July 1998 SMETE Workshop Attendee Statements

This page is complete. The last update to this page was done on July 27, 1998.

Tryg Ager, IBM Almaden Research Center

Lead of Digital Library Pilots and Prototypes projects at Almaden Research Center. Recent projects include University Journal Libraries, Integration of Automated Library Systems with Digital Library, Country-wide Digital Library Systems, and Digital Libraries for training and analysis for DoD.

Prior to joining IBM in 1994, Tryg was a consultant for the Institute for Defense Analysis and helped plan and implement world-wide multimedia networking for the DoD Dependents Schools.

From 1978 to 1994, Tryg was Senior Research Scientist at the Institute for Mathematical Studies in the Social Sciences at Stanford University, working on many projects to create, test, and disseminate programs for computer-based instruction in logic and mathematics.

Alice Agogino, University of California at Berkeley
PI for the NEEDS (National Engineering Education Delivery System) multimedia digital library of engineering courseware. Research interests include intelligent learning systems, information retrieval and data mining, multiobjective and strategic product design, nonlinear optimization, probabilistic modeling, intelligent control and manufacturing, graphics, multimedia and computer-aided design, design databases, artificial intelligence and decision and expert systems.

William Y. Arms, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
My academic background is in mathematics and computer science. After many years in university computing at Dartmouth and Carnegie Mellon, I have recently concentrated on digital libraries and electronic publishing, both implementation and research.

Dan Atkins, University of Michigan
My formal training is in electrical engineering and computer science. My research began in high-performance computer architecture and has evolved into a socio-technical approach to the architecture of collaborative knowledge work environments. This includes sponsored research and development on digital libraries and collaboratories. I have served as associate dean and later Dean of Engineering at Michigan and in 1992 accepted the opportunity to create the new interdisciplinary graduate School of Information at the University of Michigan. I am also forming a new Alliance for Community Technology jointly with the W. K. Kellogg Foundation. The goal of the Alliance is to broker initiatives between philanthropy, academia, and community-based organizations to explore the application of information and collaboration technology to help individuals and communities help themselves.

Nelson Baker, Georgia Tech
The research activities of Dr. Baker include intelligent learning environments such as intelligent tutors, microworlds, and web-based simulations and assistants for allowing students to engage learning in new ways. This research is followed with careful observation and study to assess the student performance using these tools in order to better provide technology related assistance that positively impacts the students. One of the activities is the use of the World Wide Web for sharing information such as a problem generator and his four years of tracking student performance in learning engineering material. Dr. Baker is also the virtual librarian for civil engineering on the World Wide Web and maintains a site of civil engineering activities of many educational, industrial, and government sites that have given him permission to be included (http://www.ce.gatech.edu/WWW-CE/home.html). Dr. Baker is taking the results from his research and the results from many other educators, and leading the faculty development activities for SUCCEED at Georgia Tech. Dr. Baker also is leading the efforts for an industry donated building for sustainable education. The construction of the building is being captured and archived via the web for later educational purposes (http://seb.ce.gatech.edu).

Robert V. Blystone, Trinity University
1. I teach Developmental Biology, Microanatomy, and Biological Visualization. I coordinate the second of three core undergraduate biology lab courses: title - organismal physiology. From time to time I teach in the Cell and Molecular Biology course. 2. I am very involved in three dimensional digital reconstruction of tissues and embryos from serial sections. 3. With Rick Cooper of the Trinity Mathematics department I am very involved in developing derivable data bases. The goal is to give undergraduates a strong quantitative experience through analysis of visual images and physiological data. We hope to make these data bases available on the WEB to a wide audience.

Gregory D. Bothun, University of Oregon
My principle area of research is Observational Astrophysics. As a result of the visual nature of the data, I was among the first to move to WEB based courses, the integration of research into teaching, and the use of network as a means for performing public outreach. This effort started in February 1994 and today has blossomed into a visible WWW server that sees about 50,000 accesses a day.

I have written extensively about the use of Instructional Technology in the classroom and have developed a robust set of JAVA applets to make the whole enterprise more interactive. I have been engaged in Distance Education over the Internet for the last 2.5 years and have recently assessed that activity.

I have extensively lobbied the NSF about the need for a National Center for Electronic Curriulum Development and am therefore pleased to see this workshop arise where these kinds of issues can be discussed.

In my spare time I serve as UNIX System Administrator and am active in various aspects of campus networking. My online CV can be found here

Lillian N. (Boots) Cassel, National Science Foundation
A program director at NSF in the area of computing education for undergraduates, I am also on the committee considering the library project. I have interest in digital libraries as an aspect of computing research and development and am a professor of computer science in real life (before/after the NSF rotation). I have served as the Chair of the ACM Special Interest Group in Computer Science Education and am deeply interested in resources for supporting improvements in postsecondary education.

Sally Chapman, Barnard College
I am a physical chemist, interested in understanding the dynamics of molecular collisions. My research is mostly computational, using classical and semiclassical methods. I spend a lot of my time teaching, both lecture and laboratory courses in general, physical, and analytical chemistry. I am a member of the ACS Committee on Professional Training, which focuses primarily on undergraduate programs in chemistry. I know nothing about digital libraries.

Dr. Ching-chih Chen, Simmons College
I am Professor of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, and have been promoting the concept of "Global Digital Library" for many years. I am very interested in all areas related to the development and research on digital libraries. I am interested in Internet use for smaller non-I2 universities and colleges, as well as Internet use in education (including undergraduate) and libraries. I am a member of the Presidential Adv. Comm. on High Performance Computing and Communications, Information Technology, and Next Generation Internet. I have been contacted by many who are not with I2 institutions on the future use of Internet.

Norman Chonacky, The Evergreen State College
I am a member of the Resource Faculty and am engaged primarily in developing and participating in projects which connect Teaching Faculty and students to learning resources outside the college. These projects help Evergreen fulfill it canonical commitment to bridge theory and practice and its methodological commitment to collaborative, inquiry-based, interdisciplinary learning. Because I am a physicist my work has been with the sciences. My latest project - electronically bringing the science research resources of a National Laboratory into the undergraduate programs of a consortium of colleges and universities - has among its goals creating and using digital libraries of experimental data and other science research resources. For this reason I have become interested in all of the issues surrounding the design and use of digital libraries for undergraduate education and am delighted to be participating in this workshop.

Carol Christian, Space Telescope Science Institute
I direct the Office of Public Outreach at the Space Telescope Science Institute. This office is the primary source of public information and curriculum support materials from Hubble Space Telescope. My background is Astrophysics, with a specialty in studies of stellar populations and the chemical composition of stellar populations. My current research areas are in experimental methods using emerging technologies as applied to instructional multimedia resources. In addition to my position as Head of the Office of Public Outreach for the Hubble Space Telescope, I am the chair of a working group to implement a scheme for archiving/cataloging/indexing Educational Resources from NASA's Office of Space Science. This group hopes to keep apprised and perhaps interface with NSF efforts in this direction.

John V. Clevenger, Truckee Meadows Community College

Professor of Chemistry at Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC), Reno, NV.

I am also Director of the Nevada Teaching & Research - Enhancement & Collaboration (TREC) Program, an NSF (EPSCoR) funded project linking research institutions and community colleges. (http://www.physics.unlv.edu/nv_epscor/trec/TREC.html)

Until recently, I was also Director of the University and Community College System of Nevada (UCCSN) Eisenhower Professional Development Program; the U.S. Department of Education program which links postsecondary education with K-12 education. (http://www.nsn.k12.nv.us/nvdoe/scied/herfp/)

These three activities reflect my interests in chemistry (and all science) education in all types of institutions and the benefits of collaborative efforts between faculty in these institutions.

I have participated in the On-Line Chemical Education Conferences (http://www.physics.unlv.edu/nv_epscor/trec/conference-clevenger.html) and use a variety of computer data acquisition, processing, and internet/web-based materials in my chemistry courses.

For the focus of this workshop, I would probably be best described as an eager, potential library user.

Melanie M. Cooper, Clemson University
My interests lie in the areas of curriculum development for chemistry lecture and laboratories and incorporation of active learning techniques into the curriculum. I have also developed multimedia software for chemistry laboratory courses.

Dr. Brian P. Coppola, The University of Michigan
I think that students can benefit from access to digital library materials because of the creativity that can be brought to the materials that they can then produce. The challenge is comparable to the use of any new medium. The medium always carries unique attributes than can be under-exploited (as in using the web to display text like it was a book) unless the unique features are fully integrated into student generated work. My interest is in understanding the DL medium well enough to design curriculum pieces that exploit its capabilities for students.

Claire Cornell, University of Iowa
I am very interested in funding that supports undergraduate education. This includes any type of infrastructure building efforts (e.g., library services) that help to make education easier. I also work on graduate student support grants and on funding that affords minority students with access to undergraduate or graduate education.

Gregory Crane, Tufts University
Crane has a long-standing interest in the relationship between the humanities and rapidly developing digital technology. He began this side of his work as a graduate student at Harvard when the Classics Department purchased its first TLG authors on magnetic tape in the summer of 1982. He developed a Unix-based full text retrieval system for the TLG that was widely used in North America and Europe in the middle 1980s. He also helped establish a typesetting consortium to facilitate scholarly publishing. Since 1985 he has been engaged in planning and development of the Perseus Project, which he directs as the Editor-in-Chief. Besides supervising the Perseus Project as a whole, he has been primarily responsible for the development of the morphological analysis system which provides many of the links within the Perseus database.

Patricia A. Cunniff, Prince George's Community College
I am a physical chemist by training and have taught in my discipline and directed several national interdisciplinary science and technology projects under NSF funding. I believe that a digital library will provide for improved organization, dissemination, and usage of SMET curriculum materials.

Ben Domenico, Unidata
The Unidata Program Center (UPC) offers software and services that enable universities to acquire and use atmospheric and related data on their own computers, often in real time. The UPC's software and services are available to any US college or university at no cost. Member institutions provide their own computers, network connections, human resources, and other requirements for participation, including access fees for certain data. The Unidata home page is located at http://www.unidata.ucar.edu.

Dave Douglass, Pasadena City College
I am a community college geoscience instructor trained in geology, and teaching courses in geology, oceanography, environmental science, earth systems, and critical thinking. I am interested in on-line access and use of digital information by first and second year college students.

Jason Edington, California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo
I am a student, transferring to Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo in the fall. My major is Mathematics, Minoring in Public Administration. My interests are in Mathematics Education, Educational Policy, and Physics. I plan to be a Math teacher at the Community College level, and, after some time, enter into Educational Policy. I am a devoted husband and father of two wonderful children: Ryan, age 5, and Liana, age 9 months.

Wade Ellis, Jr., West Valley College
I am a mathematics instructor at West Valley College, a community college in California. I have co-authored books on the use of Computer Algebra Systems (CASs)in teaching and learning mathematics and also a second wave calculus reform textbook. I frequently give workshops on the possible impact CASs (both desktop and handheld) may have on the content and pedagogy of mathematics courses in the first two years of college. Digital libraries offer an opportunity for the quick and easy dissemination of new course materials for parts of courses and for entire courses. I am currently trying to create a useful Internet version of a successful Maple tutorial book.

My concerns are:

  • How can I use new material others have produced when the notation and emphasis are somewhat different from what I think my students need?
  • How can we develop a standard notation for mathematical formulas so that I can easily change the text others have produced to fit my needs?
  • How can we assure that multimedia materials will continue to run on a variety of computer platforms?

Kenneth E. Foote, University of Texas at Austin
Over the past six years I have been working on a number of NSF-sponsored projects to build Web-based instructional materials in geography. The most recent project, the Virtual Geography Department Project, is an attempt to create a discipline-wide clearinghouse within the Web for faculty to share course materials. This project, and my work on some separate digital library projects, have led to my interest in expanding the notion of a digital library to include the cataloging, indexing, and cultivation of educational resources in the Web. The point is to use the Web to coordinate the development and facilitate the dissemination of high-quality instructional materials within the entire discipline of geography, both nationally and internationally.

Edward A. Fox, VPI&SU (Virginia Tech)

Director, Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (Dept. of Ed.)

PI (with 2 others), Computer Science Teaching Center (NSF, ACM Ed. Board)

PI (with 1 other), Curriculum Resources in Interactive Multimedia (NSF)

At Virginia Tech: Director, Digital Library Research Laboratory and Professor, Computer Science

Researcher active in digital libraries, information retrieval, multimedia, as well as applications to graduate education and education in CS

Robert G. Fuller, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Worked with Dean Zollman, Kansas State Univ. to create a large physics database for high school physics teachers, Physics InfoMall CD-ROM, every physics teachers CD-ROM toolkit. I am now experimenting with using the InfoMall instead of a textbook to try teaching a complete course in physics without using paper...i.e. electronic assignments, electronic homework, electronic hour exams, etc. So far, it is much more difficult that using paper.

Ladnor Geissinger, University of North Carolina
I am a mathematician and for the past decade or more I have been very interested in the uses of computers for learning mathematics and science. From 1989 to 1998 I was the director of mathematics projects at the Institute for Academic Technology, operated by the Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At the IAT I managed several software development projects. The first built a mathematics expression editor for PC's. We also developed a computer algebra system called MathKit, and several frontends for it. One of these is the Toolkit for Interactive Mathematics which we built for, and is sold by, the IBM K-12 group. Another is Mathwright (whose chief architect is James White) which provides an authoring platform for writing and using interactive mathematics texts and experiments. For the past three years we have had an NSF grant to develop the web site called Mathwright Library, an online library of interactive workbooks. In conjunction with an NSF grant to a consortium of colleges, we will soon start a new electronic journal, building a web library of interactive math modules for learning, with editorial board oversight and peer-reviewing of modules.

Forouzan Golshani, Arizona State University
Professor of Computer Science; extensive work in multimedia information systems, digital image and video processing, and mobile computing and communication.

Mario J. Gonzalez, The University of Texas System
The provision of digital library services is a major initiative within The University of Texas System and is overseen by my office. Information regarding how others are using digital library services to support undergraduate engineering education will be valuable to our efforts.

Judith Gradwohl, Smithsonian Institution
I direct the Smithsonian Without Walls program, which combines the best qualities of a visit to a museum with the communications tools of online technologies. The prototype for the first project, Revealing Things, is available at http://www.si.edu/revealingthings. I was trained as a biologist, and have extensive experience in informal science and environmental education and curating exhibitions.

Peter S. Graham, Rutgers University
Particular interests: educational access by undergraduates; and long-term accessibility of digital information, including issues surrounding archiving: choice, consortial agreements, migration through technology changes, and integrity and authenticity ("intellectual preservation").

Kurt Gramoll, University of Oklahoma
My technical background is in aerospace structures and composite materials but over the last 4-5 years I have concentrated on developing and implementing electronic media into engineering education. I have published various CD-based courseware for engineers, high school students, and practicing engineers, including Statics and Dynamics (Addison Wesley Interactive), Astronomy and Aerospace Engineering (NASA/JPL) and Finite Element training (MacNeal-Schwendler). Recently, I have been working on distance learning using the Web that includes collaborative design studios, on-demand-lectures, self grading quizzes, and graphical web-boards. Other work includes using the Internet to do actual engineering design in a web browser using VRML and Java.

William H. Graves, COLLEGIS Research Institute
William H. Graves is president of the nonprofit COLLEGIS Research Institute and senior vice president and member of the Board of Directors of COLLEGIS, a higher education information technology service company. Graves came to his present position from thirty years experience at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as professor, chief information officer, and founder/director of the Institute for Academic Technology. He has been a member of the Board of Directors of CAUSE and is currently a member of the EDUCAUSE Board. Graves chairs the planning committee for EDUCAUSE's National Learning Infrastructure Initiative and also serves on the steering committees for the Instructional Management Systems (IMS) Cooperative and the Coalition for Networked Information. He served on the steering committee for the Internet2 Project and helped organize the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development (UCAID). Graves has served as a consultant for many institutions as they plan a role for information technology services in shaping their future, has delivered over 350 invited presentations on campuses and at conferences, and has published over forty articles. He earned his Ph.D. in mathematics at Indiana University.

Steve Griffin, COLLEGIS
Improving distributed learning technical infrastructure
Facilitating adoption of technology in organizations
Tool and content development

Joseph A. Heim, University of Washington

1. I teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the Industrial Engineering department: Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, Simulation, Scheduling and Inventory and Integrated Product Development. My research and development work is almost exclusively computer and software based focusing on coordination of complex collaborative tasks using distributed simulation models.

2. We recently received funding from NSF to develop an Electronic Forum for Design and Manufacturing Education. The primary purpose of this project is to develop an online community of industry and university people interested in improving/pooling the resources available to faculty teaching undergraduate engineering students and expanding the participation of business in engineering education. This web-based system will provide a database of case studies and teaching materials, moderated discussion groups producing white papers, online workshops and asynchronous conferences. Our current emphasis is organizing the results of the TRP funding in manufacturing and education.

Warren Hein, American Association of Physics Teachers
AAPT has recently set up a Web site -The Physical Sciences Resource Center (PSRC)(www.psrc-online.org) which has some elements of the digitial library initiative. I am interested in learning more about what is needed to make this a useful site, as well as how this site could become part of a larger network of similar sites dedicated to sharing educational resources for teachers at all levels K-16.

William C. Jennings, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Interested and active in the development and implementation of:

  • Studio format for engineering education
  • Multimedia educational materials for circuits and electronics
  • Interactive distance learning models
  • Professional Master's Programs
  • Information Technology Programs

J.A. Kampmeier, University of Rochester
A good chemistry curriculum for undergraduates should teach students how to use a research library. This is best accomplished if the "library teaching" is integrated into the chemistry teaching in ways that are immediately useful to the students.

Professor Lawrence J. Kaplan, Williams College
As was stated in the report of the Steering Committe, I too am not clear exactly who the potential customers would be for Digital National Library. I assume that a national library that would benefit the educational community if it could help spread the word of successful as well as unsuccessful projects at curricular innovations. On another level, however, simply keeping the educational community up-to-date with what is happening in the various science courses at other institutions could be of great benefit and help. Rapid access to resources such as syllabi and lecture demonstrations could provide a significant improvement over the two methods now used: talking with colleagues or surfing the web.

John Kappelman, University of Texas at Austin
I am a professor of anthropology at UT and focus on studies of ape and human evolution. In addition to field studies (http://www.dla.utexas.edu/depts/anthro/kappelman/sinapmain.html), much of my research concerns skeletal biology and biomechanics. I have developed three dimensional data sets of living and fossil primates using 3-D laser scanners (http://www.dla.utexas.edu/depts/anthro/kappelman/kapp.html) and high resolution X ray computed tomography (http://www.ctlab.geo.utexas.edu) , and these are the sorts of materials that can now be archived to a national digital library for wide dissemination among instructors and students. These materials also form the basis for a series of virtual multimedia laboratories used for teaching physical anthropology ("Virtual Laboratories for Physical Anthropology." CD ROM, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1998. There is a free demo available at: http://anthropology.wadsworth.com/toplinks/cddemo.html). I am now working on building program templates for delivering virtual multimedia examinations for computer-based evaluations (NSF DUE-9752326).

James H. Keller, Harvard Information Infrastructure Project
Mr. Keller is the Associate Director and a Research Associate at the Harvard Information Infrastructure Project. His research interests include policy and business issues in the commercialization of the Internet and the federal role in information infrastructure development. He currently has several research efforts underway. These include a study of the impact of the Internet on the Internet on communications policy. He is also participating in a project for the W.K. Kellogg foundation on policy issues in the development of the digital library. He recently completed a project for National Science Foundation exploring new models in which to transition core Internet institutions and administrative functions from NSF subsidy to stable, self-sustaining, internationally-based systems (Coordinating the Internet, Kahin and Keller, MIT Press, 1997). He also recently completed a study of the federal role in commercial technology development, focusing on the Clinton/Gore technology initiatives (Investing in Innovation, Branscomb and Keller, MIT Press, 1998).

Randy Knight, California Polytechnic State University
I'm the author of a "reform" textbook in introductory physics. As such, I'm both a producer and an extensive user of science education literature. I'm especially interested in developing mechanisms by which new curricular ideas can be made known and available to a wider audience.

Deborah L. Knox, The College of New Jersey
Deborah Knox is a principal investigator of the Computer Science Teaching Center (CSTC), an internet-based repository of peer reviewed reusable teaching resources for CS educators. Its development is supported by the NSF, the ACM Education Board, The College of New Jersey, the University of Illinois at Springfield, and Virginia Tech. She developed and serves as editor of the SIGCSE Computing Laboratory Repository, which provides foundational work for the CSTC. She is an invited feature columnist in the quarterly ACM SIGCSE Bulletin (Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education). She has led and participated in a number of working groups on laboratory materials for computer science curriculum and is an active participant at the annual SIGCSE Technical Symposium and the SIGCSE/SIGCUE Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education Conference.

Robert Kozma, SRI International

Dr. Kozmaļæ½s research expertise includes educational technology research and theory, the evaluation of technology-based education reform, and the design of advanced interactive multimedia systems. Dr. Kozma has recently directed projects that evaluate a national virtual high school project, evaluate an international project to connect high schools in Africa and South America to the Internet, evaluate the impact of technology-based reform in undergraduate chemistry, and develop technology to support collaborative distance learning.

Prior to coming to SRI as the Director of the Center for Technology in Learning, Dr. Kozma was an Associate Professor and Assistant Dean at the School of Education, a Research Scientist at the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching, and Director of the Program on Learning, Teaching, and Technology at the National Center for Research to Improve Postsecondary Learning and Teaching, all at The University of Michigan. His research focuses on media theory, policy issues related to educational technology, the impact of technology on cognition, and the application of advanced technology to improve teaching and learning, particularly in undergraduate chemistry. He started his career as an elementary mathematics teacher in the inner city of Detroit. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Education Office for Educational Research and Improvement, the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, the Office of Naval Research, the World Bank, and the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment.

Dr. Kozma has authored or co-authored more than forty articles, chapters, encyclopedia entries, and books and his work has appeared in such publications as the Review of Educational Research, Cognition and Instruction, Annual Review of Psychology, Journal of Higher Education, Education and Urban Society, Journal for Research in Science Teaching, Journal of Research on Computing in Education, Computers in Human Behavior, Academic Computing Composition, Educational Technology Research and Development, and the International Encyclopedia of Education. He has given more than 75 presentations and invited addresses at national and international conferences. He has also designed several advanced multimedia and hypermedia educational software packages.

Robert L. Lichter, The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
As a foundation director who deals with these issues, I'm interested in having access to a searchable database of reform efforts in science, math and engineering education. This can be useful also for those who are planning projects and to proposal reviewers who need to know the unique character of proposed efforts.

Marcia C. Linn, University of California at Berkeley
Linn investigtates technology as a learning partner for science. Her interests include programming, middle school science, equity, and conceptual development.

Joan K. Lippincott, Coalition for Networked Information
I have worked on many issues related to digital libraries and networked information through my position at the Coalition for Networked Information. One of our projects, New Learning Communities, emphasized collaborative development of courses, collaborative learning, use of the Internet, and information literacy in higher education curricula.

Lynda Byrd Logan, Prince George's Community College
My professional interests lie in providing optimum access to information to facilitate teaching and learning. My personal interest lies in reading and rereading Jane Austen's novels and letters.

Roxanne Baxter Mendrinos, Foothill College
I am Library Systems Administrator at Foothill College. Our Online Library Web page(s) include the catalog, Instructional Web resources, Internet tools and full-text databases. As PI for an NSF Grant on Image Processing, Remote Sensing and GIS, I am in charge of the website which includes the virtual classroom template, image file archive, curriculum modules and many internet resources to these technologies.

Susan Millar, University of Wisconsin, Madison
As the director of an evaluation research center that works primarily with postsecondary SMET reform efforts, I interact with the "movers and shakers" in the faculty, and thus have some understanding of the kinds of resources they need in order to move forward with their vision for improving SMET education. I have been working with Elaine Seymour and the National Institute for Science Education's College Level One team on the Field-tested Learning Assessment Guide (FLAG) for SME&T Faculty, a website designed to provide some of the resources for which these faculty have expressed a need. Elaine and I look forward to describing this resource and exploring ways in which it might be improved and integrated with other digital resources planned by the NSF.

Joseph Monroe, North Carolina A&T State University
As a Computer Scientist, I'm interested in learning about digital library technology, and I'm interested in learning how they can benefit undergraduate education in computer science.

Beth Montelone, Kansas State University
I am a geneticist and molecular biologist and have been involved with the GENE Project, an effort to bring hands-on genetics into secondary science education. The GENE Project materials are being disseminated by means of a web site. In addition, I have played a leadership role in the restructuring of our introductory biology course into an interactive "studio" format featuring active learning with computer and wet-lab exercises.

Lang Moore, Duke University
My colleague, David Smith, and I have been working on interactive materials for mathematics for ten years -- since the beginning of the Calculus Reform Movement. In recent years, we have been developing materials for courses beyond calculus -- linear algebra, differential equations, and engineering mathematics. Currently we are creating a web site of modular materials with an HTML discussion and instruction page and an associated computer algebra system worksheet for student exploration and reporting. This effort involves faculty at several schools besides Duke and is part of a larger effort -- The Connected Curriculum Project -- that is creating web-based materials for mathematics and for other disciplines that use mathematics.

Jan Olsen, Wells College

As Director of the Mann Library at Cornell University, I was responsible for the development of a large, working, multi-genres digital library. To this end, my research areas have been concerned with the design of a digital library, evaluating the efficacy of information in digital form for learning, what constitutes information literacy, and the long-term retention of scholarly, digital information with particular concern for the maintenance of its integrity and its effective access.

As Vice President at Wells College, I am concerned with the application of technology in undergraduate education and with ensuring an appropriate campus-wide infrastructure to support it.

Charles M. Patton
I have been actively involved in technology in education, especially math education, since 1982 when I left academics to design calculators and other handheld devices for Hewlett-Packard. Along the way, I have been involved in a number of NSF-funded projects, including a "calculus reform" project with my co-author, T.P.Dick, resulting in a technology-aware calculus text published by PWS. In the last five years or so, I have been investigating the technological, business, pedagogical, and organizational aspects of electronic delivery of teaching materials. This has included establishing several "wireless classrooms" in Oregon (see http://www.earthsea.org/lab/ptFAQ.html), an "intranet server" in an elementary school (see http://www.willag.lane.edu: 8080/), jawboning publishers, and, now that I am an independent consultant, jawboning technology companies including Texas Instruments, Hewlett-Packard, and others.

Scott Plous, Wesleyan University
I am a social psychologist with research interests in prejudice and discrimination, decision making, and the psychology of animal use. I am also the founder and webmaster of Social Psychology Network, which is the largest Internet site on social psychology. Social Psychology Network currently has more than 3,500 searchable links to psychology-related resources, and has received more than 1/2 million page accesses since it was launched in February of 1996.

Mark Resmer, Sonoma State University
I am the director of the EDUCOM/NLII Instructional Management Systems project. This project is developing open standards for on-line learning, and includes such areas as learning object meta-data, profiles, content and management system behavior, and interfaces to external systems, including e-commerce, library systems etc. I am also the CIO at one of the campuses of the California State University system, and deeply involved in systemwide strategy for use of technology to support and enhance learning.

Our perspective is that digital libraries in the undergraduate curriculum may well contain not only reference information but active learning resources in future. This workshop appears to be a good place in which to explore and refine that vision.

Brian Roberts, The University of Texas at Austin
My interest in digital libraries stems from my current administrative responsibility for oversight of information technology for the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas. In addition, I sit on the university's Information Technology Coordinating Council, the campus-wide planning and policy committee for information technology at The University of Texas.

Harry Roy, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Development of computer assisted learning modules deliverable over the World Wide Web.

Carol Scheftic, California Polytechnic State University
I joined the Cal Poly faculty in September 1997. Before that, I held a variety of positions that combined education, technology, mathematics, publishing, and marketing research. I have taught at every level from elementary school through post-graduate professional education, using tools such as: electronic communications, computer algebra systems, computer assisted instruction, expert systems & intelligent tutoring systems, video & interactive video, audio and film. I got my first Internet (then ARPAnet) account in 1979.

I find myself continually returning to certain issues, such as:

  • How does the introduction of a new technology alter the fundamental nature of a particular course?
  • Since teachers tend to teach as they were taught, how do they later learn to use new teaching techniques and technologies?
  • If machines can compute answers, what do students need to learn?
  • In software used for instruction, how does the design of the interface affect students' learning of the subject matter content?

Elaine Seymour, The University of Colorado, Boulder
My research unit undertakes both research and evaluation projects in the fields of higher education in the sciences and in medical sociology. Our interest in digital libraries arises from observations of the needs of SMET faculty as part of our evaluation of two (NSF-funded) chemistry consortia for the teaching of undergraduate chemistry, and from a new project for the Sloan Foundation on faculty evaluation of asynchronous learning systems.

Richard J. Shakarchi, The Ohio State University
My scholarly interests lay in social psychology, with an emphasis on social cognition. I am also involved with introducing technology into social scientific inquiry, primarily as a tool for research and experimentation.

Mark Sheffield, Kansas State University
I am a senior in biology at Kansas State University. I have been working in a molecular biology lab here for the last two years and I plan to study molecular biology in graduate school.

James H. Stith, American Institute of Physics
I am a former professor of physics at the Ohio State University where I did research in the teaching and learning of physics. My current duties which directly relate to the workshop include my oversight of the publication of three magazines, the History of Physics Center (which includes the Neils Bohr Library), the Public Information Division, and the Education Division.

Eric W. van Ammers, Wageningen Agricultural University

A. Our society develops into one where continuing education will be the rule rather than the exception. Such a 'competention driven education' asks for very flexible course material that is easily accessible. This in turn implies (IMHO) modularization and digital libraries coupled to internet.

B. In academic circles, the work of instructors does not get the appreciation it should. Educational material is not rated at the same level as research papers. Consequently, researchers have no tendency to expose their work in the form of educational material.

In this workshop I will explore the idea of a repository of educational material that is refereed by international experts thus achieving the same level of recognition as a scientific publication in a technical journal.

Frank Wattenberg, National Science Foundation
On leave from the Mathematics Department, Montana State University

One of the Project Directors for The Connected Curriculum Project. http://www.math.montana.edu/~frankw/ccp/home.htm

Gabriele Wienhausen, University of California , San Diego
Our research is focused on (1) how to promote "meaningful learning" in college science teaching, i.e., how to achieve that students store more information in a memorable, readily usable fashion, and (2) how to facilitate the development of effective problem solving skills. Specifically, we investigate what role interactive, computer-based multimedia packages can play and how effective they are as a tool to facilitate the understanding of complex biological/scientific processes and concepts. We study the impact of a systematic, computer-based representation of a scientific topic on a student's learning and recall of that topic. To accomplish our goals, we develop multimedia modules which are being used as tools to improve science teaching in the laboratory setting and to integrate the process of scientific research and education. These modules have been designed on the premise that a deep understanding of biological and biomedical systems and processes depends on a meaningful inclusion of related knowledge from all the sciences. Our innovative methods of instruction address the dramatic changes in the pace of scientific learning exemplified in areas such as molecular biology or structural biochemistry. Scientific results are superseded quickly, and it is mandatory that students are familiarized with the know-how of information acquisition and its effective use. Students are taught that concepts and knowledge have to be applied across scientific disciplines. A key thesis of our research is that interactive, computer-based multimedia packages provide a potent vehicle for addressing many of the previously listed problems. We believe that the flexibility of multimedia, computer-based instructional systems allows for the provision of information in a way that more closely resembles the way research scientists think and acquire new knowledge; typically, both intellectual processes occur in a non-linear, interdisciplinary fashion where new pieces of information are fitted into an existing framework of knowledge.

Bonnie Wilson, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
I am a professional librarian, earning my MLS while employed by the MITRE Corporation. After three years as the Broad Agency Announcement(BAA) Coordinator for the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's Information Technology Office, I joined CNRI in February of this year as a Digital Library Specialist. I am particularly interested in how traditional library collection management principles may be adapted for use in digital libraries.

Jack M. Wilson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Professor of Physics and Engineering Science. Interested in Educational Physics, Computational Physics, and Information Technology
Founder and first President of ILINC Corporation (www.ilinc.com).
I chaired the NRC study of the Digital Library.

Donald J. Wink, University of Illinois at Chicago
I am involved in interdisciplinary curriculum development centered on chemistry, particularly first-year college chemistry. I am also the (outgoing) chair of the UIC Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, which covers the entire spectrum of university instruction. Part of our work concerns questions of the interface of teaching and technology.

Kate Wittenberg, Columbia University Press
Kate Wittenberg is interested in developing models of self-sustaining, web-based, scholarly publications designed for research and education. She is particularly interested in the issues of copyright and intellectual property, licensing and pricing models for libraries, peer-review, and interdisciplinary scholarship in an online environment. In her work at Columbia University Press she is exploring these issues through the development of several online publications. They will provide models for ways in which digital technology can be used to create new educational and research resources that can be sustained on a cost-recovery business model.

Wayne Wolf, Princeton University
My interests are two-fold. I have done research in multimedia libraries, including image search, video analysis, and Internet caching. I am also interested in engineering from a historical perspective; for example, I am teaching a freshman course this fall which studies the history and technology of both radio and the Internet.

Lee L. Zia, University of New Hampshire
I have long been interested in using computer tools to enable student learning in mathematics, particularly differential equations and linear algebra. While the tools themselves have seen great advances in their functionality and performance, what still lags behind is the development of effective "learningware" that effectively integrates specific learning goals (content and process) with innovative application of the tool(s) at hand. Ideally, there should also be a vehicle for sharing and accessing such resources.

Dean Zollman, Kansas State University
Dean Zollman has over 20 years experience working on the use of technology for teaching science and on providing materials to physics teachers. He is co-author of six videodiscs for physics teaching, was the director of software development for the Physics InfoMall database. At present Professor Zollman is leading two projects to combine visualization techniques with traditional instruction for the teaching of quantum mechanics.

The SMETE-Lib web pages and mailing list are hosted by D-Lib with support from NSF's Division of Undergraduate Education.

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Last revised: July 27, 1998