange information, or entertain ourselves.
A call for participation for the Hypertext 2001 conference has been issued to designers and users of hypermedia applications and professionals in academia, business, entertainment, and industry who are involved with all aspects of hypermedia, ranging from navigational aids, time, and infrastructures to digital libraries, interactive literature, virtual and augmented reality environments, gaming, human-computer interaction, software engineering, computer-supported collaborative work, and the World Wide Web. A particular focus of this conference will be on papers dealing with experiences and evaluation of hypertexts. Formats for presentation include papers, panels and technical briefings, short papers and posters, demonstrations, exhibits, courses, workshops, and a doctoral consortium.
Please see the conference web site for more information at: <http://www.ht01.org>.
VLDB 2001: 27th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases 11 - 14 September 2001, Roma, Italy. Call for papers. The submission deadline for abstracts is 19 February 2001.
VLDB is a major international conference on database technology for vendors, practitioners, application developers, and users. Submissions reporting original results on all aspects of data management as well as proposals for panels, tutorials, demonstrations, and exhibits that will present the most critical issues and views on practical leading-edge database technology, applications, and techniques are being sought. Also sought are proposals for events and workshops that may take place at the Conference site before or after VLDB 2001.
Suggested topics for submissions cover a broad range, including the new challenges for global data management posed by digital libraries, electronic commerce, internet and intranet services, wireless data access, world-wide and mobile data services, ubiquitous and continuous operations, knowledge management, data warehouses and mining, data semantics, large-scale data distribution, global optimization and interoperability.
For more information, please see the VLDB 2001 web site at <http://www.dia.uniroma3.it/vldb2001/>.
KDD-2001: The 7th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 26 - 29 August 2001, San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA. Call for papers. The submission deadline for abstracts is 26 February 2001.
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) techniques automate the process of extracting knowledge from data. The annual ACM SIGKDD conference brings together researchers and practitioners focusing on new developments and challenges in KDD brought about by this data explosion.
Papers are being sought for the KDD 2001 conference on the following topics or other topics related to those listed below:
Please see the KDD-2001 conference web site for more information: <http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/kdd2001/>.
ECDL 2001: 5th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 4 - 8 September 2001, Darmstadt, Germany. Call for papers. The deadline for submission for all proposals is 1 April 2001.
ECDL is the 5th in the annual European Digital Libraries conferences. This conference will provide a good opportunity to review the impact Digital Libraries have on science, technology, and society in general. In this perspective, the conference will emphasize applications of Digital Library systems and their integration in the user communities. Future perspectives, such as the convergence of libraries, museums, and archives into Collective Memories, will also be discussed.
The scientific program includes:
For more information, please see the ECDL Conference web site at <http://www.ecdl2001.org/>.
CIMI-MCN 2001 - Real Life: Virtual Experiences, New Connections for Museum Visitors 24 - 27 October 2001, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Call for papers. The submission deadline is 30 April 2001.
The goal of this conference is to create environments through workshops, plenary sessions and roundtables, where participants can engage each other and learn methodologies they can take home to their own museums. It�s a chance to learn what is possible and how it can be done. The event will be organized around several tracks that will focus intensively on one of the aspects of applying technology to enhance visitors� experiences.
Papers are sought on the following topics:
For more information, please see the CIMI-MCN web site at: <http://www.mcn.edu/mcn2001/index.htm>.
Goings On
Open Meeting of the Open Archives Initiative 23 January 2001, Washington, D.C., USA. There is no fee to attend this meeting, but space is limited and early registration is encouraged.
The Open Archives Initiative (http://www.openarchives.org) (OAI) develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. An Open Meeting to make public the release of the specifications of the initial OAI interoperability architecture will be held on January 23 at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC. The goal of this interoperability architecture is to provide an easy way for data providers to expose their metadata and for service providers to access that metadata and use it as input to value-added services. A key component of the interoperability architecture is the use of the Dublin Core element set as the required resource discovery vocabulary.
Complete information on the meeting and a registration form (registration is required) is available at <http://www.openarchives.org/DC2001/OpenMeeting.html>.
Any further questions can be mailed to <[email protected]>.
Arts and Humanities Online one-day seminars held on various dates and locations. Please see description for details.
The Arts and Humanities Online seminars are organised by the Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS) and the Resource Discovery Network (RDN), and are funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and the Arts and Humanities Research Board (AHRB), with the support of the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) and the following JISC-funded services: the Humbul Humanities Hub, the Resource Guide for the Arts and Humanities, EDINA, and MIMAS. The seminars are aimed at "subject librarians; IT subject specialists; departmental IT representatives; staff development officers; and all those with responsibility for the promotion and provision of online resources in the Arts and Humanities within their institution."
The seminars are structured to introduce attendees to the full range of nationally funded resources and services available online for the Arts and Humanities. Each seminar will provide:
The dates and locations of the next three seminars are:
For further details, please see the web site at: <http://www.humbul.ac.uk/events> or contact Jenny Newman, Humbul Humanities Hub. <[email protected]>.
American Association for History and Computing Annual Meeting 1 - 3 February 2001, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.
"The American Association for History and Computing (AAHC) is dedicated to the reasonable and productive marriage of history and computer technology. To support and promote these goals, the AAHC sponsors a number of activities, including an annual meeting, an electronic journal -- the Journal of the American Association for History and Computing (JAHC), a continuing publication series, and a variety of summer workshops." The annual meeting for 2001 will have as its theme: "Moving Clio into the New Millennium: Interaction, Visualization, Digitization, and Collaboration."
Attendence at the meeting may require membership, but a regular annual membership is only $30.00.
A PDF file of the conference program is located at <http://www.theaahc.org/aahc2001preprogram.pdf>
For more information, please see the AAHC web site at: <http://www.theaahc.org/>.
ASIS Summit 2001: Practicing Information Architecture 2 - 4 February 2001, San Francisco, California, USA.
"Practicing Information Architecture" is the second in the ASIS&T-sponsored series of conferences for information architecture professionals. The upcoming conference will feature:
Early registration closes on December 29, 2000. For more information, please see the conference web site at: <http://www.asis.org/Conferences/Summit2001/>.
WSCG'2001: The 9th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 5 - 9 February 2001, Plzen, Czech Republic.
WSCG events started in 1992 as the Winter School of Computer Graphics. Participants met in the period when the Czechoslovakia was to split to two countries in January of the following year. The second event was held in January 19 - 20, 1994, at the University of West Bohemia in Plzen with participation from attendees from other countries. In 1994 the decision was made to hold the WSCG event as a regular event at which the West and East experts can meet. The title was changed to WSCG - The International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics and Visualization with English as the official language.
Selected papers from the conference will be published within: Computers & Graphics (Pergamon Press), Journal of Visualisation and Computer Animation (John Wiley & Sons), The Visual Computer (Springer Verlag), Machine Graphics and Vision (Poland), The High Performance Computer Graphics (U.K.) and others.
Please see the conference web site for more information: <http://wscg.zcu.cz/wscg2001/wscg2001.htm>.
The R&D Management 2001 Conference 7 - 9 February 2001, Wellington, New Zealand.
Private and public investments in Research and Development support improvements in competitive advantage and increases in economic and social well being. To secure these benefits a new emphasis is being placed on strategies for: generating and accessing knowledge; developing individual creativity and entrepreneurial potential; and enhancing the innovative capabilities of organisations, countries and regions. This conference focuses on how these strategies can be pursued by leveraging research and technology by exploring topics such as:
and many other related topics.
Please see the conference web site at: <http://www.vuw.ac.nz/RDMgmt2001/> for more information.
EduTex Regional Conference 21 - 23 February 2001, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
This EDUCAUSE conference plans to feature practical, "how-to" sessions, a management and leadership focus, and region-specific issues. Corporate and higher education participants will present information on new developments in technology and software. Presentations are organized under the general headings of eLearning; Infrastructure; Management Skills; and Technology and Applications. A conference program may be found at <http://www.educause.edu/conference/edutex/2001/program.html>.
For more information, please see the conference web site at: <http://www.educause.edu/conference/edutex/2001/>.
Public Library Association (PLA) Spring Symposium 1 - 3 March 2001, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Five programs will be offered during the symposium.
For more information, please see the PLA web site: <http://www.pla.org/spring01.html>.
ACM1: Beyond Cyberspace, A Journey of Many Directions 10 - 14 March 2001, San Jose, California, USA.
"The ACM1 Conference features a series of more than a dozen plenary sessions running from Monday through Wednesday. Each speaker is considered a "keynoter," focusing on a different field (information technology, security, medicine, culture, life and social sciences, education, etc.) and exploring the ways in which computing is affecting the state-of-the-art in that field."
The conference aims to create a unique opportunity to discover, discuss and debate the future of IT with some of the most inspiring leaders and visionaries in the industry. ACM1 is planned to be a practical and philosophical exploration of the future of IT on many fronts including telecommunications, security, culture, medicine, life and social sciences and education.
For more information, please see the ACM1 web site at: <http://www.acm.org/acm1/index.html>.
Computers in Libraries 2001 14 - 16 March 2001, Washington, D.C., USA.
This conference will feature presentations from experts, practitioners, and strategists from the information industry. There will be several program tracks in which attendees can participate: IP Strategies; e-Roles and e-Learning; Models or Monsters; Design and Management; Intranet Librarians; iContent; Wireless; Structures and Tools; Knowledge Management; Content Management; Tools and Techniques; and Navigating the Net. Also planned for the conference are three dynamic keynotes, pre- and post-conference workshops, and a Wednesday evening program. Computers in Libraries caters to all interests and all levels of knowledge and provides many networking opportunities.
For more information, please see the conference web site at: <http://www.infotoday.com/cil2001/>.
Museums and the Web 2001 14 - 17 March 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA.
The preliminary program for Museums and the Web 2001 is now online.
Featuring speakers from 26 countries, the MW2001 program highlights innovations in cultural heritage web design from all types of museums and galleries. Speakers were selected by an international Program Committee from hundreds of submitted proposals, and MW2001 has something for all members of the cultural heritage community.
Early registration ends 23 December 2000.
Full details about the Museums and the Web 2001 conference, abstracts of all papers and biographies of the presenters are online at: <http://www.archimuse.com/mw2001/>.
ACRLX - 10th National Conference: Crossing the Divide 15 - 18 March 2001, Denver, Colorado, USA.
The theme of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) conference "Crossing the Divide" is symbolic of moving between millennia, and facing a variety of crossroads in librarianship. The conference will address issues facing librarians today, including values, partnerships, advocacy, collections, information literacy, leadership and management, distance/distributed education, and user services.
The conference program is now online at the ACRL web site, and registration is open. Earlybird registration fees are available until 8 January 2001.
For more information, please see the conference web site at: <http://www.ala.org/acrl/denver.html>.
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DOI: 10.1045/december2000-clips